(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me! by illimin (BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me! Ladies and gentlemen, witness th

This was unscientific and unfair! First, this turned into another BL after all and second, 4000 points! And this with Leon! Leon! Another student! No, Eric saw a pattern.

No, please no. Eric didn't want to be very intimate with all of his students. Triple fuck off.

"Come teacher, fulfil your mission," with another snap, Eric landed on a cosy bed with Leon next to him. 

Don't look at him! Don't look at him! Eric chanted in his head and instantly turned his back to Leon and crawled under the blanket. Eric had no idea how Leon's brain worked. Del was understanding but if Leon wanted to do this and that... No! Eric's chastity!

"L-Leon, you won't really lady a hand on your teacher, right?"


This small 'Oh' gave Eric hope before it was violently crushed by this S!

"I forgot. I should stop calling you teacher. In this story, I'm the villain and you're the pitiful hero. So, I guess Eric it is?"

Hearing his name from his student's mouth, Eric suddenly felt it was very lewd.

In an instant, Eric threw all dirty thoughts away and became a pious monk. Screw all of this! Why is it, that since Eric teleported to the Demon World, he became such a lewd and NSFW character?

Why? He swore he wasn't his kind of person before! And no, it wasn't some case of 'his true nature was lurking deep inside of him and only now did it come out!' Eric had never been that much interested in sex and all that horny stuff. 

Yeah, he cast an eye or two on good-looking women but he never had the urge to throw himself on them like his other, very successful peers did. Although Eric could have any woman in the world, he wasn't in for the pleasure world.

He didn't think with his dick. Wit- No way, could Eric be actually gay? Secretly without knowing? After all, he never felt any urges toward women- but, not men either.

But now- Eric did cast a glance at smirking Leon and almost drooled. Fuck, that was on earth! C-Could it be, E-Eric was actually not into humans but fucking demons? What the fuck was this? This couldn't be categorised into conventional known drawers! No! This wasn't a matter of him being gay, bi or straight! It was a matter of him being s-species conscious? No, into another species?

Fuck, what should such a fucked preference be called? But wait demons had human appearances, but Eric came across many handsome men and never felt this way as he did towards these demons! Fuck, was Eric really a hoe for demons? Into demons? There was something charming about demons that attracted Eric? This must be it. Eric never got it up for another human, in other words, he was still a virgin.

Shit, Eric was devastated! He just created a whole new category for sexuality in general! Damn it, what should this be called then? What should Eric do with his life then? Fuck, should he then just stay in the Demmon World and have his merry time with demons? 

Fuck no! Eric wanted to go back to earth but on earth, there was no romance waiting for him. No! The same went for the Demon World! Demons were no romantic creatures! They were all horny seductive bastards! And Eric gradually realised he was very attracted to them.

At the very moment, Eric had enlightenment. Yes, Eric realised his true sexuality. Demons.

No, he was demonay. Yes, he was gay for demons. Fuck. He wasn't straight, not even human straight but demons straight as well. Eric's life was over. He was the most hard-core form of ideal type preference. If he ever had to be interviewed again and this cursed question about 'Who's your ideal type?' came again, fuck, Eric could just straight out say 'handsome, ripped, demons! Pure demons!'

And it wasn't even untrue! It was fully the truth and even kept all fangirls and fanboys away!

Eric's life just hit a bumpy road and glided on black wings. Yes, Eric was gay for demons. Fuck.

"Eric?" Leon's lazy voice brought Eric back from his enlightenment and only now did Eric realise how intense Leon was staring at him and Eric, now admitting his demonay, felt anticipation. BUT!

Here came the big but! Eric was still into romance! Single person and not several sex partners! But Eric wasn't dating anyone so... he... he had to get it over with Leon! And Leon suited Eric's taste so Eric shouldn't feel weird about it. Fuck! Eric still didn't want to admit he was demonay! No, he was straight as a pole!

Both poles were attracted to each other! No, this made no sense at all. At this point, Eric was just digging his own grave further wasn't he?

"Leon, can we establish rules?" Eric wanted to gain some sympathy from this unfilial student wanting to defile his pure teacher and letting him gain this devastating enlightenment!

"What rule?" Leon was all ears but the way he smiled already told Eric it was all futile. Leon wasn't going to listen nor accept what Eric proposed. Eric knew it but still tried, "You know, how the TT system works right?"

"Of course, I created it."

"Then... let's only do touching. 0.1points, ok?"

"This was what the Demon Lord did? So meticulous... wouldn't it be faster to just do it 40 times?"

ARGH COUGH COUGH COUGH! Eric was mentally dying and his face froze, "Pardon?"

"Don't you want to leave quickly?"

Yes, but not at the expense of my ass!

"B-But I-I'm inexperienced so," fuck don't make me say things like this!

"And I don't like to experience it. I-I'm not into my back... getting destroyed..."

Eric actually wanted to say he wasn't into men but since this night he couldn't lie. Although he lied the stars into bright daylight, for some reason he didn't want to lie about this. Because he realised he was very much into men and now didn't want men, pardon, demons, to misunderstand, and Leon was very good-looking and so was Del and Fil and all the others, but this didn't mean Eric wanted to be banged by them.

But... well, if there was a chance to get to know each other better to see if they were compatible to d-d-date... fuck. Why was Eric so abashed? He used to be the ultra alpha male and now he was a fucking maiden in heat, almost lusting over these demons.

Leon continued to toast Eric as he laid on his sides and propped his head with his elbow. But now, Leon also went further! His hand! Was travelling inside the blanket and wanted to undress Eric!

Eric felt like he was two-no, was it three-timing? First, Del was horny, then Eric did all sorts with Fil, before it was Del again and now he was about to explore pleasure land with Leon!

Eric wasn't this type of wanton person! And he definitely didn't want his ass railed although he was demonay. It's like every other person just because you are straight, doesn't mean you want to be banged by every person of the opposite sex!

Eric looked at Leon who now unbuttoned Eric's shirt and moved to the pants. Froze! Eric froze completely! Leon's fingers were very soft, like cotton or naughty velvet it flooded over Eric's skin.

Shivering like a dog trying to dry itself, Eric tried to move away but Leon, to prevent it, pressed a very sensitive spot on Eric's body, causing Eric to become limp with teary eyes pitifully looking at Leon. This time Leon froze. His fingers stopped over Eric's stomach and his eyes showed slight surprise.

Leon actually only wanted to toy with Eric, who knew once Eric had such an expression, Leon's heart burnt with unknown desire. Of course, as a demon, Leon had to satisfy his hunger once in a while but because of his lazy nature, Leon only half-hearted let others ride him.

But now he really wanted to drive this human up to the wall and defile him.

Leon never really had an interest in Eric. It was only the change in Nol's, his best friend's behaviour, that made Leon pay more attention to Eric. Nol, who always admired Eric, suddenly came back from earth and cursed Eric to death, then when Eric came, Nol showed awful hostility towards this human but all of a sudden, who knew what happened, Nol didn't even confide in Leon, Nol started to wag his tail like a pathetic and overly clingy puppy at Eric.

Leon and everyone else were naturally confused. So, Leon wanted to know just what did Eric do and what about Eric was so great that Nol, the great first prince, was reduced to a pitiful blob of fluff. But now, Leon saw just how intriguing Eric was.

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