(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

To precisely aim the stream

"I don't think I'm here to-" but before Eric could continue, someone interrupted him, "Ah, Erica, you're the new employee right?"

A male in his 40s came over, looking sleazy as hell, to protect Eric, "All of you, back to work, what do you think you're doing? It's work time, not break time."

He shooed the females away before patting Eric on the shoulders, "I'm the manager, call me Dylan, ok?" wink.

Eric wanted to become the vomit that was bubbling in his mouth, did he now have to deal with this pervert?

But before messing up everything, he had to first figure out the story and play the white lotus, "Thank you so much, Dylan. I feel very welcome."

"That's good, I'll take you around. Since our company deals with real estate, you should know-"

Blablablabalba. Eric was given a tour of the floor and assigned a table, unfortunately, next to the lady bully women.

Even worse-

"Erica, May will be your help in charge of you, if you have anything to ask, she'll gladly help you."

"Of course, you can ask me anything," May smiled but anyone with eyes could see how she couldn't wait to tear Eric apart.

Well, Dylan had no eyes apparently. Not even a second after the manager left, May's smile dropped and in its stead, a sneer appeared, "Go and make me a coffee."

"Excuse me?" Eric wanted to kick her chair away but because he was the perfect white lotus, he stood and smiled up, "Senior is wise. I'll follow your instructions," And ran off to one of the kitchens next to the rest areas.

Eric, you're the epitome of calmness and a white lotus bitch, able to cope with any mistreatment by pretending to be pure and innocent. If you give in and slap them with the same treatment, you won't be able to be the FL! Don't become a second-rate or even 15th rated character like this May who unfortunately got a name, so she definitely is a more recurrent character.

But what Eric hated the most was this development! Because obviously, he knew where this was going and what kind of story it was.

But he better get so hard uno reversed that all the other players banged the table into oblivion and sent vibrations of hateful waves to Eric to get him back.

With his big, round bouncy butt in the tight skirt, Eric made his way to the kitchen, catching everyone's attention. But once he arrived in the kitchen, a loudly, "Ugh," followed him.

Turning around, Eric stared at the eye roll.

"May, what are you doing here?" Eric smiled and said very sweetly to this obnoxious person who obviously came to harass him.

If only she knew what a handsome alpha boss he was in real life- fuck why couldn't he be the damn chairman, president or whatever of this world to trample on all of these insignificant asses who licked their tongues up the hairy buttholes, and all that Eric need to do was to fart in their faces and done it was.

"You got quite the cheek. Who taught you to talk so rudely?"

What the hell? I didn't even-

"Listen here," May now stepped closer to Eric and poked him with her sharp and long fingernails in Eric's triple D, ultra-heavy, bossom while May was just a pitiful A.

"Here's how it runs. You do as I say and shut your mouth at all times. Keep your eyes down and now make me my goddamn coffee. Two shots of espresso, 3 spoons of sugar, then foam on top: a perfect twirl, if you get it wrong, do it again. I'll make sure you get it right, so now go ahead."

At this Eric's damn eyes twitched to the point he was about to fuck this bitch up! He opened his mouth to spit insults, only to find, he couldn't! Either move or speak?

Then the worst thing ever happened. In front of him, an intricate beautiful light blue interface appeared with 3 choices. Fuck, what the hell?

Was this an interactive game? Those so-called cursed otome games? no! How the hell did Nol's story turn into a damn game where Eric couldn't even be or act like himself? This was literally forced upon plot and fate!  

Could it get any worse? Ah, yes, of course, look at these 3 shitty abominations called choices. Doomed! The tenacious doom was after him again! C'mon just leave this perfect being Erica alone! Can't he just be happy for once and have it easy? Ah.. of course not...

Choice number 1: Make Coffee and splash it on her face

Choice number 2: Make coffee and take a dump or piss in it.

Choice number 3: Refuse and haughtily say you're an employee, not an intern or slave. Whip your hair and arrogantly stride off.

Why, why were these choices like this? And why could Eric see Nol in them? This was after all Nol's doing, wasn't it? But even though Eric couldn't remember Nol's story properly, he barely remembered that Nol's story wasn't like his!

Cancel! Where was the cancel button? How could he cancel it? How?

"Please cancel!" Eric begged mentally and would you look at this? Phew, the button did appear! Hallelujah! Eric quickly pressed the cancel button on the right bottom of the interface, but... BUT! It didn't work! Why are you there when you're nothing but a useless declaration, giving people false hope?

