(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

You just had to feed the rumours more dog food!

Eric was still a bit embarrassed about yesterday's event, but since Fil pretended nothing's happened, Eric didn't have the face to question Fil about it. So, he swallowed his confusion and embarrassment down and also pretended everything was as usual.

"Teach, what are we gonna do next?" 

After Eric showered as well, it was now a norm for Fil to dry Eric's hair. Eric had no choice but to accept it. For some reason, this made Fil quite tame. Eric appreciated Fil's obedient nature, although it was still uneasy, Eric didn't have to endure Fil's loud roaring and shouting. It was refreshing.

"We'll go and meet the king," Eric said decisively.

"What for? We've already seen him, he can't compare to me."

"It's to pursue him to pacify the Cultivator's side!"

Eric blissed over Fil's remark. However, what Eric said wasn't entirely true but he couldn't tell Fil the real reason, so that part was omitted.

A while later, Eric and Fil went to the king's palace. It was as simple as the rest of the superhereo's side, however, the castle looked quite modern.

It reminded more of a mansion than a palace. A 10 times the size mansion. The palace was also surrounded by walls and inside the king's army quarter was stationed. It wasn't too different from the Demon King's palace. Basically the same layout.

Once the hero unannounced arrived, he was warmly welcomed. Eric as well was immediately recognised but the positive reception turned grim when it came to him. Eric didn't care much, he was the villain after all.

Eric used the opportunity to scout the army but there wasn't much to see. Just a bunch of superheroes playing knights.

Immediately, the king ordered a banquet. In less than 10 minutes, Fil and Eric were seated at a long table with a feast before them. During the 10 minutes, the king called all the important superheroes. 

With their superpowers, they immediately assembled and sat with them at the long table, looking at the hero in awe and admiration, while Eric got suspicious and dubious looks. Yet Eric didn't care, he just ate and ignored everyone.

At the front of the table, the handsome king sat but his face and body could never rival that of Fil's.

Left of the king, his two kids sat and to his right Fil, then Eric followed by the bunch of superheroes.

All sorts of questions and joyful conversation was thrown around until one question had the table quiet down in less than a millisecond. A question everyone was dying to know.

"Great hero," the king was brazen enough to ask the question, "We've heard you dote on this particular disciple. Are... perhaps the rumours true?"

"The rumours?" Fil spoke in a magnetic voice. Since his ego was stroked again after a long while, he reverted back to the old, noisy and fierce person he was.

"Well..." the king sounded nervous and all eyes fell on Eric who unbothered continued to eat to his heart's content, not interested in anything.

Fuck! At least pretend to be curious! We're talking about you here!

The whole room spat blood at Eric's  indifference. This is about you and the hero!

The hero! You vile temptress are taking advantage of! How can you be so unfazed? Eric knew what they were thinking about but decided to ignore them.

"Just spit it out bahahaha!" Fil put the wine glass to his lips. That was when Eric finally gave a reaction, "Don't drink too much."

"It's only my first glass."

"Leave it at that then."

"Yeah, yeah."

The whole room made eyes. The hero being tamed like this? Who dares? But Eric's concern was how well Fil would be able to hold his liquor.

After all, Eric and Fil had to sleep together. Prior the king asked them to stay in the palace but Eric refused. There were too many ears and eyes, Eric couldn't risk it. Staying at the hotel away from curious people was the best, even if it meant enduring to sleep with Fil on a bed again.

"Then if I am so blunt," the king gathered courage and said, "Is it true you're lovers?"

Eric inwardly sighed while the atmosphere was covered with anticipation.

However, the incredibly surprising thing was that Fil got quiet as well. Eric thought he'd roar. They weren't, so why did it seem like he was contemplating whether to tell the truth or not?

Everyone was dying to know and their eyes were practically glued to Eric and Fil.

Whispers flew around and Fil stayed quiet.

"No way, are they really?"

"Were the rumours true? The hero... does he realise?"

"Shh, let's listen."

Finally, Fil looked at everyone and the king and solemnly spoke, "Yes, we are."

His words vibrated across the whole place and echoed in everyone's ears. Yet it hit Eric the hardest. He almost choked on his food.

E-Excuse me?

But Fil wasn't done, with a loud laugh he proclaimed proudly, "We are very compatible. Especially our bodies! Hahaha!"


Don't say things people will misunderstand, you fucking brute simpleton!


No, Eric had to put on a tender smile as if he was happy Fil acknowledged their relationship while on the inside he was about to explode with question marks.

Wasn't Fil against boning a human? How come he told everyone they were lovers?

No wait... could it be... Eric had a light shimmer of hope... Fil knew how the plot had to go? About Eric's plan? Since Eric had to play the villain, he didn't tell Fil of the plan but if Fil already figured it out, it'd be easier... but... well, Eric gave Fil the benefit of doubt.

Either way, it was good that everyone now was sure Eric was manipulating the poor hero who's blindly in love.

Eric sighed and took a sip of water as the whispers grew and weird looks were sent in massive quantities at Eric.

Even the king was speechless and couldn't help to stare at Eric in anger and hatred. How far did this lowly disciple tarnish the great hero's reputation?

"I... see," finally the king choked out, "as long as the hero is happy..."

"Yes, yes," the others reluctantly agreed and forced a smile and congratulations rained upon the hero.

Eric leaned closer to Fil and whispered in his ear. His hot breath made Fil numb, "Tell the king, you have something important to discuss with him."

"There's something I need to talk with you," Fil seriously told the king. The atmosphere changed again.

It was overly hostile towards Eric. They all saw how Eric whispered something to Fil and then the next second, the hero needed to discuss with the king.

Wasn't it obvious this lover had nothing good to plan? Eric sneered at them when Fil wasn't looking, as if telling them 'So? What are you gonna do about it?' 

The room gasped at Eric's audacity, but Eric was content with his acting role and continued to eat.

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