(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

You all saw it coming

Warning: Slightly steamy


"Mhm... ah..." moans echoed in the empty place. 

Naughty hands moved around causing more pleasure to be aroused, before light kisses rained down on a pale skin and more suppressed moans are finally let out, vibrating in the whole empty tomb hall.

Inside a large tomb coffin, with velvet soft walls and floor, a devilish handsome male confined a more tender male from behind.

Tears split from the tender male and his knuckles turned white as they gripped the edge of the coffin. The pleasure was too much. He had no choice but to be completely bare before that predator behind him. Solely a sad cloth covered his most private part, desperately trying to keep it away from the lusting man clinging onto him and his audacious hands.

"Fuck!'' The younger boy's tears just spilt out while his usual angelic voice let out vulgar curses unbefitting to his image but none of it mattered right now! Fuck his reputation! Who cared about it when literally a gigantic lightsaber poked him from the back.

Fuck, not even Darthie could withstand the force much less wield it. No, if Darthie could wield such an unholy 1 metre in diameter tube, then the whole damn series would've gone completely different and stopped at 3!

The one being stroked caressed to the point of almost coming to the white waterfall, milk spilling out,  was the unfortunate dragon turning human! No, wait, human-turned-dragon back to human!


And the one clingily trying to make love to him was, of course, none other than the fucking idle Demon Lord! Hello, heaven, earth! Seriously, Demon Lord don't you have anything to do, like? I don't knock, fucking governing the Demon World, with all these lusting fucking demons?

"D-Del..." Eric grit his teeth as Del's large and soft fingers fumbled around his chest until they sensually moved around rosy buds and went up to Eric's neck to gently choke him.

Fuc, this was really not what Eric expected, but damn was Del amazing at making Eric feel insanely good. His heart thumped fast and his skin broke out in goosebumps which made Del's caresses even more intense.

Just a few minutes ago, Eric was scaredly flapping his little wings around, so how the hell did he end up as a butterfly in a sticky white load used as a web to trap him unable to fly away? Easy, because Eric's curious, stupid ass decided to fly to the massive coffin in the middle of this tomb hall and got even the better idea of foolishly opening the damn coffin.

And voila! What laid in there? The supposed arch-villain of the story who was fucking switched out by Del! Again!

Gosh, Del! Eric wanted to scream in anger. Don't tell your students to fucking write you into stories where you never in 1000 light-years belong to! Screw off!

Seeing Del peacefully sleeping here and feeling all his veins pop on his head, Eric quickly wanted to close the lid again but he was too weak. Like a zombie reaching through the dirt on his grave, Del's arms shot out and grabbed Eric.

Trying to suffocate and choke him. Coincidentally, their eyes met and Eric almost received a heart attack. Don't pretend to be a corpse and suddenly rip your eyes open! That shit's scary!

We're not in a damn horror film! Stop trying to change the genre! The genre is absolute, it can't, shan't and absolutely won't be changed! Don't try to do this to every fucking genre! Leave the holy rules untainted! UN.TAIN.TED!

Like my ass! 

But as their eyes met and passionately made love, more like Eric glaring at Del for trying to kill him and Del sleepily looking back, the grip on Eric's dragon neck only grew tighter and a warm stream of burning energy was transferred from Del and into Eric's body.

It was unimaginably hot and uncomfortable as if every fibre of his body was set on fire. At that moment, Eric grew scared. He didn't know what happened to Del but he knew Del wanted to kill him and this made Eric not only terrified for his life but also, for some reason, sad.

Didn't Del promise Eric to protect him forever? As Eric's tears started to uncontrollably flood out, obviously because of the pain of being physically hurt, Del finally came to it. He weakly and roughly mumbled, "Eric..." before letting Eric go and watch him falling towards him.

Since Eric was attacked so suddenly, he had no strength left to fly but he didn't need to because while he fell, his body underwent an even more intense pain and it felt like an entire crowd was pulling on his limbs, while Del under him, quickly sat up on the coffin and raised his arms to catch Eric who by now slowly turned back into a human.

