[BL] Spring Is in the Air!

Reminiscents of Seasons

Reminiscents of Seasons

by OkuraTsukiko


Premise Tags: Omegaverse/ABO, School Life,

Flashbacks, Non-linear Storytelling,

Friendship, Intimidating Love Interest,

Couple Growth, Drama.

Content Warnings: n/a.



It's the 21st of February, another day in which Spring has blossomed throughout the city. Under the Cherry Blossom Trees, the flowers graced blessings to those passing by them. Whether it be individuals of any gender, friends, family, children, co-workers, or even couples. With the smiles that Spring has brought upon them, it was the perfect season for love to flourish.


Between the falling petals, walks a man with a compact body shape. Hazel-colored pupils complimenting his cropped short black hair with a side fringe. His face delicate and refined, both of his upper and lower parts of his body are dainty. Engulfed in thick layers of coat, enough to convey heat in this chilly weather. Carrying a bouquet consisting of a proportional mix between White orchids and Lavender flowers.


His face then turned towards a field where people of any age lay to rest. His eyes scanned the surroundings as he puffed his breath into the cold air. His heart pounded when his gaze seized the place which he was told to go to. With a thrilled heart, he sprints with joy as he clutches on the bouquet to keep it from falling.


Stopping his joyful steps, he lets out pants as he stared down at a figure waiting for him.


"Sorry to keep you waiting, Damian. I woke up late, if only you were there to be my alarm, haha,"


"It's fine, Louis. We have all the time for today. I’ve been waiting for you to show up," A voice replied to the excited Louis standing in front of him.


Louis then hurriedly took a few steps before he settled down sitting next to the figure. He then slides in the bouquet to the figure next to him, emitting a happy go-lucky smile.


"Here, it's for you. I chose it myself. I hope you like them," Louis bashfully spoke as he placed the bouquet on the figure's lap.


"These are lovely, thank you, Loui," 


Both of them closed in with each other, huddling for warmth as Louis laid his hands on the ground. Enjoying the view of many people around them also bringing bouquets of flowers for their loved ones.




"Hey, Damian?"




"Do you remember the time when we first met? Back in middle school? The first day I came to our school as a transfer student at the age of 13?" Louis asked with a delightful tone.


“The one that always latches on the back of my head. Of course, I remember how flustered you were on that day,”








"Good morning students," The headteacher lazily greets


"Good morning, Mrs. Fletcher," The whole class replied, some with sleep-deprived voices while others spoke with force.


My heart was pounding like crazy, holding onto the straps of my backpack with a vice grip. Standing beside the so-called "Mrs. Fletcher" as some students took their interest in my damsel self. Hoping the hairpin I’m wearing on the side of my head doesn’t fall off.


"For today, we have a new student from the North province joining us. Please introduce yourself, Louis," The woman scowled, staring down at me with a vexed gaze.


"O-oh okay! Uhhh...." I let out a nervous chuckle, trying to keep myself confident throughout the introduction.


"M-my name is Louis Pomade, I'm a transfer student from Lawful Diligence's Middle school. I like to paint and read novels for fun, I hope we all can get along," I spoke up, still agitated deep inside as I glanced at the teacher's annoyed face mentally telling me to wrap it up.


Murmurs began to stir up in the class, some students engaged themselves in whispery giggles as they looked at me. Some looked anticipated as they smiled towards me, and the rest? They didn't even care.


"There's supposed to be an empty seat in the back, settle down and we will get to the lessons as scheduled," Mrs.Fletcher pointed her long manicured index nail towards the back of the class.


My eyes followed where she had pointed her finger to see an empty seat where a single pair of steel table and chair were waiting for me. As excited as I was, I didn't forget to show my manners.


"Thank you for the information, Mrs. Fletcher. I hope we can get along too," I thanked her, turning her ferocious frown into a smile filled with gratitude.


I happily bounced through my classmates’ tables as I said my greetings to them. Many replied with smiles but some don’t. I then hung my backpack adorned with pins of my favorite cartoon shows on the hook pinned on the right side of the table.


I sat down and started to open up the zip of my bag to bring out my school supplies. Pencil case, water bottle, a thick medium-sized Math textbook, and a checkered pattern book to write down my notes. As I was opening up my notebook, I felt shivers running down my spine coming from somewhere near me.


When I turned my gaze to the left, I was met with eyes as sharp as a Tiger’s. Those half-lidded eyes contained pupils brandished with shades of blue. His Caramel-colored hair wavy and fluffy, cut short to be the same length as his ear. He was staring right at me intensely… or so I thought.


“Uhh.. h-hi?” I nervously waved my hands towards him while making a puzzled face, almost a wry smile to be exact.


His gaze then scattered away from my face unto the top of my table. He let out a sigh and averted his gaze towards my eyes once again. Something about his eyes just intrigued me, as if it’s pulling me into a vast ocean hidden deep within them.


“You got the wrong book,” He mentioned, laying his head against the back of his hand.


“H-huh?! Really??” I blabbered, scattering my hands to take a good look at the textbook once more.


“Did you even check the schedule before coming here? The first period consists of English, Math is for tomorrow,” He added, pointing his index finger at my table.


“A-aah!! You’re right, ohh... what am I going to do? I left the English textbook back at home,‘ I started to bite the edges of my nails anxiously, stomach twisting as waves of fear washed over me.


It felt as if I could cry at that moment. Muttering to myself, I hadn’t noticed the shadow slipped into my left. When I lifted up my gaze, I saw the boy extended his right hand holding a large thin book in his grasp. He nudged it against my left arm and nodded.


