(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

I admit what I want to admit

After what happened yesterday night, Eric refused to look at Leon. When he woke up, he still wasn't teleported out of the story and Eric almost fainted from anger seeing that fucking 0.1 point was missing!

And obviously, Leon who laid there smirked and restrained from touching Eric! Leon had to touch Eric and, not Eric Leon! Fuck! He did it on purpose! This bastard! As if yesterday's action wasn't already humiliating enough, when Eric went to the bathroom, he had his whole body covered with hickeys and bruises!

Especially around his wrists! Leon had tied his hands up to do that sick, yet very pleasant play!

Angry, Eric stomped to the dining hall where Leon lazily sat and waited for Eric, "Let's eat. I've been waiting."

However, the fuse on Eric's head long has been set on fire and exploded now, "Just touch me!" 

Yet nothing but more shame and embarrassment splattered out. Ah, this ground is a perfect burial place. Lemme just go and dig my own grave.

"You want me to touch you? How?" Leon propped his head on the table and a sly glint played in his eyes.

But Eric refused to play along, "Just poke my hand!"

"Then no."

Fuck, what do you want? No, I know what you want but I won't give it to you!

"Can we not speed this up and leave this place?"

"Why, you don't like it here? How is this different from the Demon World? Rather than that, shouldn't you like it here more?" Leon's lazy eyes bored into Eric's and Eric's veins popped.

This bratty demon! Look at him trying to pretend to be deep! Don't question me and don't make me question myself! Eric shook his head, "This here is fantasy and not the real world."

"Then what makes it real?"

What are you? Hired to be a 1000-year-old wise man? Here to uncover the existence and meaning of the universe? Stop this! My head's already hurting.

"Our perception and thoughts. It's hard to change one's mindset," Eric finally answered and sipped on his orange juice. There was no point in wondering about these things. Life was too short and Eric as a rich scum with a superiority complex enjoyed whatever he enjoyed.

He didn't need something like to find out the meaning of his life nor break his heart about these deep things. Sooner or later Eric died and then? How the fuck was this knowledge going to help him? What? One day his corpse would float wherever to receive enlightenment because wow, look at that, all the fucking useless knowledge I've accumulated over my life, pleased death and now I've gained immortality!

In the first place living forever and pleasing everything but oneself wasn't entertaining for Eric.

"Ah," why the hell was Eric even thinking about this?

"You are more rational than I thought," Leon's sudden remark threw Eric off.

"What else did you think of me?"

"I don't know, probably something like 'fairies, angel and magic'."

Fuck, was this sloth here making fun of him? Fine, Eric pretended to be a damn holy angel but it didn't mean Eric was naïve af just because he smiled so lovely, nor was he a romantic and fantasised about magical stuff, although his aura was so charming. 

No, Eric was a logical, rational and scientific guy. Anything that couldn't be explained with science did not exist! Why else do you think I kept denying the existence of you crooked and horny beings, huh?

However, now Eric was converted. Science who? Fucking who? Get this science shit out of my gosh damn face.

"I'm not, I'm glad you realise that now," to contradict his words Eric smiled as an angel descended from paradise. It was so blinding Leon for a second even saw Eric's white wings illuminated in a golden light. Leon's eyes lazily narrowed. And you really want me to believe you?

"Anyways," Eric quickly changed the topic because he saw Leon's face full of disbelief, although laziness was so deeply indebted in his features, his face almost melted to the word lazy and only in bed did Leon come alive.

"What do you like to do?"

Since Leon had no intentions to return easily, Eric thought he should get to know Leon better and get a better grasp of this guy or else one day, no, he already was, Leon ran him over!


Stop it! Stop this cringy, ass shit!

A simple word made Eric want to cough blood in glass and serve it to Leon on a silver plate. Ah, poison at its finest. The taste of a scum, so scummy it could kill you in a second.

"No, let's be serious," sweat poured down Eric's face and when Leon saw it, he was very amused, "But I am, Eric~"

Kuagh. Hole! Where's a hole I can hide myself in? Ah.. .my asshole! Fuck no, it's too tiny, so stop thinking about diving in, you perverted demon!

Eric gulped and braced himself. Very amicably he said, "W-Why do you like to do me so much?"

Fuck, can you believe I have to actually say this shit out loud? Not even 1000 nails could crucify the tiny bit of conscience I have!

"Why?'' Leon repeated and nonchalantly twirled the fork in his fingers, "Does there need to be a reason? If demons like something, naturally our body wants it. It feels good, what other reason is there?"

I-Is that really so natural?

"Ah..." Leon smiled knowingly, "perhaps you're the type of human who wants his first time with someone special? Though we've been quite intimate. For you to pull a card of being coy, romantic or innocent is too late. I know how much you like my di-"

"Stop!" huffing and puffing with a red face, Eric almost fainted from anger and embarrassment. S-Shameless bastard!

"But you can't deny it. You've got a very pleased face when we do i-"


"Eric," Leon's eyes were brimming with amusement teasing his prey, they now narrowed to slits, "I've done it with many humans. Some loved to be fucked without any emotional bondings, while others are unnecessarily romantics. I guess you fall between these two. You want pleasure but then you want to sleep with someone you've got feelings for. Understandable. But we demons are different. We don't care about emotions. It's all about making our bodies happy. So if you think I'm doing this to you because I like you, you're wrong. I only like to do it because it feels good."

Eric's eyes were spinning. This slack demon was doing a therapy session, huh? Why did it feel like he got to know himself better than the actual target, Leon!

Was Eric kind of a lewd person? Yes, ok, it did feel good but the reason Eric refused to sleep with anyone is because obviously! His safety of his tiny opening was the most important! This rich, popular and arrogant scum didn't need feelings. Maybe he liked some people better, cough Del, but this didn't mean Eric wanted romantic feelings.

Fuck, Eric himself had no idea what to think anymore. The more he stayed in the Demon World, with these demons, the more Eric felt he discovered a side of him he never knew existed, as if it was his true self buried under a layer of fakeness.

Ok, well he was basically a ball of fakeness but this was not the point. For example, Eric didn't know before, he was demonay and such a sensitive person!

And that the might... might.. could develop feelings- w-what was he saying?

He could sleep with anyone as long as they were good looking! But not big! Fuck, Eric wasn't a hoe who opened his legs for anyone! He wasn't thirsty! Did he spend too much time with these personifications of horniness that he got infected? Cough, cough, oh no Eric already felt sick.

"Seems like I'm right?"

"No," Eric immediately refuted Leon's thinking and then finally said the truth out loud, "I'm not a horny, lusting person like you demons. And the reason I'll forever refuse to sleep with anyone is because of my! My! My ! I'll break ok! Especially with your demons, it won't fit! Absolutely not!"

T-There you have it! Embarrassment, shame and humiliation mixed together and served as a hotpot.

"Pfft haha!" Leon tried hard to hold his laughter in but failed. He laughed so hard that Eric went from shade strawberry to red wine.

"S-Stop it!"

"You can be surprisingly cute and innocent hmm," Leon wiped his tears and suddenly when Eric met his eyes, Leon's shone brilliantly and his whole lazy demeanour disappeared.

Instead, there was a bright, handsome demon who genuinely laughed lighting up his whole face and truthfully, it was very pleasant on the eyes and ears.

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