Eric landed softly in Del's arms, a big, very big shock gripped him.

H-He was naked! And the damn Demon Lord fucking clothed. How was that fair? Eric squirmed in Del's arms, desperately trying to shield his delicious wiener, while Del amused watched  Eric before taking off the tight shirt he wore and covered Eric's private part he sadly couldn't see nor eat anymore.

However, in return Del hugged Eric from behind and his raspy voice sent shivers through Eric's body, "I missed you."

Yet these words instantly brought back heat. This intense temperature shift in Eric's body made him hallucinate them living for 1000 years together and each second being buried in each other, cough, rather Del being buried in Eric. 

But it also made Eric curse, damn, if Del was the archvillain wouldn't the mages come in soon? If they saw them like this, wouldn't they try to use magic to eradicate the story that was about to be a damn BL again!

For the third time? But Eric had no time to worry because something even more cursed appeared.

"Dear very unlucky host, it's me again your-"

"Shut up," Eric had no patience for that abomination.

"Don't be like this! The Demon Lord can hear us too!"

In an instant, Eric whipped to Del who helplessly smiled. E-Eric's reputation!

"I'm alright," however Del only kissed Eric's temples and cuddled his head in the crook of his shoulder. Cough cough, why... why... why... was this so cute and moved Eric's heart?

"Host, my dear unfortunate host, it's time for the TT system again!"

Eric wanted to slam this bodiless-invisible system against a wall full of bloody spikes.

"As you know, defeat the villain with 1000 TT points!-" and blablabla...

With the appearance of the cursed task, Eric ended up being very intimate with Del who didn't let this glorious chance untouched to be able to get a glimpse of hope of eating that tofu.

His naughty hands now moved into Eric's mouth, playing with his tongue, before using his wetness to lubricate Eric's nipples while his own tongue left hickeys on Eric's neck, causing Eric's delicious wiener and tofu to rise, anticipating to be eaten. Del wanted to cater to Eric's wishes but once that fear-stricken and rosy face, those big eyes and long lashes seductively stared at him, after the system left, Del couldn't hold himself back.

He instantly pressed Eric closer to him, stopping him from running away and quickly worked on making Eric defenceless enough to feel so good, he'd only come from being touched on his upper body.

Of course, Del wouldn't go further if Eric didn't want to. 

However, meanwhile Eric: 

Brain... Numb... Senses... heightened... State... In a constant high to climax. Mind... blank. 


"Ah~ Hmm ah- D-el-"

Music to Del's ears, so Del was even more spurred on to hear Eric completely giving in and moaning, rubbing himself against Del, so Del could come as well.

"Hah... Eric, I'll make you feel very good, so be obedient like this," Del couldn't endure it anymore. 

His nose glided along Eric's neck, before he buried his face in Eric's shoulders and moved his hips against Eric's, so his thick lightsaber could rub against Eric's back through the fabric of his cursed trousers, while his hand dangerously lowered and tried to get under the cloth that now harboured a little mountain, very much to Del's pleasure.

"D-Del, no... stop... mhm," Eric muddle-headedly realised that Del's fingers were already under the cloth, barely circling over the tip of his hardness.

"Be good," Del's hot pants huffed into Eric's shoulders, "I can only manifest you as a human for two hours, so let's use the time wisely. Don't worry, I've sealed the room, no one can come in."

Fuck, Eric wanted to curse, what kind of convenient magic do you have? But there was no time to wonder because now Del's rough hand completely took Eric's delicacy and started to stroke it. Up and down, slow and fast.

"N-N...ah..." so much ecstasy went through Eric's body and instantly evaporated to form a ball of nothing but pleasure and explode. Damn, this felt even better than with Fil.

Meanwhile, Lav in his sleep, tossing, "Why do I feel so hot and weird?"

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