So, the cancel button didn't work. What should he do? Obviously, any of these choices were going to catapult him straight into hell of boogers from babies in nappies crying, their snot flying around. Then as the cries of the babies pounded against his eardrums, as they climbed up his legs, wanting to poop inside his underwear, Eric attained enlightenment.

At least he thought might be one. This realisation was so strong that with one full-force blast all kids were reduced to farts floating through the air, cursing Eric to death.

What if the system's mentioned mission was to find a way to avoid this otome game and options? Wasn't his mission basically to avoid turning this into an otome game? Didn't he just look through the system's mischief?

Indeed, stop butchering a story that's already been butchered, handed from the butcher to mince, minced 38 times, just like how you'd beat the meat of a corpse a 1000 times with your arm muscles and desperately wanting to swallow the dead juice milk to satisfy your necrophilia.

It was done and dead. Gone and led. So stop trying to go for a corpse's fucking semen, you freak!

"No, no, focus,'' Eric took a deep breath and looked at the options again. In the end, there was only one right choice, "I choose you!" like a pokemon being summoned by a level -1000 player, the choice obeyed its forced master, but it had a bigger brain play and instead of being bound to its master, it had the cheek to take over its master as its host. Eric constantly felt doom looming over him as his body moved against his will.

M-Maybe the choice he abruptly chose, after thinking about for approximately a good long 1000 nano milliseconds wasn't after all the right one.

"What are you waiting for? Do the coffee now!" May crossed her arms and clicked her tongue in annoyance.

You want your coffee? Fuck, you'll get yours! So why did Eric choose this option? Because well... it was the only option where no one would suspect him and he wasn't disobeying nor openly going against May, that palm tree climbing chick for coconuts.

Eric smiled at May while letting out an "Oh," which made May sneer but in truth, it was the countdown to her downfall. Eric gracefully took a cup, turned on the coffee machine as his body seductively moved. But just in that moment, a loud voice came through, "May! come here, I need your help!"

May clicked her tongue again in annoyance but Eric was saved from embarrassment.

"You better be quick," May snapped and arrogantly strode off, leaving Eric with the coffee before he took it and wanted to go to the toilet, but of course!

His body didn't listen to him. It continued to move on its own.

Tempting, Eric bowed down and put the cup on the floor. Fuck! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! Eric didn't like at all where this was going! No! Lord. Heaven, gracious fate, please I beg you! You can have my virginity but not this! Please no, plea-

Yup, as expected, Eric slowly squatted down right above the cup, his tight skirt barely covering his ass and his legs. Then his innocent and pure fingers that failed him, moved towards his underwear.

Never in his life did Eric feel this helpless and shamed, sweat trickling into his beautiful and charming eyes that could seduce even this damn coffee cup wanting to drink all of his juices!

Eric couldn't do anything but sweat and curse as he forcefully gritted his teeth. He wanted to cry! Big crocodile tears were about to split from this fake white lotus bitch!

But no amount of scandalous prayers could arouse any mercy from any religion and Eric submitted to his fate as a scum as he slowly pulled his underwear to the side.


A pleasant breeze greeted his womanhood he denied having. Fuck! This wasn't how it was supposed to be!

Was this game now even forcibly trying to make him pee? Yes, yes, everyone might have guessed it but this was the foolish choice Eric took after 1000 ms of deliberation! Why did his brain short circuit at the moment? Oh, yeah, because he lagged! Obviously, because he lagged! The most popular and overused gamer excuse! Eric was all of that incarnated!

Wait, this wasn't Eric's fault, it was the game's! Why the fuck did it even have this kind of option and the damn kink? Did the game really want him to piss openly in public in a small coffee cup? Not even 90% of damn males could be as precise but now Eric had to do it with a fucking vagina!

But Eric could already feel it! The cursed stream of warm yellow urine gushing through his body at an insane speed coming to accumulate all in a fine beam to pour into this coffee to send that May doll into urine hell to bathe with a million pissing Ericas!

Wait. Now that Eric thought about it... it didn't even sound bad.

To make May drink his piss and show her to her place.. for some reason that was highly satisfying. But the only problem was... he didn't want to do it here in public where anyone could see him! If he could do it in the toilet, it would be like giving your doctor a sample of your urine.

Simple. But anyone, anything, come and save him! And as if evil overlord plot, cough, system, heard him, indeed, the door to the kitchen flung open!

Eric's eyes shook. No, no, no! This wasn't what he meant! Fuck!

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