(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Is it? What? How? Erm…?

Del's proposal for the date was too sudden. Eric had no idea how to react when he stared into big puppy eyes. Damn it, was this one of Del's methods to woo him to give his ass virginity to him? Eric... didn't dislike the idea of a date but he very much disliked the idea of having his lower body destroyed.

So, what should he do? But Del did promise he won't do anything to Eric and Eric wanted to be pampered and spoilt after he worked so hard. Why, why, did everyone forget he was a successful scum bathing in flattery and luxury, and well, occasionally death curses by his authors?

If Eric didn't receive superficial praises and compliments or was treated like a deity, he wouldn't be Eric!

So, Eric wore his typical angelic smile and said, "It's nice to be able to relax for a while, as a helper and friend you give me strength."


There it was. Eric's stone-hard clarification that Del was friendzoned and helperzoned? Either way, Eric very politely yet clearly rejected Del's idea of a date but agreed to have some fun. Hearing this devastating statement, Del felt his heart squeezed dry of his blood and sulked.

His pout was clearly visible and sulks vibrantly pierced Eric's heart. Alright, big demon puppy no need to look so hurt and guilt trip me! I don't need this shit!

Eric coughed a few times and adjusted his mentality, "Let's go. I'm a bit hungry." 

What? Eric hungry?

This was Del's opportunity to shine as a lover? How could Eric dare to put him into zones? The most cursed and hateful zones? This heartbreaker of all species! The ultimate forbidden area, even more hateful than the Bermuda triangle and Area 51.

Aliens? Mysterious disappearances? Damn otherworldy species? Fine, I'll take them all on, just don't put me into the cursed friend-zoned zone! Even the ozone layer, I'd rather go there than to be stuck as a helper and friend! Even the most demonic layers of the Demon World, the prison, could confine if I were your lover! 

Del was despairing while Eric happily looked for a restaurant to dine in. Now that he thought about it, he just ate whatever and hasn't been exploring the delicacies of this world.

No, no, no noobs. What do you do when you suddenly find yourself in a new world? Travel to a new country, get teleported, cursed or transmigrated into a new universe? Yes, say it with me!

Of course, explore the food! As long as it doesn't lead to cannibalism or other disgusting things. Anyways food is the healing for your soul, the fodder for a strong mentality and the hidden success to secretly becoming OP!

Yes, yes, all of this can only be achieved with food! Hence, Eric even almost skipped seeing the restaurants with very vibrant pictures of food plastered all over them. Here and there, Eric zoomed from one place to another looking for a worthy restaurant that could satisfy his taste buds.

Del, who was even more sulking because Eric blatantly ignored him, lifted his head as he saw that Eric left his side to scurry around like a squirrel! Seeing Eric's genuine happy expression, a small smile formed on Del's face. His soon-to-be lover was enjoying himself! It was good that Eric even for a short while, forgot his worries and was engrossed in a delightful distraction. Del liked seeing Eric this excited, it was very cute.

Wait. Then Del realised. Wasn't... wasn't he the reason Eric was so happy? Well, not directly but indirectly! If Del didn't suggest they go on a date, then Eric wouldn't have the idea to enjoy himself! Thinking here, Del's smile grew wider and more loving as he watched Eric.

Then Del's thought process turned to a specific direction again. How could he continue making Eric happy? What did Eric like? What pleased him? What did he enjoy? How could he get to know him better? How could Del's presence and existence be the root of Eric's happiness? 

The more these kinds of thoughts flooded into Del's mind, the more he realised that he still didn't know anything about Eric! Of course! How could Del get closer to Eric without even knowing anything about Eric?

He wanted to learn everything there was about Eric to the point it entirely consumed Del and was the only thing Del's mind had. For demons, things like love, affection or closeness weren't necessary. As long their body reacted to each other, they were automatically soul mates. However, humans were equipped with emotional capacities and feelings.

Every action and thought process was based on these emotions and feelings. This was where Del made a fatal mistake. He thought like a demon, overlooking the fact that Eric, a human, didn't understand demons and was fundamentally different from them. Del has chased after Eric with his body, thinking that, just like the demons, Eric'd fall for his sexual advances, but that was wrong. Humans believed in romance and love, so Del had to woo Eric's feelings and heart over, and not his sexual desires and hole and organ and... cough well.

Realising this, Del had a new method to chase after Eric. Put Eric's heart, feelings and soul in his first place and just horniness towards the end! But what should Del do? They still had the TT mission! 

Oh, how... unbelievably... bad... hehe... Del was, after all, still demon, and demons felt attraction and so-called 'love' with their whole body through sex. So Del couldn't instantly throw his desires to bed Eric away he tried to surpass but if Eric was ok with it then... then... suddenly, Del got hard.

How... embarrassing. Since Del's body reacted so much to Eric, in demon terms Eric was Del's soulmate. Of course, a demon could react to others but if it was as violent consuming and devastatingly as Eric was for Del, then it was a true soulmate.

Eric was the only one for Del. Del was now sure of it. He no longer wanted to beb Eric but to do everything that would make him happy.

"Del, are you going? Eric stood in front of a restaurant that finally seemed to match high standards and looked at Del who was frozen like a statue in the middle of the busy main street.

"Ah?" slowly this frozen statue thawed and came to fife. Medusa shoo shoo!

"You decided?" with a gentle smile, Del approached Eric. With the sunlight backing him up, lightening up his hair and giving Del a golden shine, this demon looked too innocent and loving. Eric's heart slowly started to double its speed.

"Yes," abashed, Eric quickly turned around and walked into the restaurant. Just what was wrong with him lately?

"A private room please," Del's magnetic voice spoke before Eric could and the waiter brought them upstairs. The interior of this restaurant was highly elegant. It was almost too posh for this medieval-like setting.

"You like luxurious places?" Del's sudden question threw Eric off who comfortable seated himself in an armchair at the mahogany table.

"Yes, back on earth I was rich, so I only enjoyed the best," surprisingly Eric dishonest. Well, it was true. Although through the Demon World and the stories Eric had to adjust to a 'poor' life, habits and desires weren't easy to overcome.

"Is the palace to your liking? Should I make it more luxurious? Tell me and we can remodel it after your taste," Del's eagerness almost touched Eric.

What? The Demon Lord's palace wasn't fancy enough?

It was too good! Especially the onsen baths, although the amusement park could fuck off.

"No, I like it a lot."

"Really to the point you want to stay there forever?"

Eric pursed his lips. Damn you pervert, what are you planning?

"Let's eat. You should order something," Eric changed the topic and Del followed suit, ''Order what you want. I eat what you like. What do you like? What's your favourite food? Favourite drink? Tell me, if you can't find what you like back in the Demon World, I'll immediately arrange it for you to be delivered."

Eric wanted to cry. What in the world was that Demon Lord thinking? Why was he suddenly so curious about Eric's taste and preferences? Damn, Eric did want to be pampered and spoiled but this was on a maximum level, "How about the bed? Is it good? Do you think it can withstand brutal force and-"


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