(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

My life’s a joke, right? A joke for yous amusement!

The next two weeks of Eric's break wasn't so much of a break. It was a continuous cycle of Fil trying to sneak into Eric's room at night and Nol catching him and then BOOM-


A series of loud commotion kept Eric from sleeping almost every single night. His holidays turned out to be a hell trip.

So, two weeks later, the lessons resumed. Tired, Eric sat at the table while Nol and the others were present. Nol greeted Eric enthusiastically and of course expected to be praised for his hard work. Well, he did keep Fil from him but at what costs? At the costs of Eric's sanity!

As they said, noise made me crazy!

"Teacher!" now Nol's sad wail for attention made Eric's heart go weak.

"Alright," Eric resigned himself and under everyone's wide eyes, patted Nol's head with a kind smile, "Thank you, Nol, you did great."

Feeling the hand gently stroking his hair, the warmth exuding from Eric's eyes, Nol suddenly got very timid and quiet. This was a very nice feeling. Nol enjoyed it while he could before a loud roar tore through this peaceful and beautiful moment, "Teach! Me too! Me too!"

Of course, it was a certain fierce reddy who wanted to bed Eric for a long time now.

Being denied the brief bliss, Nol scowled and cold sent Fil a glare, "Be quiet. "

This particular threat made everyone tense up. Eric sweated on his chair. Just now he was petting a fluffy puppy and now it turned into a hybrid monster!

Eric looked at his palm. The power he held! Too ferocious and terrifying! Nah, joke, Eric knew it wasn't because he had powers, unfortunately, but Nol really could be scary if he wanted to. As expected from the second strongest demon, in all of the Demon World!

"Nol, no need to get angry," suddenly a lazy voice appeared. All eyes fell onto a lazy demon still in his pyjamas.

"Leon..." Nol furrowed his eyebrow and calmed down while Eric twitched. He wanted to comment on this countless times but why the hell did Leon even come here?

At least get changed for fuck's sake! Am I this boring? Are you trying to make a point? You just had two weeks of holidays! Wasn't that enough? Your exhaustion isn't normal! Go and get it checked!

"Teacher, here," Leon handed Eric his story and then said, "Can you edit it?"

"Huh?" Eric felt like he saw Leon's eyes briefly flash but it must've been an illusion, right?

"Sure, I'll edit erm... 'The circle after transmigration' and-"

"NO, teacher!" Nol quickly wanted to rip Leon's story out of Eric's hand but it was too late. 

Eric felt the familiar pull on his body and knew he fucked up. He was about to teleport again! Nol threw Leon a glare who still smiled. Why didn't Nol tell Eric about the taboo word? Dammit, Nol forgot and Leon-

Nol balled his fists. Leon was his best friend, so no one knew Leon better than Nol, but right now Nol had absolutely no idea why Leon did this! What was his motive? Judging by Leon's expression, it definitely wasn't a good one. Nol also wished he could teleport but it was impossible now. Curses!


After the white familiar light disappeared, Eric found himself in a beautiful landscape. The sky was bright and blue, birds sang and all around was just one large grassland. In the far, was a town and villagers could be seen. 

Eric currently stood on a small hill overseeing the scenery. Several paths led to different places. The paths were just earthy ground.

Eric immediately guessed, he was in a damn world without technology again. He should've told his students to write about Eric's earth! So when he teleported, it was convenient as fuck!

Eric looked around. No Leon. No one. Just him, this landscape and this pleasant breeze surrounding him.

Eric looked at himself. A pair of sandals and simple cotton clothes. It seemed like he was in a very unconventional world. Eric tried to recall Leon's story. He remembered he praised Leon's story and it wasn't stupid or crazy like the others. So, this should be fairly easy right?

But the next noise destroyed Eric's will to live.


"Pitiful host, we meet again!"

Fuck it was this despicable system. Eric wanted to die.

"There's no time to die, pitiful host! A wonderful journey is waiting for you!"

"Why don't you go and enjoy it?" in front of this mind-reading system, Eric didn't need to pretend to be holy.

"I wish I could but you see a pitiful host, I'm just a voice without a body! Anyways, an amazing system will give you a rundown and a mission in order to complete the story! Rejoice!"

"Why did the goal suddenly change?"

"The goal is still the same. You have to successfully edit and complete the story. However, there's now an additional quest, pitiful host has to complete in order to leave the story. Just completing the story won't work anymore!" the system giggled.

Curse you and your 18 generations of ancestors and the 18 generation that hopefully, never comes after you! Why the fuck was there such a useless new addition? Who the fuck asked for it? Just two? You? Me? No, right? So, come out your abomination, let me twist you dry of your blood, skin you alive and feed you to fucking cannibals! I'll see if you still dare to pull such an ass trick on me!

"Now, pitiful host, don't get mad. Listen to the overview! Congrats, you are the MC this time. Again!"

Oh look, how absolutely not fucking happy I am. But it was actually good because as the MC it was easier for Eric to influence the story.

"The MC is a scum who transmigrates into a story he read before his death-"

Why the fuck is the MC a scum? Wasn't Leon's MC a good guy?

"Please excuse me pitiful host, I'll summarise the feedback you gave to Leon. Boring. Boring Story's boring. Boring. Characters are boring. Plot's boring. Setting's boring. Everything bor-"

"Alright, I get it!" did it sound like this? Eir was sure he was being nice about it! Fuck, why did he have to go and give such a feedback? Wasn't he just trying to destroy his own life?

"Pitiful host's mission is to defeat the villain but based on the new feature you'll get! The touchy touchy feature!"

"What the fuck is that?" doom loomed over Eric's juicy ass.

"Just as the name implies, the more 'touchy touchy' you do, the deadlier your attacks are! You can also buy from the shop with points. Points are accumulated with how much touchy touching you do! Females 0 points. Males 0 points. Villain: 1 touch 100 points!"

"So basically, I have to target the villain..."

Into what fucking clustershit did Leon's story turn into?

"What's the story even about?"

Eric was afraid to ask. With such a shitty new feature, it was bound to be a messed up plot like Fil's. No way... could Leon be the villain? Did Eric have to fucking get off another student of his? Fuck, wouldn't he go to jail this way?

"A brief overview: MC is a transmigrated scum who finds himself in a normal isekai story. Of course bound to a system, in host's case the touchy- touchy system. The scum goes on a journey that helps him undergo character development and he becomes a good person. That's it!" the system happily hummed in Eric's head.

On the hill, all alone, in this beautiful nature paradise, Eric was about to explode and unleash his load onto everyone. He was so mad, he was close enough to tear his brain out and stomp on it, in hopes the system would get crushed alongside and wail in pain before it perished once and for all.

Naturally, the system read Eric's mind and with amusement in its eyes and a fake surprised tone, it asked, ''Oh my pitiful host. It seems like your levels are going way beyond what a normal human being could take. Please calm down or your flesh will grace this pretty place with gore. Pitiful host doesn't want to ruin the story this way, do you?"

In all of his life, in all of his scummy life, even when he was teleported to the Demon World, got a shitty POV skill, was chased by the horny Demon Lord, his hateful students and then teleported into maniac stories, and then his perverted students, Eric was by far, by the very far, never, ever, ever so fucking angry as now.

Maybe all the pent up frustration accumulated has finally reached its climax and was ready to be sprayed everywhere, so Eric screamed out with veins littering his face rivalling a dump in the toilet, "THE FUCKING OVERVIEW! GIVE ME A PROPER FUCKING OVERVIEW! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" 

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