“Here, you could use mine, new student. I don’t mind borrowing it,” he spoke with a calm voice.


“Won’t the teacher punish you for that here?” I replied, tapping the heels of my shoes too frequently.


“If she doesn’t find out, of course. You don’t want to be labeled as the clumsy student on the first day, right? Take it before I change my mind,” His voice became more annoyed as he pushed the book further to me.


My frightened heart was soothed over by his kindness. His once eerie glare has now softened within my vision. I began to notice the other features of his face that were blocked by his unapproachable aura. Such as the tiny mole beneath his right eye, it’s kind of cute if you look at it again.


I nodded and took the book willingly from his hand, feeling my cheeks flushing red. I gripped the book as I placed it on top of the table and I turned my head towards him. In the midst of Mrs. Fletcher explaining many inaudible junctions of the world of vocabularies.


“Psst… hey,” I whispered to get his attention


“What?” He turned his head to me with his brows knitted together.


“My name’s Louis-”


“I know that, you just introduced yourself earlier, what about it? Make it quick before she catches us talking,” He replied with a stingy tone.


“E-eeh… haha, I just want to ask something,” I paused for a moment, glancing forward at the scribbled blackboard and the upper back of our teacher.


I stared at her for a few seconds before I could continue further. As she was still writing on the board with chalk, I turned back to the kind but sharp-tongued boy beside me.


“What’s your name?” I whispered.


What I got in return was a face full of boredom, “You better focus your eyes back on the board, you can catch up to everybody later including me. It’s not the right time to ask for names as such,”


I pouted vexedly at his reply, “I just want to thank you, properly. Well whatever floats your boat anyway,” I crossed my arms and rotated my body hefty forward. A deep sigh then came following aterwards.


“... Damian,” A voice came across the range of my hearing, making me open my eyes wide.


I glanced at him yet again, but strangely, his cheeks were a bit flushed.


“The name’s Damian… Damian Apollo. There, happy?” He muttered, lifting one of his brows towards me.


Damian… What a cool name.


“Uh-huh, thank you for lending me your book, Damian,” I grinned at him gratefully.


“No problem… Louis,”




“You were such an arrogant brat at that time,” Louis laughed light-heartedly.


His lover beside him let out a scoff, “Arrogant, you say. I was trying to be helpful to a transfer student,” Damian let out a light-hearted chuckle.


“After the period ends, you had already disappeared from my sight when I wanted to return the book. Some kids even told me to stay away from you,” Louis sighed as he leaned his head against the figure’s shoulder.


“Because of that, I wasn’t so sure if you were a good person at first. But one moment changed my whole perspective of you,” Louis added, tracing his finger against the figure’s solid shoulder.


“Do you remember the time we get the test results for our secondary genders? Back when we were 15 years old?”


Damian nodded and hummed, “Aaaah that one, that’s also the day you changed my perspective towards you. It feels like yesterday you approached me so suddenly when I was doing my own thing in the garden of our school. Not to mention that you were in so much panic,”





“Here are your results for the medical checkup last week! When I call your names, go up to the front and retrieve it, am I clear?” A substitute teacher brought a thick stack of paper sheets and put it down on the teacher’s table


“Yes, Mister Verrent,” The whole class replied, some rolled their eyes tiredly while some were anxious in their seats.


And to be honest… I’m shaking as well, tapping my finger fidgety as the robust man in the front called our names one by one. I turned to look over to my fellow classmates next to me, whispering encouragements towards each other. Feeling my heart pumping with adrenaline, I lastly tapped to the student in front of me. Which just so happens to be Damian, my one spiteful friend.


“Psst… Damy!” I whispered his nickname, catching his attention as I jabbed my fingers into his back.


He then swiftly turned back to me with a vexed expression, “What do you want?”.He scowled.


“Are you nervous?” I asked


He lifted one of his brows and flattened his lips, “Yes, I am,”


My eyes went wide at his subtle answer


“Woah, really??!”


“I was just being sarcastic,” He scoffed, rotating his body facing forward.


“O-ooh… I see,” I loosened up my shoulders, disappointed by his claim.


As more names were being called, creaks of tables and chairs were taking turns in making the noise. And there was a long pause after I replied, sounds tuning out as I blanked out staring at his toned shoulders and undercut. So, I decided to try once more, perseverance never fails.


“Damy.. hey, Damian!” I lightly pushed his back, causing him to nudge forwards a little and flinched.


A loud stomp was heard throughout the class, startling the other students, and attracted the teacher’s attention. He stood up and turned his body around, slamming his hands into my table. 


WOULD YOU STOP ANNOYING ME?!” He yelled right at my face, with an enraged facial expression.


It looked like he had popped a vein on the side of his head as flushes of red started to surface his skin. Shocked and surprised at the same time, my body couldn’t stay calm at his approach. His loud shout made me feel as if I was on the edge of a cliff.


“Damian Apollo! Be quiet and sit down on your desk or I might have to send you to the principal’s office,” The teacher exclaimed as he handed the called student her results.


Then I looked at Damian, glaring at the teacher ominously, and clicked his tongue. Throwing himself to sit down in his chair with his posture stiff. Slouching his upper body forward as murmurs rose up within the class. I was left speechless at that exact moment, tensely leaning my back against the hard surface of my chair.


The teacher shook his head and continued to call the other students’ names. While I was sitting there in silence and boredom as I got a tap on my shoulder. I turned my back and saw a boy behind me with straight blonde hair and Violet eyes whose name is Killian.


“Hey, you okay? Damian did you good, huh?” He asked worriedly.


