(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Forced plot

A week later of Eric and Del being alone and enjoying various 'dates', Eric's points rose to 1000. Damn, Del really touched him a lot! It was good Deal didn't go further than touching and hugging!

"What are you looking at?"

Right now, at this very unbelievable moment, Eric, once again, laid in Del's arms on the bed. It was dark outside and the moon hung high in the night sky.

"Nothing, just the checkpoint," Eric causally closed the interface and felt Del hug him. He became more and more lenient to Del's cuddles. It was all because of the TT system! Yes, yes! If it weren't for that stupid mission, Eric would never get so intimate with Del.

"The due date is soon," Del sighed. Eric knew Del wanted these peaceful days to continue, but Eric didn't. He just wanted out of the story, even if his OP magic was convenient.

"We'll meet up with the others tomorrow and head to the checkpoint."

There was still a little under two days left. But if Eric missed the checkpoint opening, Eric would never allow this!

"Are you comfortable?" Del's husky voice and hot breath tainted Eric's neck and travelled across his whole body. Eric squirmed. What do you mean by comfortable? Should I feel comfortable with you? What are you? My bed? My pillow? My cushion? My blanket? My-

Eric felt Del's body enveloping his- ah yes, you are. Of course. Look at us being almost inseparable.

"Or should I make you feel more comfortable?"

"No, no, I'm fine," Eric immediately answered, having the increasing feeling that at any second Del's hands might become very naughty. Although Eric couldn't say he wasn't anticipating it, his senses were very honed since he became OP and he felt calamity brewing over his small hole. There was no need for lightning to strike through his body through a very tiny opening!

Eric calmed himself as he felt Del's broad arms tightened around his waist and Del's face nestling in his shoulders, "You'll be warm with me."

Honestly, it wasn't very cold outside. A blanket was sufficient but now thanks to Del's body heat, actions and words, Eric felt like he was bathing in lava.

Dammit, what were two grown men hugging and sleeping with each other? Was this the so-called 'gay'? Eric always believed he was straight but right now his three worldviews started to crumble and he seriously questioned himself. Could Eric become gay for Del?

Thinking about how fatally attracted Eric was to Del's body and how Del's gentleness sometimes moved Eric, Eric was sure at this rate, he was really going to bend for Del! But then there were the problems of obviously them being demons and humans!

Let's say, theoretically, Eric was going to have a full-bloomed, wonderful, passionate romance with Del, after Eric's curse was lifted, what was going to happen? Eric staying in the Demon World? No way, Eric couldn't stand it. He wanted to return to earth!

Then Del living with Eric in the human world? The Demon Lord? No way!

So, does anyone else see the problem? Yes, Eric was thinking of a magical future that will never exist! What fucking him and Del getting together? What them having a romance and the biggest problem was where they were going to live?

Dammit! Why was Eric so engrossed in this and started to fantasise about their future? Out! Out with those unholy thoughts! Let me sleep! Eric felt Del's even breathing. As a demon, Del sure fell asleep fast. Eric closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep as well. Begone thots- cough, cough, it was time for my true lover: SLEEP!

After forcing himself to stay still, not being able to toss and turn, Eric finally fell asleep. The next morning, they woke up just like any other and after breakfast, they finally set out to meet with the others.

Actually, yesterday during lunch, Eric received a message from his allies and apparently, they made a discovery. Honestly, Eric was not so hot about it, even when his friends were. After all, it was common sense that whenever a side character suggested something, it was stupid af and forced the MC to derail from his path! This was what was called 'forcing the plot'. Author screw you! I don't care if the readers want more excitement or whatever shit but I just want to finish this hunt and go home!

Yet, Eric, even if he was the MC, to an extent he still couldn't change the plot. Because the plot was like fate. Something a very typical protagonist wanted to fight against of course!

So, Eric had to accept this fate, that was actually a stupid plot device. Anyways, soon Del and Eric arrived at the city his allies have been staying in. Inside the hotel room, his friends were almost exploded with excitement. They swarmed him and totally disregarded Del.

So, Del only stood at the side bitterly watching how his target of affection was insanely popular and surrounded by others. Del only sighed and sat down while Eric smiled.

"Elas! Elas! You won't believe what we found!" Tani's big eyes were very cute as she jumped up and down, her hair fiercely swinging behind her.

"What is it?"

"Before that, how about some goodies?"

Éclair all naturally stretched out her hand and demanding she knew that Eric obviously had something for them.

"Goodies?" Eric patiently asked even though he didn't have a single drop of that shit.

"You guys spend more than a week somewhere else so obviously you thought of us and brought us something right?" Eric saw that Éclair wouldn't budge if Eric left her empty-handed, so Eric improvised, "Of course, I thought of you!"

The bag of expensive and rare sweets bought had to be sacrificed! He wanted to keep it for later and reward himself after the tiring checkpoint, but now this dream was destroyed.

Eric rummaged in his spatial storage, he obviously has OP magic and pulled out a delicate golden box. At this his allies made eyes.

"My man!" Dan laughed and slapped Eric on the shoulders.

"Elas, you didn't have to," Tani said holy but Eric could see the damn greedy glint in her eyes. Stop fucking pretending. You're almost like me! Stay in your character!

"It's fine, don't worry. Don't worry," Eric also followed his character of lotus-faced-scum that has been long thrown away but it seemed like Del read him, so while the others were occupied, Del pulled Eric aside and whispered, "Don't worry, if you like it, I'll buy a whole store of it."

Kuagh, Eric was moved again but still cursed- Stop pretending to be a damn overbearing CEO here! This is not that type of story! God forbid! But Eric only smiled and said, ''Ok."

Waiting for the others to stuff their faces and calm down, Eric turned to them and said, "So, what have you found out?"

"Oh," Dan's face seemed like a chipmunk when he said, "We found a shortcut."

"A shortcut?"

"Yes, we can avoid the third checkpoint and the others and head straight to the final checkpoint!"

"What?" at this Eric's ears perked up. Yes, this definitely wasn't a good sign. What damn shortcut? But obviously, this was that type of story. If the readers continued to follow Eric going through each checkpoint, the story would become boring and repetitive, so authors always threw in a deviation from the original plot with plot twists. Dun Dun Dun.

The wonderful essence to the success of a story! Here you go! Eric involuntarily scowled on the inside while on the outside he pretended to be shocked, surprised and overjoyed.

Yes, what an amazing actor Eric was!

"How did you find out about it and is it true? Is it really a shortcut?"

"Hehe," Dan acted all imposing and knowing, "You won't believe it."

Like fuck I do, just spit it out!

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