(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Ladies and Gentlemen never let a drunk demon near you

"Please say it, great hero," after the king sent everyone out apart from two of his most trusted superheroes, he told Fil to go ahead.

The three superheroes saw how Eric whispered something to Fil again and their eyes twitched. This little munching rat. How they wished they could throw him out but unfortunately, Eric was Fil's lover and they would never dare to go against their beloved hero. With newfound ferocity, Fil stated, "We have found an important piece of secret information."

At this, all the superheroes stared at Fil with expectant gazes, what was this secret information that required the great hero to come to this humble superhero kingdom?

Eric watched unamused how the three superheroes closed in on Fil as if they were about to receive the greatest prophecy of all times.

Enjoying the small buzz around him, Fil said with great vigour, "When I single-handedly destroyed the wasteland and the demons-"

Eric rolled his eyes. Everyone knew how strong Fil was. No need to brag and flaunt here, "An important intel has come to my ears as the Demon King begged me to spare his life."

Eric doubled rolled his eyes. Just get to the point and don't spin a tale around it! No one needs to hear about your fake deeds! But to prove Eric wrong the superheroes hung onto every word of Fil's and even complimented him, "So cool!"

"Yes, no mercy to the demons!"

Eric stared at Fil. This demon wasn't insulted? Didn't he feel insulted?

"The cultivators have allied themselves with the demons and wanted to attack you. So I came speeding to warn you!" Fil finally let the bomb drop and looked at Eric with a smirk for affirmation if he did good or good.

Eric only smiled angelically and something grew in Fil's pants but it disappeared when the king angrily shouted, "Insolence! I knew these cultivatiors were up to no good! Great hero, you have witnessed how that vile cultivator king tried to humiliate me in front of you?"

"If the cultivators want to launch a sneak attack, we ought to be faster than them. Thanks to the great hero, we managed to avoid a fatal one-sided massacre," one of the other two superheroes spoke.

"Indeed. Your majesty, does that mean we shall declare war?" the other superhero asked. 

Eric liked this development but he was heavily unimpressed by how these superheroes spoke like aristocrats. Fuck, where were those cool ass superhero you see in movies? Was Fil's so obsessed with monarchy, he had to establish them in every part of the world and even had the characters talk like this?

"Yes, we will go to war with them! It's time we settle this!" the king shouted angrily. Eric blanked. Seriously, even the way the characters acted was mainly influenced by Fil. For fuck's sake, as a king can you even fucking make such a grave decision so easily?

Ah, wait yall got superpowers. If you get injured, heal, heal. Poof, y'all are fine! I don't even care anymore! Eric just stuffed himself with food and let the dramatic discussion of the superheroes pass him. Since Eric knew of the kings' hatred for each other and their arrogant nature, Eric used this opportunity to pit them against each other.

Intel like this, told by the great hero, how could it be false? So, of course, the superheroes would brace themselves for an attack. Fil watched Eric eat to his heart's content. Seeing the inflated cheeks of Eric move relentlessly, Fil was incredibly amused. He wouldn't mind making this his daily entertainment.

If he was a king, in a room surrounded by millions of gold, he would just lay in the middle of the room with Eric in front of him and just watch him eat all day and at night of course Fil would be the one to eat Eric.

Having this thought, something other than Eric's cheeks inflated but it quickly deflated again as the king shouted, "Great hero!"

Fil was now annoyed and wished this superhero trio would just take their conversation somewhere else and fucking disappear already.

"You will aid us, right? To defeat the cultivators!"

To the king's surprise, Fil glared at him. Annoyance was visible on Fil's extraordinary adonis face. Eric looked up as this caught his attention. Hmm... this was a tricky situation.

As the hero beloved by both superheroes and cultivators, if Fil were to choose a side, then it would result in the collapse of the other side. Eric's lips curved up. This was exactly what he wanted.

"Fi-'' but before he finished his sentence Fil stood up, pulled Eric with him and said, ''I've drank too much. You do your stuff, I'll get back to you later.''

Helpless, the superheroes had to watch their hero and his lover leaving.

Perplexed, Eric just let Fil pull him along. He didn't imagine that Fil knew how to get out of this situation. But what actually went on in Fil's head told another story. It went like this:

 Need to do Eric. Need to do Eric. Need to do Eric. Need to do my human teacher.

Poor Eric. If only his skills wasn't on indefinite cooldown, he'd know the danger that was looming before him. Fil dragged Eric out of the castle back to the hotel when it just turned evening. The dark sky and the humid weather made Fil even dizzier.

Although he only had one glass of wine in front of Eric, he sneakily drank a couple more and now the liquor was rushing to his head and intoxication made itself visible. That stupid superhero king blabbered for so long that the alcohol had time to numb Fil's mind and brain.

That was why Fil's mind was filled with Eric and he dared to do more aggressive things towards Eric. If he was soberer, he would try to keep himself in check but not tonight.

Eric noticed that something was wrong by the way Fil threw Eric on the bed and then towered over him. He saw Fil's slightly flushed cheeks and was secretly displeased. This demon couldn't hold his liquor after all!

Eric pushed Fil to the side and Fil collapsed next to Eric, grunting.

"You're drunk, sleep it off."

Seeing that FiI didn't move, Eric took it upon him to unbutton Fil's shirt. A total mistake. 

Each time Eric's cold fingertips graced the toned chest of Fil, Fil's eyes deepened with desire. Unfortunately, Eric didn't notice it and blabbered away, "I think you should agree to the king's request. Join them in the war against the cultivators."

"Teacher thinks it's alright?"

"Of course."

"Mhmm," Fil absent-mindedly smiled, "If my lover says so."

Eric's hands that were about to take off Fil's pants halted. W-What?

Now looking at it, what Eric did was highly ambiguous.

"What's wrong?" before Eric could take his hands away, Fil grabbed them and sat up.

With a hungry gaze, he observed Eric while his deep, misty voice caused goosebumps to break out on Eric's skin, "Why don't you continue, 'teacher'?"

"You're drunk," Eric cautiously said but it only stirred on Fil more, "I'm not. Why don't you confirm it? If you do well, I'll agree to the king's request."

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