“No no, it’s fine, really. I just wished I could talk to him more on friendly terms,” I replied, letting out a light chuckle, swiping my hair behind my ear.


“That guy’s bad news, you know. You shouldn’t let yourself near his little antics,” The boy’s reply made my heart uneasy.


No one even told me the exact reason why I should stay away from him. I’m not really the type to pry into some nonsensical gossip. For 2 years they only told me to distance myself away from him, following others’ words like a leaf in the wind. 


Was it pity that I felt for him? Or was it my easy-going self that wants to befriend everyone? Either way, the peak of my curiosity has been on the back of my head for too long. What is the exact reason behind it? 


“I want to ask you something,” I spoke up


“Go on,” the boy leaned forward as I whispered the next sentence.


“Why does everyone stay away from Damian? In addition to telling others to do the same that is. What’s going on?” I asked


For a moment my classmate’s face was twisted with discomfort as he widened his eyes, “Wait, you didn’t know?”


“Know about what?” I shrugged, then the boy’s face sat next to mine as he lifted his hand to cover up his lips and my left ear.


“Damian once sent a senior student to the hospital a long time ago in a massive fight. Several months before you got transferred here,” Killian replied, leaving my heart to thump hard at his answer.


“R-really?” I doubted, not wanting to accept the truth that my friend spouted out.


“Yeah, I heard that the senior’s nose, left arm, and right leg were all broken. Soon after he recovered, he moved out to another school. Since then, no one wants to be near him or even befriend him. You got lucky that he only yelled at you, others were not. We got a few rumors that he had cornered a kid who bumped into him and almost punched the poor guy,” 


“That’s why we would warn anyone who comes near him to stay out of his way,” He explained, leaving me to frown melancholically.


So that’s the reason he’s all alone… It’s not the first time I have seen other students avoid him with fear on their faces. But if he’s as scary as Killian told me, what was that gesture he gave me a few years ago?




“Here, you could use mine, new student. I don’t mind borrowing it,”


“If she doesn’t find out, of course. You don’t want to be labeled as the clumsy student on the first day, right? Take it before I change my mind,”


“The name’s Damian… Damian Apollo. There, happy?”




Compared to what Killian had told me, it’s true that Damian does have a discomforting aura around him. Or it could be that his pheromones have gone to work. But the way he helped me on my first day at this school doesn’t match what the gossips says at all. 


I’m sure there’s a way I could get close to him, even the toughest ones can be befriended if you know the way.


“Louis Pomade!” A call preached my thoughts as I rotated my body towards where the voice came from.


“Oh, I’m called. By the way, thanks for the info, Killian. I appreciate it,” I thanked him, in which he nodded hesitantly in return.


“No problem, Lu,” He replied with my nickname.


I then shifted my body up from the chair as I began my journey towards the front of the class. As I passed by Damian, glancing at him for a moment to check on him. He’s just burying his head in between his folded arms, looking as if he’s asleep. I sighed and continued forward to get the results.




“Woah, Killian’s an ALPHA?!” A female student shouted as me, Killian and three other students gathered up with the test results in our hands.


“That’s amazing!! Not to mention you’re one of the few who are dominant in this school!” Another student added.


“Come on guys, it’s nothing really,” Killian replied as his cheeks flushed red, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.


“Yeah, but being an Alpha is cool you know! Sadly, I’m just an ordinary female Beta,” My friend Mari replied, the one who had shouted earlier. She then pouted with her cheeks puffed and her arms crossed.


“Hey, you should be grateful for that. No matter if you’re an Alpha, Beta or Omega, you have to be thankful for what you got” I slipped in, patting the girl on the shoulder to try and lift up her mood.


And it somehow did the trick, her frown turned upside down and she smiled brightly at me, “You’re probably right, Louis. But I still think that being an Alpha is awesome. Thanks for cheering me up,” She replied sweetly.


“Glad I could help,” I replied with a polite smile.


In the midst of break time inside of the uplifting class, most of us students are all conversing with ourselves about the results we got. Wearing long-sleeved uniforms to endure the chilly Spring breeze. I smiled unsettlingly as I clutched my test results in my grasp. Still trying to process the results that I got earlier from the teacher. Suddenly, all of the eyes in our circle of friends began to land on me. 


“What’s your result, Louis? You're the only one who hasn’t told us about it yet,” Mari asked along with our friends nodding in my direction.


I flinched when my name got called by her, "O-Oh really? Haha... I didn't even notice that," I replied with calm tone, trying to mask my worries and doubts over the results.


“Yeah, so what did you get, Lu?” Killian added, his voice peaked with curiosity.


I peeked at my results and positively exclaimed with a faked firm tone.


“Actually, I’m a male Omega. It says it right here,” I showed my test sheet and pointed towards the bottom right of the paper.


Traces of ink that was once bleeding resides on the paper letting everyone who reads it catches its title.


“Male Omega (?)”


Some gasped at my results while Mari, who asked me squealed in excitement. 


She jumped and wrapped her arms around me and embraced me deep, “OH MY GOSH, LOUIS! An omega?! I thought you were going to be a beta like me,” she exclaimed, squishing her cheeks against mine.


Looking at myself again, my physique isn’t that different from other Betas. Not too toned yet not too feminine either, so maybe it’s only natural for my friends to assume I'm one of them. Though, if only that was the case...


I gave them a wide smile, “ Maybe life has other plans for me, you never know,”


All of us burst out a round of laughter, though it was only me who gave out an empty one. Then I felt as if something was attracting my eyes towards someone. I rotated my head towards where Damian sat. Now it’s just nothing but an empty pair of tables and desks. All of his stationeries tidied up along with his metallic thermos on top of the surface of the table.


