(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

I want to sign up for the afterlife please

Blood. There was so much blood. Blood everywhere. Eric hadn't seen so much blood even during his time in the Slasherman story but now this iron, nauseating smell almost made him want to tear out his heart to stop witnessing this suffering.

Who'd do such a thing? Why would they do it? What was all of this? 

Eric's whole body trembled and even with the comfort of Del, Eric wasn't able to calm down. All his mind could focuse on, were the three mutilated corpses. It wasn't the first time Eric's seen death, he even experienced it a few times in the Slasherman story, but it was the fact that he knew and might've even liked the victims or because the brutality was too shocking, Eric's mentality almost suffered another collapse.

Wasn't this... wasn't this supposed to be a lighthearted story about MC going on his journey with his friends to become a good and kind person from his scum being, be loved by everyone and live happily ever after with his friends? So, where the hell did this dark shit come from?

Was... was it a result of Eric's feedback? No, Leon wouldn't write something like this. Then did Eric perhaps make a mistake? Was it his presence, his actions, anything he did that led to this outcome?

"Eric..." Del softly mumbled seeing Eric shaking in horror. He sought to ease Eric's mind but didn't know how. Physical activities didn't soothe emotional humans as it did for demons. What should Del do to make Eric feel better?

"Host, please stabilise your mentality. Follow the plot," the robotic voice of the system suddenly appeared. This shocked Eric even more, but of course, the system was only a piece of AI. How could it understand human emotions?

Since Eric didn't answer and even seemed to ignore it, the system continued, "Host. This is only a story. Please do not get too emotional."

Eric got angry. Why did this system seem to care about Eric all of a sudden? Follow the plot? What was Eric to do? Not mourn his friends or indifferently step over their bodies to do who knows what?

And what did it mean by its only story? Even though Eric was a two-faced scum, it didn't mean he didn't have integrity left. He was a scum to authors only and perfectly fine to everyone else! So, even if Eric hated authors and these stupid stories, these characters were all living in their own universe.

Perfectly fine and normal. Why the hell shouldn't he treat them as real people? Eric was frustrated. He might be a scum but he also had emotions and feelings. And when someone died, he couldn't just 'get over it', and not be shocked or sad.

"Shut up," so, in the end, this was all that Eric said before he turned to Del, "Let me down."

Del was obviously reluctant but didn't dare to go against Eric and did what he said. Eric was in a fragile state, so all Del could do was watch over Eric and protect him while Eric needed time. 

Eric stepped to the corpses. Although only parts of their faces were left intact, they were clearly Dan, Tani and Eclair.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. Rest in peace," Eric whispered before he turned to the mouth of the stone face.

The three corpses were floating in from there, so obviously someone was controlling them. The mouth was still parted and didn't shut, did this mean another surprise was waiting for them? The dark hole, daunting and suffocating gave Eric no clue. So, Eric approached it, inspecting it closer. Del was immediately alarmed and swiftly ran next to Eric. In case anything happened Del was there to protect Eric.

However, Eric brushed off Del's presence and was now right in front of the mouth, it was tall enough for Eric to fit through without needing to bend. Yet, Eric didn't actually enter it. He didn't risk it. Instead, he remained a short distance away from it and cautiously put his hand through.

Nothing happened. Eric retracted his hand and tried to use his magic but he was still unable to do so. Eric was at a loss. The system said he had to follow the plot. Did he need to go through this mouth and head to the unknown? Was this really the right way?

There was a faint draft coming from the mouth. Did this lead to the exit? But then Eric turned to the three corpses again. There must be a reason why the corpses were brought here, right in front of Eric's eyes. If the person wanted to lure them into the mouth, it would've simply opened it, tempting Eric and Del to move forward. But instead, this devastating sight appeared.

To Del's relief, Eric walked back to the corpses and abandoned the dangerous idea of exploring the insides of the mouth. The only mouth Eric could explore was naturally Del's. 

The dark path of the mouth did give Del a slightly weird feeling but it definitely wasn't something that even threatened Del. Meaning Del could easily defeat what waited in store for them, but because of Eric's current state, Del was rather worried.

Eric didn't want to be held again and moved according to his own wishes, so Del had to put in extra effort to keep an eye on Eric.

For example like now, Eric walked to the altar-like place in the middle of the room and inspected it. His slender fingers, Del very much wanted to feel on his skin, were tracing along the altar table.

Then a complicated look appeared on Eric's face that tugged on Del's heart. He didn't want his sweetheart to feel anything less than happiness, joy, satisfication and of course pleasure. Loads and loads of it.

While Del was lost in his increasingly R18+ thoughts that didn't fit these gory scenes at all, curse demons, Eric sweet voice rang out, "Del, can you do me a favour?"

"Of course," tempting Del to shoot his load- cough, answer. Even if Eric wanted him to dive into lava, so Eric could watch him melt away for his own pleasure, Del would gladly do it. Eric seemed to hesitate a bit before saying, "Please put the corpses here.''

Del understood immediately, "A sacrifice?"

"Maybe," Eric's sigh was so heavy, Del's heart was hurting again. Not wanting to disappoint Eric, Del quickly did as ordered. Corpses wore nothing scary for Del. He had seen the most ferocious and brutal monsters demons were, especially those in the last prisoner level in the Demon World. These corpses were rather cute compared to them. To be honest, Del also didn't feel much for these three's deaths. He wasn't close to them, although he regarded them as pests, he didn't wish them death.

But apparently, the story went like this and only the author was able to change the outcome. This was a great idea to soothe Eric, but just at that moment, the altar with three corpses shook and bright light enveloped the whole room. In panic, Del rushed towards Eric and embraced him. No matter what, Eric couldn't get harmed or be separated from Del!

Del pushed Eric's face into his chest as now the stone altar shook even more violently and as it swallowed them and the corpses' blood ran down its surface, the altar came to an abrupt stop and even the blood disappeared as if it was an illusion.

Followed by that was a loud BANG and indeed the mouth closed. Were they trapped here? But Del didn't care about it, all he cared about was Eric's safety.

But then the intensity of the light increased to the point even Del had to close his eyes. The last thing he saw was the outline of something before he-

"Del?" Eric cautiously asked but by then Del's consciousness already disappeared.

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