(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

The most shitty plot twist that no one at all saw coming

"Del?'' Eric asked again but when he got no answer he became increasingly alarmed. Del's strength was still so mighty that Eric had a hard time freeing himself even when Del passed out.

Eric had no idea what happened. All he knew was that Del came to protect him, then noises appeared and finally the bright light vanished. When Eric dared to peek, the corpses were gone but Del became unresponsive and this made Eric panic. What on earth could force Del into submission? Were they in danger?

With how powerless Eric was, he wasn't able to protect himself much less Del. What should he do? But then-

"You seem confused, teacher," a voice out of nowhere appeared but when Eric looked back at the altar, he saw Leon sitting there.


Was Leon strong enough to make Del lose consciousness? Although Eric freed himself from Del's embrace, he still held onto Del in fear Del might fall.

At this sight, Leon only smiled, paired with his laziness, it honestly made him only more attractive. Yet Eric was confused, "Help me with Del''."

Leon appeared so suddenly on the altar. What was his role? Why was he here and why... Why did it seem like Leon was the bad guy? Wasn't Del the villain?

Leon saw his teacher's confusion and his smile only deepened. He sat on the stone altar with no intentions to move or help, "Just put him down. He'll soon wake up."

"Did you do that?" Eric gently leaned Del against the altar and looked at Leon.

Although Eric was suspicious, since Eric was a trained face-changer he let Leon catch none of it through his impeccable acting, but something felt wrong with Leon.

However, Eric has rarely interacted with Leon but from what he knew Leon wasn't a bad person, so was this the story's doing? Did Leon get possessed by the story?

Eric only felt weirder and weirder seeing Leon and a sense of urgency and danger rose. Eric forcefully swallowed it down. He couldn't let Loen detect any of it.

"You're really caring towards him, aren't you teacher?" Leon yawned and leaned backwards.

It was obvious how unbothered he was.

Look at this lazy, sponge soaking up all of Eric's confusion without trying to explain anything! System!

"Host, please wait for the plot to unfold itself."

"Now, you're going to be useless as well, huh?"

Let the plot unfold by itself. Great. Eric stared at Leon who didn't answer. It was only when a good 1000 minutes of awkwardness and silence passed that Leon slightly moved.

He now sat straight and his eyes amused with a hint of a dangerous glint looked at Eric, "He's about to wake up, you best be careful."

"Wha-" but the next second-


Eric almost saw his life flash before him.

He had no idea what was going on. Just as Leon's words faded, Del shut up and his arms reached out to Eric. But no, it wasn't a 'Come here lemme hug you because the 10 minutes I passed out was too heart-breaking without you' no, it was a fully obvious 'if I catch you, you're dead.'

Yes, Del was about to kill Eric! His hands barely grazed Eric's neck and it was enough for Eric to realise- 

Del wanted to strangle him!

"Del? What's going on?" out of breath Eric cried out as Del was chasing after him in this room oozing with killing intent and blood lust. 

Del... Del really wanted to kill Eric? Suddenly, Eric's sight turned blurry. No, he wasn't hurt by this. It was obvious that silly Del, horny Del, dotting Del was being manipulated by the story! There was no other explanation! Del would never hurt Eric! Except in bed.

Eric was exhausted, he couldn't use magic and maniac Del wanted to murder him in cold blood. Running around Eric cocked his head at Leon who lazily watched him. 

What the fuck are you sitting there leisurely for? Fuck, don't you see your teacher is about to die, come and help- 

before, another realisation hit Eric, was... this Leon's doing?

"Leon stop Del!" once Eric's words echoed in the room, Leon made a surprised 'Oh' expression before an evil grin spread on his handsome face.

"Are you sure?"

What do you mean am I sure? Do you not see this damned killing machine behind me? Obviously, something was wrong with him!


"Well, it was your choice."

Stop talking so ominously and just do it!


With a snap of his finger, Del disappeared. Eric fell to the ground and rang for air. Leon made no move to explain nor help Eric. Slowly Eric sat up and then walked to Loen, "Where's Del?"

"Back in the Demon World."

"What? Then me too! Me too!" 

Seeing the adorable expression on Eric's face as he looked up to Leon grabbing the altar, Leon's lips curled up, "But you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because the story's not finished yet."

That- That was true! No! Eric's mission! The villain who actually turned evil disappeared!

Without Del, the TT mission failed! Eric won't be able to go back! Now, Eric got angry, "What did you do that for? Without the villain...I-I'm stuck here!"

"I did ask you to rethink and you told me to do it."

"I meant to stop Del and not teleport him back to the Demon World! What should I do now?"

Leon sighed. Eric's frustration looked so gullible in Leon's eyes.

"Teacher, you haven't figured it out?"

"What?" annoyed Eric didn't bother about his facade.

"The Demon Lord isn't the real villain. He was only brainwashed to think he was the real villain."

"Then..." it took Eric a while to figure it out but when he did, he stepped away from Leon with shocked eyes, "You... Leon, you are the real-"

"Yes, teacher," all laziness evaporated from Leon's face as he jumped off the altar and smilingly approached Eric.

Leon looked very good like this.

His green eyes curved and shone beautifully in this dim light. His little dimples next to his lips were seen for the first time and gave him a warm aura.

But all Eric felt from Leon was coldness and danger. Yes, Leon's appearance and his personality were deadly. It felt like he was skinning Eric alive but because he seemed so charismatic all of sudden and was so handsome, Eric didn't mind it at all.

Yes, Leon had a certain charm to him. It was even a bit twisted but irresistible, yet Eric withstood the attraction and backed away from Leon.

He had to stomach this revelation. If Leon was the real villain, then all points-

"Yes host, you need to achieve 2000 points with the true villain. Right now, your points are 0."

"Damn, you knew he was the real one, didn't you?"

"No, the system was fooled as well."

So this was the real plot. The fucking real plot took a damn dark twist and Leon even dared to deceive Del?

He wrote Del as the fake villain while he was the real one but lied to Del and withheld such a fucking plot twist? Yes! Plot twist because Leon's next words caused Eric to scowl and a major headache to form.

"Teacher said my story's too boring, so I decided to add a dark twist. Teacher, do you like it?'' 

By now Leon has pushed Eric against the wall with no escape routes.

"You have to defeat me with that particular system."

"So, it's part of what you rewrote?"

"Of course, I wrote it specifically for you," Leon's eye smile was very attractive but also very scary. Eric's body was numb. What would Leon do to him? For some reason, Leon seemed like a merciless S!

"Instead of a normal isekai hero story like it originally was with a boring Happy Ending, I decided to make the MC watch his friends die and despair just when they reach this dungeon. The mastermind caused this. The MC has to fight his way out of this hell where the villain, a necromancer is, but of course, MC dies and-

Leon paused before flashing Eric a very brilliant and beautiful smile, yet his eyes were so cold, "A regressor. This means, MC returns back in time but whatever choice he takes, it all leads to this same fate. MC has to go through a lot of suffering before he defeats the villain and curse."

Fuck, what the hell was with this dark shit? It was Eric's fault after all!

"But you're spared from this fate. I made a deal with the system. Since the system wants to see you suffer, it agreed."

Fuck, this crooked thing!

"You have to please me now. I've decided to write two versions. The first one I just told you about and the second one is BL, the BL ending depends on how well you do... with me."

Eric wanted to die! Die! Die! Why the fuck did you do something this unnecessary! I'd rather do the first version than the TT second one!

"Host, 2000 points have been upgraded to 4000 points. To leave the story accumulate 4000 points."


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