I guess he doesn’t like sticking around break time in the class, huh. Regarding what Killian said earlier…. I just wonder where he is… I hope he doesn’t make any trouble...


“I bet some of us are already trying to find their other halves here in the school. I saw Lucas trying to hit on Hailey earlier in the hallway while I was returning from the restroom” One of the girls whispered, yet starting another opening to an endless gossip. 


“Lucas? Oh, I heard he’s another Beta, while Hailey’s an Omega. Quite a peculiar couple they would make,” Killian commented casually.


“Spring is a magical season where couples are likely to be made, no matter what kinds they are. What do you expect?” All of us nodded in sync at Mari’s words. Except that I only nodded a little and smiled towards them all.


Then an image of Damian’s face went into my mind, his usual stoic expression roasted around my head. The luscious strands of his Caramel-colored hair, the exquisite mole on beneath his right eye. Pupils displaying a charm of elegance like Sapphire gemstones. My heart just thumps away fondly just by the thought of it.


I really wanted to get close to him, but how?





“Woo… What a tiring day,” Killian sighed exhaustedly.


“You said it right,” I added, massaging my left shoulder with my right hand 


Me, Killian, and the others were walking down the hallway of our class, hanging up our backpacks and sling bags by our shoulders. We stuck together as other students are also on their way scurrying out of this hellish prison as fast as they can. 


“Not to mention we’ve got a lot of homework in our hands. What a bother,” Mari whined, crossing her arms as we walked through the crowded hallway.


“Guess I will see you guys tomorrow, I gotta go home quickly,” One of us exclaimed, turning his back to face us.


“Oh, what’s the occasion?” I asked


“My family’s restaurant got a rush hour, so I have to help my parents. We’re currently selling some limited Spring dishes there. You guys should come over and try them while it’s available,” He offered.


“Only if you treat us, you know,” Killian playfully joked around.


Mari then struck a slap on Killian’s back, “Mind your manners, blondy boy,” She scoffed, leaving the inflicted Killian to whine as he rubbed his back.


“Well whatever, pointy nose,” Killian snapped back, he and Mari go head-on glaring at each other excessively


“Okay okay settle down, you two. You can just continue your conversation on the phone or any other way but not here,” I intervene between them before things got ugly.


Both Killian and Mari pouted, huffed, then averted their gazes from each other. An Alpha and a Beta huh, it sounds nice… Well whatever, I need to be grateful that I’m an Omega. I was clutching on my backpack’s strap while I was staring out of the hallway windows of the school’s second floor.


From a distance outside of the school’s gates are Cherry Blossom trees, its height on par with the school gate’s cement wall. There’s a bit of the pinkish and fluffy top of the tree to which my eyes can reach to see. Petals of the flowers flew across the air, some slipped into the area of the school. My eyes were keen unto a singular falling petal, as it taped the ground, a shadow overtook the sight.


The same Caramel-colored hair that I have always seen in class, someone who got offended with me earlier.




I rushed towards the window, slamming my hands against the glass window as I watched his back. I couldn’t see who or what was in front of him, what was he doing in the corner of the school?


“Hey, Lu. You coming?” 


I was totally engrossed when I saw Damian tossed his sling bag aside and started to pull his sleeves up. A red flag blasted throughout my head in an instant. Then he stepped forward where I could no longer see him because of the school wall. Judging from his gesture a second ago and what Killian had told me…. No way...




“Louis? You okay?” I was snapped from my panic when Killian tapped my shoulder.


I turned back and gazed at him, still figuring out what to do after I saw Damian like that. With no second thought, I immediately slapped both of my cheeks with my palm and dashed through Killian.


“WHOA! HEY, where are you going?!” Killian shouted as he, Mari, and the others stared in confusion at my repulsion.


“I just remembered I got something to do back home! I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” I yelled back as I faded through the hallway, sprinting my way against the numerous number of students.


“BE CAREFUL ON YOUR WAY BACK!!” A  shout came from Mari


I hope nothing bad happens to Damian! I gotta get there fast!





I scurried off to the school’s main lobby filled with numerous students, murmuring chats as they walked by. Once I stopped my footings, a wave of fatigue ran down my whole body. Standing on the lookout of which route I would have to take as I panted. In the midst of the crowd was me, an Omega rushing to find one of his “wished to befriend” acquaintance.


With my flimsy arms, I pushed everyone out of my way, or at least I tried. There were some difficulties getting through them, but luckily I managed to get to the school’s entrance hall. I dashed outside into the stone path leading to the open school and stopped halfway as I caught on sight on the side of the wall where Damian stood before.


My heart’s beating fast, heat coursing throughout my body as I finally turn the corner to confront Damian in the act.


DAMIAN!!” I was shouting, shutting my eyes as I bent down my body from the exhaustion I have from all the running.


“Huh? Louis?” All I could hear was Damian’s puzzled voice before me.


“D-Don’t... hah...  start... hah... a fight… Damy!” I panted halfway through the sentence.


“Uuh…  a fight? What the heck’s your deal?” Damian scowled


I lifted my finger up shakingly from the pressure put to make my heartbeat pound as hard as it can. Needing me to take deep breaths before continuing, “P-please… hah... You can’t start a... hah... fight with others!”


“... Louis, lift your head up for a sec. And open your eyes,” I heard Damian let out a sigh




SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND DO WHAT I JUST SAID!!” Damian yelled back at me 


“OKAY, OKAY, GEEZ!” I surrendered by flailing my palms high in the air, pushing up my upper body with the power of my palms on my knees.


When I finally stood up straight, I exhaled through my nose and opened up my eyes. And to my surprise, there was none other than the tall and broad-shouldered boy I saw in front of me. With his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, dirt covering the edges of his fingers, and some decorated his lower cheek. 


No delinquents? No brawls? No fight?....Nothing?


... Did…. Did I just embarrass myself?


“What’s gotten you so frantic? And you mention me going into a fight? Where did you get that info?” 


Damian looked at me all confused as he placed his left hand on his hips. While his right hand was holding a pot full of dirt… and some flower buds? 


“Hey, are you even listening?” He snapped his fingers in front of me


“U-Uhm... yes! Yes!! S-sure!” I stuttered for a bit there because of the shock and relief being processed in my head.


“Then get to the point,” Damian demanded as he stared at me with an unamused look on his face.


I let out an agitated chuckle and rubbed the back of my neck


“Hahahaha… Well….”





“So let me get this straight, you were watching me from the second-floor window in the hallway. Then you noticed me pulling up my sleeves and disappeared from your sight. And the next thing you do is getting yourself all panicked about me starting a fight with other students? That’s all?” Damian asked as he sat down next to me on the bench near where we stood earlier.


I nodded shyly as I was screaming on the inside, wanting to shrink into nothing as discomfort flagged throughout my whole mind.


Damian sighed with a tone of weariness in his voice, “Why do you even care whether I get into a fight or not? It’s not like you’re involved even if it does happen. Moreover, it’s creepy to know that you’re actually stalking me,” Damian made a puzzled face at me.


“I just happened to notice you while I was looking at these Cherry Blossom Trees okay?!” I replied back with a screech, pointing my finger towards the very same trees that I saw earlier. With me feeling that my whole face was boiling like a kettle due to the embarrassing action I had done earlier. 


Damian blankly stared at me, his expression softened up from the one he was making a moment ago, “Oh really? Well anyways, you better scurry home before it gets too late,”


Damian then rotated his body to the right and squatted down in front of the school’s flowerbeds. Which have been abandoned by the gardening club ages ago, now it’s nothing but a patch of empty humid soil. Curious me was approaching the busy boy preparing to wear his gardening gloves.


“You’re here to plant flowers?” I asked, leaning in to see his hands working.


He then took one of the buds and grabbed a hand-sized Garden trowel, “Yeah, obviously,” He replied with a disbelieved tone while digging the soil to the side.


Engrossed in what he’s doing, I squat down and remained next to him, “What kinds of flowers are you planting?” 


“Shouldn’t you be going home? I’m practically busy over here,” Damian scowled as he didn't look at me


“Can’t you just simply answer the question? It’s only about flowers, not something sensitive to talk about”


Damian stopped his work and glanced at me who was pouting at the time being. He then took a deep breath and huffed from his nose


“They’re Hyacinths, I got them from the garden of my house,” He explained, continuing where he left off.


“Hyacinths? Oh! They are bell-shaped flowers with perplexed petals that comes in many colors, right? Like purple for example!” I excitedly clapped my hands as I saw Damian handling the buds as gently as someone who is nursing an egg.


He then stopped his movements and turned his gaze towards me, “...Do.. you like them?” He asked hesitantly, to which I nodded and hummed enthusiastically.


“My dad used to plant these in our backyard, so I grew on liking them,” I replied as Damian had patted the patch of soil which he had implanted with a bud.


“They are flowers which grow when Spring comes. Common to see in the town flowerbeds, so I’m not surprised” Damian replied in a calmer voice, rare to see him even to talk this much.


“You’re talking more than usual~” I teased, making him roll his Sapphire Blue eyes in vexation. 


“Is it really that weird for me to talk so much?”

“Well you’re usually quiet in class,” I countered back.

“What’s not to like? I’m focusing on the subjects more than chatting with others,” He replied bluntly.


He cleared his throat as soon as he’s done talking, “And uh… sorry for what happened back there in the class,” He apologized


I widened my eyes at the sudden apology, feeling a bit mischievous from hearing him taking his words back, “Oh, it’s okay, no biggie. Just glad you didn’t punch my face,” I crossed my arms on top of my lap and snickered.


“You’re a weird one, you know,” Damian brushed it on me


I shrugged, “Guess you could say that again. Weird in what way? I’m intrigued by the second you called me a weirdo~” I teased, to which Damian stared at me with disgusted eyes.


“You’re just a weirdo in general,” He said in a monotone voice, stabbing me straight through the heart with the subtle insult.


“S-sure, I must be pretty quirky then...” I replied, trying to recover from his insult earlier.


As I watch Damian diligently planting those flowers, I started to remember how me and my dad would plant flower buds of any kind in our garden. All for the sake of making mom’s last wishes come true…. Make a garden filled with wondrous meanings…


How long has it been? 5 years?... I can’t believe time would fly on so fast…


“Hey, Damy,”


“Hmm?” He hummed


“Mind if I join in on the fun?” I pulled my sleeves up to my elbows, grinning at him enthusiastically.


He looked at me with his eyes narrowed, looking as if he doesn’t really trust me, “Do you know how to do it though?” He put the pot of buds between us while grabbing on to a pair of plastic gloves from his bag.


I smirked at him, “I have seen my dad plant several plants. But you could always show me how you work with Hyacinth flowers,” I enthusiastically replied.


“Didn’t you just said that your dad likes to plant these back home? Surely you should have known the methods,” 


I giggled, “I’m just a watcher, not a worker, teehee~” I winked at him with my tongue out.


“That explains your bad marks at PE, being physical isn’t your department,” Damian hummed.


“Oy!” I hit his shoulder lightly


“Come on, are we starting or not?” He looked at me deadpan in the eyes while I was still pouting at his comment.


Despite me being clearly annoyed with him, to see Damian actually offer something to me was rare. Kinda like when I first got here, after that day, I have never seen him offering me something other than tutoring lessons. To see him like this… couldn’t make me happier to accept his offer.


Still pouting profoundly, I just nodded and took the plastic gloves from him, “So where do we start?” I asked him while I was trying to put on the pair of gloves.


Damian then started explaining the mechanics and the correct way to plant the buds in. As well as keeping an eye so that I don’t screw up. Which in fact, happened a few times when I placed them in the soil. 


Time passed by and it was way past the school’s last bell ring. Me and Damian finally let out a sigh of relief as we looked over the tidy and neat flowerbeds in front of us. It did make some sacrifices to my face, dirt stains are all over my face. That goes the same to Damian though.


I was smiling jubilantly at the flowerbed, “Now we just have to wait for them to grow, do they need any fertilizers?” I asked Damian, to which he shook his head.


“The soil is already fertile enough for the flowers to grow. So no need for us to boost it anymore,” He started to take off his gloves.


I found myself bashfully smiling as I admire the small buds in the soil, “I hope they can bloom fast before Spring ends. I would love to see them grow after our hard work today,” I chuckled whole-heartedly in the end.

I heard a hum coming from Damian’s direction, “.....Look, Louis… I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier in class,” His voice trailed off, it made me caught off guard.


I looked at Damian and playfully waved my hand at him, “It’s no biggie okay? I shouldn’t have bothered you like that,” I smiled at him.


“But an explanation would be nice~” I added as I grinned cheekily at him.


“Oh, well...” Damian was rubbing the back of his neck nervously.


He then squatted down beside me and let out a sigh as he ruffled his hair, “I was… jittery when I was about to find out my medication results. I tried to keep my cool together but something inside of me was just waiting to blast off. Couldn’t put a finger around it, sorry to lash out on you, Louis,” Damian glanced at me with a diffident look. 


My heart raced high when I saw him being remorseful, that’s not what you see every day from a cool-headed student like him. Before I even realized it, I was gazing at him with glistening eyes. I didn't even apprehend it when my face was bright red at that moment, due to me being nervous around him all of a sudden. 

“?? Hey, you okay, Louis? Your face is all red, you got a fever or something?” Damian mentioned as he placed the back of his hand on my forehead.


When his skin touched mine, it took me a few seconds to register what was going on. There was heat coursing from my whole body up to my cheeks, “F-fever?! N-no! I’m not having a fever at the moment!!”


Damian let out a monotonic “Oh” and let go of my forehead before he proceeded to tidy up his belongings. And then my curious mind began wanting to pry into what he was tense about earlier.

“If you don’t mind sharing, what was your medication result? Up to your expectations?”


Damian scratched the back of his head before running his fingers through his hair before he unzipped his bag and took out a piece of folded paper. He then untangled the paper and handed it to me in my direction.


"Here, you can see it for yourself, Louis," He nudged the paper in front of me.


I nodded and took the paper in his hand before I could process the results that he got. My heart was a little nervous about it so I instantly turned my attention to the box below where his results are stamped. My eyes went wide at the words encrypted into it, I then looked up to him and my mouth gaped wide.


"Damian... you're an Alpha?" I said in disbelief.


He nodded in return, "An Alpha Male, yes. Well, I have already expected this from the start. But I'm not sure how to react to it actually, whether I should be grateful or be disappointed," Damian lowered his voice at the last few words and averted his gaze from me.


I tilted my head and stared at him in confusion, "Why would you be disappointed if you're an Alpha? I think that's cool that you got to be one!" I admired him, to which he turned to look at me, I swore there was a sparkle in his eyes just a moment ago.


"You think it's impressive?"




"...You really are weird," Damian chuckled


I glared at him with vexed eyes, "Maybe you're the weird one here, Damy," I pouted.


Instead of looking at me dead-panned as usual, he burst out a peal of light-hearted laughter at me, "Perhaps you're right, hah... since when was the last time did I even talk to someone this long?" His sweet words intoxicated me with ecstasy seeing him smile and laugh.


"Well, better let it all out than in, am I right?" I stood up and placed my hands on my hips relaxedly.


"I suppose you're right," He replied, grunting as he stood back up and looked at me with his arms crossed.


He hummed as he put his chin on his hands, staring at me as if he was trying to crack something out of me.


"What's with the stare? You're being like a creep, you know," I commented.


Damian then walked closer to me as he leaned his head next to mine. Hearing him taking a light sniff and chuckled as he finished his actions.


"I knew it," He whispered in a husky voice next to my ear.


I was taken by surprise by his actions and jumped a few steps back from where I was standing.


"H-H-HEY!! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THAT?!?! WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOU ALL OF A SUDDEN?!" I shrieked as I pointed my finger at him while he chuckled nonchalantly.


"Your pheromones are showing,"


I stayed in silence as I was processing his words into my head, "M-my what?" I stuttered.


"Your pheromones, judging from the smell," He then flashed a cheeky smile at me


"Louis, are you an Omega?" He asked calmly.


I was letting inaudible noises as he stood there, correctly second-guessing my test results on his first try, "Y-yeah... wa-wa-wait! How did you know how to differentiate an Omega's pheromones from an Alpha’s??" I started to get some shivers on my skin and down my spine.


Damian chuckled and crossed his arms, "It has a sweet scent to it, while an Alpha's pheromones are more of a musky and deep tone. If I have to conclude..." He stopped for a moment as he looked like he was in deep thoughts.


".... Yours smell like Caramel," He chuckled.


“R-really? So does that mean other Alphas can smell it?” I asked him because he seems to know more than what meets the eye. Besides, I don’t know anything about secondary genders since I’m not really into learning about them.


Damian nodded at my question, “However, Betas couldn’t really coax theirs’ around them. They have a weaker scent that oozes out of them. While Alphas and Omegas take the stage,” He explained.


“Now both of us know about each other’s results. Anything you like to comment about?” I replied


Damian shook his head and chuckled, “I think it’s more of a thought than a comment that I want to say,” He then took a few steps closer to me and looked at me with his Sapphire orbs.


“So, what do you think about becoming someone’s Omega?”





“W-what?” I stuttered as my cheeks heated up in the process.


Damian who asked that just stood in silence as he waited for my answer. His face didn’t show any discrepancy whatsoever, it was as if he’s prepared to ask something like this.


“What’s your answer?” Damian asked me as he slightly tilted his head.


I gulped before I could answer as I looked him in the eyes. There was a brief moment where my heart feels as if I could fly high in the clouds. But at the same time, it can sink into the deepest parts of the Earth.


 “W-well if you say it like that… I don’t really mind, after all, isn’t that what Omegas like me are for? To be paired up with an Alpha and they would go on and be… ‘baby-making machines’?” I gripped my arm as I recited the last words, hesitant to freely express what I feel back in class when I shared my results.


Damian stayed silent as he heard my answer, he then sighed and grabbed me by the shoulders, “Do you think those circumstances are a definite path for an Omega to take?” I sighed and nodded at his words as my mask had finally been broken down.


“It literally happens all around us, it’s already a common occurrence. Not like there’s much opportunities for Omegas anyway,” I shrugged.


Then, I could hear Damian taking a deep breath and exhaled it through his nose.


“...What if you find an Alpha who’s willing to love you as you are? Regardless of gender, that is,” He asked with a calm tone.


I paused for a moment to think about it, “That would be nice, but what good qualities do I even have? Heck, I’m not good at academics or even physically, and an Omega at that. What’s so good about me anyway?” I crossed my arms and averted my gaze from Damian.


“...That’s not true,” A mutter came to my ears


My eyes widened as I turned back to Damian who’s now gazing at me with warmth in his eyes, “What do you mean, Damian?” I asked him.


He then placed his hands on top of my shoulders, “You’re a caring person who doesn’t feel that anyone is awful enough to be left alone. Example? You approached me like this even though others told you to stay away. Not to mention you even helped me plant these flowers. Even though your work was a mess,”

“Hey!” I exclaimed when he let out his last few words.


Damian chuckled and smiled, “That’s what I value and admire from you, Louis….*cough*... Anyways, we should head back to our homes,” He then looked in a distance and looked at the sinking Sunkist orb.


“It’s already late,” Damian walked over and grabbed his sling bag, putting it on himself.


“O-oh, right! I promised my dad to help him with cooking dinner tonight to celebrate the results,” I gasped as I grabbed my backpack and put it over my shoulders.

Damian looked at me and sighed, “That’s nice...” His face looked kind of despondent and distant.


“...Are you alone in your house?”


“...Most of the time, my older sister works outside of the city and comes back once a week,” He replied while sounding disappointed.


I crossed my arms and looked at him with a suggestion in my head, “...How about you come to my house for dinner?” Damian’s eyes widened at the offer.


“R-really? You don’t mind?” Damian asked.


“My dad would really love to have guests, you know. So don’t be shy about it,” I grinned at him and tugged on his shirt.


“So, you’re coming or not? We can also pack some food for your sister to enjoy later,”


“...Since you’re offering, I will take it,”






“And then a few years after that, when we just graduated together,” Louis chuckled at the memory of Damian holding a bouquet of flowers in front of him with his cheeks blushing.


“You asked me out in front of many people, not to mention in front of my own dad that is,” Louis smiled.


Damian chuckled, “It’s not like he’s angry about it, he instantly welcomed me into the family. My older sister was also thrilled to get to finally meet you after that,”


“...I’m glad to have chosen you, Damy~ Your older sister’s doing just fine now, she’s even got a nice Beta that she’s living with,” Louis mentioned with a chuckle.


Louis looked in the distance as more Cherry Blossom petals flew around the premises, “Haahh…. This scenery makes me remember that night, you know? The special night where you had planned something special just for the two of us?”




Louis frowned at one fact that had happened in the past, “Back then the government demanded that every single Alpha in the city be dispatched into the military due to the conflicts between our region and the neighboring ones….”




“And came the time when you were needed to be sent into the field. I still remembered the happiness and sadness that I felt the night before you go...”






“Hey, come on, Damy! No fair! I was going to buy that first!” Louis pouted as he lightly punched Damian’s arms a few times. Walking down an empty park after they had their date at a cafe.

Damian chuckled at seeing his lover’s childish antics, “But it did save some time and money, you have been wanting this ever since they announced its release. What I can do is at least buy it for you before I go,” He smirked as he waved a CD album in his hand towards Louis. 


Louis still annoyed and puffed his cheeks, blushing at Damian’s reasoning, “F-fine!” He then snatched the album from his lover’s hands as he glazed his eyes over it with happiness thumping in his heart to finally hear the latest released songs made by his favorite band. 


The Omega then glanced at Damian and leaned his head against his Alpha’s shoulder, “...Thanks,” He smiled as he got a kiss on the head from his lover.


