(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

I made them my loyal b***

Eric also had no idea what came into his mind when he was enlightened by his own frightening genius capabilities. He was just born as a truly wise man with the huge potential to live in the mountains and grow a long ass white beard.

"Van, Timo, you both wanted to become acknowledged writers, no, authors right?" 

"Of course," shot straight out of a water gun, Timo answered and Van nodded as if this was the most natural thing ever.

Although Eric wasn't very content with their stories and luckily he hasn't been in them, Eric could shove them to someone else and not deal with it. Although he had to make them successful, this also counted as him shipping them off to success right? They only had to become popular authors acknowledged by the human world right? So why not use a shortcut?

There was nothing better than using a legal cheat. Eric loved his impeccable brain and cells that regenerated every second to let intelligence sprout forth.

"You both are one of my best students.'' 

There it was again, bullshit spitting Eric who said things he didn't mean with a smile. It wouldn't have worked in the past but now that Eric was literally their saviour, they have become much more accepting towards Eric's behaviour. 

Well, Van, that was. Timo always seemed naturally gullible to the point he just smiled and didn't care about anything. At least that was what Eric thought of him.

If Eric's plan really worked out then he could kiss adios to two students, but then the thought of parting with them when he hasn't gotten to know them better slightly stung Eric. Was he getting attached to his demon students? No, no, no, that wasn't it. Eric should be happy to lose two potential contenders! This was the attitude he should have, yes!

"Come here," Eric waved the perplexed Van and Timo closer to him. And before Eric knew it, words left his mouth and actions followed he didn't even think through. At the last second, he stopped himself. 

He almost hugged both Van and Timo. Just then he was raging about them, but now he felt some kind of sadness lingering in his chest. Instead of hugging them, he patted them each on the shoulders and adjusted their appearance.

"I have a way to make you become an author instantly. But you'll be under harsh conditions and will probably face a lot of criticism and hatred even. Are you still willing to try this route?" 

With a solemn face and reluctance to part with his loyal disciples, or not, Eric spoke to them and made them question just what in the world got into their teacher who has never been so serious in his life before.

"I am," Van nodded resolutely and Timo followed. They both have grown up together and ever since Nol has brought books back from the human world, they have gotten interested in it. Van and Timo were always inseparable, for good or bad. 

Timo knew Van in and out and was his healing oasis. While Van was very lenient with Timo, even more than with his older brothers he oh-so-admired and respected, except for Fil of course.

Suddenly Eric's nose and ears itched. Why did he feel like he should use the flashback skill now? No, no, no, he didn't need to know about their sobbing and tragic backstory, because Eric was sure they would have one!

"Ok good, I like your conviction. Let's rest here for a bit then we'll leave. Oh, yeah, let me hear your story in more detail."

Eric forced Timo and Van to lay on the bed and like a therapeutic session started to talk to them about their problems and difficulties... of their stories of course. And so using the two-hour rest, Eric went through the stories with them, pointing out all the plot holes and mistakes, the parts that didn't work and what was missing, but also complimented them on their good parts.

For a long time, Eric hasn't been this diligent and sincere in his work as an editor. He once again, finally, realised why he chose this profession. Being able to hear others stories and change them for the better, just suited Eric and gave him a purpose. Not that he would ever admit it. If Eric didn't edit the bad parts of a story, then he didn't feel great.

He didn't know why but there was a heavy weight in his chest that made him feel miserable. It almost felt like he was meant to be, born to be an editor, to change stories, it was etched into his very fate, destiny and future, and existence.

"Thank you, teacher," and for his good deed, Eric also reaped some merits. He hasn't been thanked this sincerely and genuine ever in his life before. Whenever he gave feedback to his authors that were valid and solid, they would always cuss at him and their murderous aura desiring to torture him leaked endlessly.

So, Eric was a little touched to see Van and Timo this studious, passionate and most of all grateful. Fuck yeah, you brats should be grateful, I risked my life to come chasing after you unlawful non-citizens just to give you benefits! I should be rewarded.

"It's fine", Eric returned to his cultivated self, "as your teacher, it should be a given that I guide you."

"Tch," although Van was more forgiving towards Eric, he still hated this fake pretentious nature of his. So Van scoffed quite a lot until Eric's eye twitched out of its socket, "Alright, I get it, Van. Let's go."

With Eric's brilliant plan unfolding, they went to Eric's office. Proudly Eric showed Van and Timo around, "This used to be my company."

"Used?" Timo looked around before his view fell on a sad Eric. 

"Yes, he's declared dead here, hah," without mercy Van tore down Eric and stabbed him in his heart multiple times.

"Either way, I wanted to show you the HQ of all brilliant authors in the whole world!'' 

It was true, aspiring authors from all over the world who were utterly confident in their skills and talents, all came flocking to Eric's company because its reputation was so prestigious and impeccable that it went down in history as the nest of genius writers.

Yes, Eric flipped his nonexistent long hair, this was all due to this hard work. He was still young yet so successful and talented. Ah, it was hard being perfect.

"What do you think?" 

The million-dollar floor building, completely out of glass, as large and wide as a football field, could only stab people in the eyes with its majestic architecture.

"It's great, for a human," tsundere Van still didn't know how to be honest. Everyone could see he was drooling with anticipation to enter the nest of all writers. Gosh, this was an embarrassing name, Eric had to admit.

"I love it, teacher, I can already feel the aura of scholars." 

Timo, you're trying too hard, was what Eric wanted to say but he saw the excited glint in Timo's eyes and nodded satisfied, "Yes, it's the jewel of the world."

But just at the entrance, the former CEO and sweetheart of the world was rejected entry into the jewel by the security. This was embarrassing but Eric didn't mind.

"No outsiders," the security guards only said. Eric knew how it rolled, they never allowed visitors in and even those with appointments needed to be verified at least 3 times. The security check was so tight it was ridiculous.

And Eric couldn't sneak in via the secret passages since he had Van and Time with him and if someone wasn't familiar with the secret passages then they would cause huge noises and chaos, meaning they would get caught instantly.

"Ah, aren't you that crazy guy from the broadcast?" giggles appeared and Eric scowled. 

He totally forgot about his clown appearance on the news! What was more embarrassing than pulling down your pants, being so fucking drunk, your dick pees into the mouth of the girl standing from a distance and watching you disgusted? Yes, being recognised as a crazy person who believed in demons and invaded a fucking news station during a live broadcast!

But Eric was a veteran in such a situation and quickly came up with a comeback, "It was for research purposes. As an author, I need to get my inspiration, no matter how insane or unconventional it seems to society. You would never understand."

"An author? Where's your ID? How come we've never seen you?" 

Van and Timo just stayed quiet to watch the show. Eric was an editor, so he kind of was, by very loose standards, an author? Van and Timo didn't care, they just wanted to get into this nest of jewels.

"I'm new. Please call the authors of Eric and confirm." 

Gasps appeared everywhere. How dare this lowly nooby author use Eric's name so easily and talk so casually as if he was familiar with him? He was new! So how could he know Eric and his authors personally? Eric died already! Their great deity died!

This great deity only rolled his eyes as he felt all the glaring stares burning into his fucking skull!

"Really, I'm not lying. Just call them and ask," Eric emphasised again. He was sure this would work after all his crazy authors acknowledged him as a fellow author victim just a few hours ago!

And indeed, at the news of their fellow sufferer, the authors quickly allowed Eric to come. These idiots. What were tight security guards for when his idiot authors were so easily swayed? 

Using the lift to the top floor, Eric finally stepped back into his old office, this time with two new aspiring authors who coincidentally were demons. And when Van and Timo saw the office, their faces told different stories. Timo was confused, "Do humans have different practises than we've heard before?"

While Van was delighted, "I think I can get along with them very well. They seem to hate you a lot." 

Dammit, Eric forgot about this. 

"Cough, don't bother, this is only a way to cheer themselves up since they are too devastated by my death." 

As fucking if! These stupid authors! Stop celebrating his death already!

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