(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Something feels wrong

Leon was mysteriously attractive when he was lazy. Awfully overwhelming yet charming when he teased someone and unexpectedly warm when he shed all of that and smiled sunnily.

From dark and an S enjoying the other's embarrassment to a very gentle person. Leon could make someone's heart pound when he, like an overbearing CEO, towered over them, pushed them in a corner, against a wall and whispering dirty things, his lazy attitude only emphasised the suaveness and your excitement about being pushed down, or he could melt someone's heart by simply being the complete opposite.

"I see, so that's why. Then I misjudged you."

Leon literally laughed for a good 10 minutes, stopped, then started again, stopped, then again, stopped- this vicious cycle made Eric unable to cool his head while controlling his anger and shame.

Stop rubbing more lava to my melting dignity!

"I-If you understand, good..." get a grip, Eric! Since when are you acting like a timid middle-schooler encountering PDA in public for the first time?

"Haha!" Leon slowly calmed himself and then stood up. Eric heard the chair moving back before footsteps stopped next to Eric. Then-

"Teacher, look at me."

Slowly, Eric followed suit and was immensely surprised by the bright smile Leon had, "As a thanks for giving me a pleasant surprise here-"

Eric was perplexed when Leon gently poked Eric's cheek. His wide eyes met Leon's beautifully curved ones before suddenly-


"Congrats host, 4000 points. Mission complete!"

Eric found himself back in the classroom.

"T-teacher!" teary-eyed Nol instantly threw himself at Eric and clung like super glue unable to peel off. It took Eric a while to digest what happened and when he did, he immediately looked to the left where Leon now, lazily, sat on his seat and smiled at Eric.

For some reason, a slight blush crept up on Eric's face but his acting game was so strong no one but himself noticed it.

In the end, Eric didn't get to know Leon better or maybe he did?

Either way, Eric first had to take care of an abandoned puppy, "I'm fine, Nol, don't worry."

Eric even patted Nol's head whose glistening eyes now looked like delicate crystals.

"Teacher, I'm glad nothing happened to you," then Nol glared at Leon, "How can you do this to our teacher! I expected better of you."

Leon lazily waved Nol's accusations away and said, "But the teacher had fun."

"Is that true teacher?" Nol's big round eyes made Eric unable to look at him, "It was ok. But I'm tired now, I'd like to-"


Fuck, are you serious? It hasn't even been fucking 5 minutes and now you lay this trick on me again?

"Teacher!" under everyone's eyes Eric suddenly disappeared.

"Where's he?" Nol became worried, "There was no magic word or-"

Nol was anxious, how could the teacher disappear? Was he in a story? But it was impossible because-

"He disappeared too," Nadi's voice made everyone look around. Nol scowled. What the heck? So Eric was really in another story? But how? Nothing was triggered!


Meanwhile, Eric had a splitting headache before he managed to calm down. He just wanted to take a nice bath and bury himself in his bed, watch TV, relax and flush away his worries. But now he was pulled into another story, without even knowing whose! Who was still left? But then-

"Welcome, dear victim."

It's this crooked thing again.

"Enjoyed your last story? You'll enjoy this too! Since you liked the last one, I thought why not pull dear victim into the next? System's amazing right?"

Fuck, so it was this system's doing!

Wait. Eric thought the system only existed in the story but it actively pulled Eric- did this mean the system was actually in his world, no, universe?

"Oops," the system only said and disappeared, leaving Eric to look at his surroundings.

Artificial lights, grey walls and a sleek black ground. Something seemed wrong but Eric had no time to wonder because one look out of the window told him where he was! S-Space!

He was floating in space on a spaceship! Damn, never in his life did Eric think he could become an astronaut. Well, ok this was different. This was even better!

There was only one story that had something to do with space. It was Lav's! So it was this witch's turn huh? How did Lav's story go again? Ah, yes... it was a clusterfuck of a story!

Basically, what Eric remembered was that it had space, magic and martial arts all combined! Heaven, this was worse than Fil's story! How the fuck should Eric edit this shit and create a plot that was feasible for the readers? 

What kind of explanation could even mend this mix of whatever was thrown into the plot? Indeed a witch! Lav threw all kinds of ingredients into a pot to create an unholy potion! Even Eric's life! How in the world should Eric fix this shit? Not even 10 000 transmigrations could make it good!

Now that Eric knew more or less what was waiting for him, he concentrated on his environment again. Ok, this spaceship looked like this in the movies. Round and a long hallway around the middle part where all the other hallways and rooms were.

Outside, space looked well... like space. Black, void of anything. Should Eric feel grateful for experiencing this? Fuck no! His life was once again on the line!

But there was this weird feeling that kept nagging Eric once he opened his eyes and found himself here. It was the way his body felt, how to describe it, light and strange but also a bit heavy. Especially on his back. His view also seemed different than usual.

But before Eric could figure out who he was- BOOM!

The spaceship shook terrifyingly! Eric was thrown against the wall and his heart almost leapt out. W-What was happening? He quickly recollected himself and looked out of the window but all he saw were orange and yellow explosions! Fuck, no way, was the spaceship being attacked?

Alarm rang and the lights flickered ominously. The spaceship relentlessly shook and Eric couldn't even properly walk. The deserted hallway now had people rushing out and heading in various directions.

Someone's voice rang through the whole ship. Eric had a hard time adjusting himself. To him this was just his luck. He had to teleport here just when his life could be lost any second. Fuck, if the spaceship exploded and Eric drifted in space. Flush, his body would double the size before exploding. Great. Just great.

The attacks relentlessly continued and the crew got anxious. y

"You have to be there-"

"I got to-"

"Hey, what are you waiting for?"

But the most bewildering thing was that no one noticed Eric. No, it wasn't that they weren't aware of his presence, in fact, they looked at him but it was almost as if they were ignoring him. Was Eric's status important or not?

It rather seemed like he was insignificant. A majority of people were heading to the front and Eric guessed it was the cockpit, control room or whatever it was called, Eric didn't care, he just followed them.

When he arrived, he whistled. It really looked identical to the movies. One large window in the front and the crew sat behind the controls while the captain chair was in the middle but the captain wasn't present and people were anxious about it. Could Lav be the captain? Was he here as well?

Anyways, Eric looked through the window and saw they were really being attacked! People floated in the air and fired whatever at them.

"Dammit, where's the captain?"

"These bloody mages! They really dare to attack this ship! We have to get this under control! Prepare the laser beam!"

L-Laser beam...

"We have to protect his majesty!"


Wait, there was fucking royalty on the spaceship?

What the hell was going on? Could Lav be his majesty?

Eric was confused. This story left him completely clueless and the system didn't even bother explaining. Was Eric now out of the noob phase and could he not get help from the system anymore like an overview?


This arc might be longer than the others even though I hate space sci-fi- except for one film-

Anyways brace yourself for this arc because truthfully it's, well, too long haha

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