“Anything for you, Lu,” He wrapped his arm around his lover’s shoulder as his other hand was kept in the pocket of his coat. Holding onto something that he wants to give Louis later.


Both of them then continued walking down a large spacious park where many Cherry Blossom Trees bloomed as petals flew with the night breeze. A few dim street lamps lightened the atmosphere as the dark night went by. The couple stood side by side as they enjoyed the view together.

Louis sighed and smiled as he saw the petals fall from the trees, “Such a wonderful view, oh! Oh! Damy!” He then separated from his lover’s arm and went in front of him and extended his arms out. 


“Take a pic of me here, Damy! And then we can take turns to take pics!” Louis excitedly exclaimed and he flaunted his arms in the air like a child.


The refined Alpha smiled and took out his phone willingly to his lover’s request, “Just a few pics, and then we go home,”


Louis puffed his cheeks vexedly, “You’re no fun!”


“You’re the one who sparks the fun around here,” Damian muttered to himself as he took pictures of his lover under the Cherry trees. 


As he looks at Louis’s bright and authentic smile, his heart laments as he remembers that this will be the last night he can spend time with his Omega. It aches his heart to be picked… It made him feel bad to leave Louis alone while he fought for their country’s sake. Remembering the non-stop mentions of the program on news and articles. 


About how many Alphas have been sent home in caskets as such. Only for their families to mourn their remains as salary for giving up their family members. At least for tonight, he can still enjoy the warmth of being together with his lover. And to leave him a reminder before he goes to the warzone.


“Damy! Damy! Come and take a pic of me hugging the tree!!” Louis grinned as he had completely Koala-hugged the tree on his own. 


Damian smiled and shook his head at how innocently childish Louis is at times, “Alright, be careful not to let go before I take it,” He went over to where his lover is currently as well as looking out for any signs of him falling off the Spring-themed tree.


The couple spent some time taking commemorative pictures of them under the moonlight’s shade as Cherry Blossom petals flew around them as if it was being controlled by some kind of magic. And the Alpha couldn’t help but feel nervous for something he had planned to give to his Omega in a moment. 


It was after Louis took a selfie of him and Damian under the Cherry Blossom trees that they stopped. Louis stared at the picture of him giving a peck on Damian’s cheek made him smile warmly at it. Through that temporary happiness came a hint of sorrow as he remembered that this is the last night he gets to spend time with his darling Alpha. Before the man with a stronger physique than him will be sent away to his possible grave. 


Damian noticed the change on his lover’s usual optimistic expression and pulled him by the shoulder, “Hey, Lou. What’s wrong? Feeling sick?” The latter shook his head as his eyes started to get teary.


Louis shook his head and looked up at Damian with an anguished smile, “No, it’s just… this is the last night we’re going to spend with each other before you’re dispatched… You’ve set us up on our usual comfy date. Went to the arcade and played some games together. You buying me my favorite band’s latest album. And now, taking pictures under the night’s sky with Cherry Blossom petals flying around the air...” A teardrop then fell from his eye.

And from that teardrop, another followed… and after that, a stream of tears covered his flushed cheeks, “It’s bittersweet, you know… Having fun like this before you go into the danger zone tomorrow… I-I don’t even… know how to feel to be left alone… W-what if… you... you...” Louis frowned as he lightly sobbed as he hugged the album close to his chest. 


The sobbing man was immediately engulfed in the loving arms of his lover. Holding his Omega in his embrace tenderly as both of them were surrounded by Spring’s chilly breeze and Cherry Blossom petals fluttering around them. Damian lowered his head and leaned his forehead against Louis’s as he looked at him in the eyes.


“Louis… I know this is hard for both of us… No matter what, I will come back to you… I swear, and after that, we can continue on with our lives. We can plant as many flowers in our garden, meet up with our families. Enjoy being in each other’s presence… All of that… I want for you and me to do them all...” Damian reassured before he parted and held Louis’s hands in his. 


Damian smiled warmly at his lover as he wiped the Omega’s tears with his thumb, “Maybe it’s not the right time to do it. But I want to leave myself a reminder… for you...” He then grabbed something from his pocket. 


He lifted a silver circlet with his fingers and held Louis’s hand, sliding the ring into his finger. While the Omega widened his eyes in surprise at his lover’s actions. Damian then lifted Louis’s palm and admired the silver ring wrapped around his lover’s ring finger. 


He then gently placed Louis’s palm on his chest where his heart resides. As the night breeze surrounds them and the light from the street lamps shone on them. There was a warm smile on the Alpha’s face as he took a deep breath.


Damian held Louis’s palm still on his chest as the latter looked at him with his glistening Hazel eyes. From the sorrow he’s feeling earlier, warmth began to surface in his heart. Reality began to sink into his skin as he was in a middle of a trance. His eyes went hazy as his mind went blank from repeating the question over and over again in his mind.


“I know it may sound so sudden to you, and I don't know how you will react to it... but ...I love you so much that I couldn't bear to be separated from you... ever... So, once I get back from the field, we will have a wedding. Friends and family surrounding us will be witnessing our unison,” Damian explained with a hopeful tone in his voice.


"..." Louis then hung his head low in silence as his palm was still residing on Damian's chest.


Damian's face began to twist in uncertainty as he noticed the unsettling silence coming from his lover, "...Or is it too soon?... Louis?" He asked as the person in front of him stayed silent.


The initiative individual's face and heart became discouraged by the silent reaction. He was about to release his hand from holding his lover's palm to his chest but was stopped by a sniff coming from the quiet individual.




The latter still held his palm in place as he moved closer to Damian's arms. