(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

It’s exactly what you think it is.

The new planet was just one large jungle. Eric had no clue how uncreative and lazy someone could get to not bother fully design a planet with civilisation, cultures and territories, map etc etc etc. Yadi yadi, all the other stuff that made earth earth and not just one blue planet.

However, the second they arrived at this planet, making their way through, they met with magicers. Yes, for some reason the mages from magic were here! As if having run into new earth previously wasn't enough, now magic made their appearance! However, the upside was that although they noticed the mages, the latter didn't notice them.

All mages looked the same. They were clad in a dark blue robe and wore a witch hat. Eric slightly glanced at Lav and wondered if his brain was only capable of producing this.

Prince charming, you're losing credibility as the best student right now! Although out of everyone's mess, Lav's was still a step forwards in terms of being somehow acceptable and fleshed out a bit more than the other disasters Eric had to face and possibly will face. The bleak and tragic scum future.

However, what came after this discovery of the magicers put Eric's face even more to shame. Luckily, Eric was a dragon and his face couldn't produce as vibrant an expression as his human original face.

"The archvillain's slumbering here. We've concealed him permanently," one magicers said to another, and Eric's narrowed eyes condemned Lav, who felt the familiar scrutinising stare and could only helplessly smile.

Lav has spent enough time with his teacher to know what that annoyed dragon was thinking.

"I'm sorry," Lav mentally told Eric and sudden realisation hit Eric. His face! His reputation! His fake angelic act! Since whem did it melt? Just fucking when? Cough.

Eric put on his softest and gentlest voice and soothingly said like a holy mother extending her hand through a picture and being unbelievably, utterly useless, "Why are you apologizing? You've done nothing wrong. You've misunderstood. Lav, your story's doing well."

Eric was back in his element and threw out his charm like a random rain shower bullying a single village. No one bothered to help Eric alone, bitterly sweeping his own messy shit up.

"Teacher!" Lav's prince charming gentle voice was full of admiration and Eric felt his conscience pricked. 

Shit! Since when was he so fragile to other's feelings? So what? Why should he feel bad? Ah, pardon, these were his lifelines carrying him to survival. Eric understood his own twisted mind more.

"Let's hide," suddenly Zay spoke up and pushed his hair out of his glasses. They've been hiding behind some eerie-looking bushes while not far away the magicers were swarming around.

Leaving to find a safe spot, distant but close to where the magicers were to know what they were up to, the group settled down and began to discuss. Mainly Eric's roars resounded through the night causing everyone's heart to melt at this cute pet, much to Eric's arrogant dismay.

"Should we have the archvillain on our side?" after Lav explained everything about magic, his own circumstance and about the archvillain, they discussed if they should pull archvillain to their side or leave him to magic? Both had its pros and cons.

"Teacher what do you think?" finally Lav asked the pro for this opinion. 

Right now, Eric was in a dilemma too because being with demons, in the Demon World, in the demons' stories, Eric didn't try to look at it from an editor's viewpoint, well, because his life was more important, but how he would best survive these fuckfests and leave the stories and later edit the stories.

Eric was so sure, him entering, teleporting or whatever it was into the stories, wasn't to edit them but for the sole entertainment of these crooked and whatever fucking systems.

If they could tame the archvillain, he'd be a huge asset, if not, they'd be in trouble. From an editor position, having an archvillain as the main antagonist for Hans was the best choice, however, now new earth turned to a full force antagonist, wouldn't it be better for Hans to have a strong ally like the archvillain. Now, Eric was in a bid, after all, who cared about the story?

What was more important was how Eric could survive the best and leave the story the fastest? Yes, Eric's mind and priority were simple.

"For now, let's observe and wait,'' Eric gave the most neutral and dull answer. Anyone who didn't want to take responsibility and dodged like a sunfish washed ashore, answered like this.

"Ok," Lav happily agreed and with that, all ongoing discussion was halted and everyone went to sleep. Still alert in case the magicers discovered them and decided to pull a surprise attack.

However, no matter how hard Eric tried to sleep, he simply couldn't! Why? Because something strange yet familiar pulled him in. Just what was it? Although he liked his keen dragon sensor, he also loathed it. So because of that, Eric was rendered unable to sleep and thus he forced himself to fly to the source that initiated this disaster.

It wasn't long before he found himself in the nest of the magicers still awake around a campfire. From the shadows of the giant, tall trees, Eric hid and observed them. Just what were they doing?

"Shall we try?" the mages whisper with each other. 

"Let's try, there's no other way to beat the new earth, these heathens!"

Ah, so they were about to awake the slumbering archvillain, huh? Eric had nothing better to do than to observe what was going to happen and he wanted to get rid of the weird feeling in his chest. Oh no, were the mages going to do something and maybe blow everything up?

Eric's life on the line was never a peaceful option but now he had no choice. In any case, he could transform into a full-size dragon and stop the mages, they had to destroy anyways.

Just where the magic base was, behind it, was a small cave entrance. It reminded Eric of the cave in Leon's story where they had to go straight down for an insane time. Not to get caught, Eric waited a bit before following the mages.

And indeed it was another awfully long time down, however, luckily this time it wasn't too long. Soon, they arrived in a very dark and black place. The mages quickly lit up blue flames and walked forwards. 

Eric was reminded of a horror setting and cautiously clung onto the backs of the mages. No way in hell was he going to be alone in this mazey darkness. But nothing wanted to go his way and having to be all alone, completely unknown where he was, with no blue light to guide his way.

"Nice, really amazing...'' Eric inwardly cursed and breathed fire. His orange-red flame provided a bit of company in his solitude.

But- BUT- capital BUT, plot once again took Eric from the front before turning him around and pushing him down. 

Because what unfolded in front of Eric was a large tomb, lit by green torches. Eerie was an understatement. In the middle of this ominous hall, there was a very large coffin with crystals hanging around it.

Was this where the archvillain was slumbering? Why did Eric's bad feeling get reinforced by 100 times, what was going to happen? No matter what it was, Eric couldn't stop his curious claws and Schwupps opened the coffin lid with a lot of his little pet strength.

And what Eric met made him want to bite his tail off and his face ashen. 

Then suddenly- 


A hand reached out and grabbed Eric squeezing him.

Eric! Couldn't breath! As if the archvillian really wanted to crush him to death with one hand! Fuck! Someone save him!

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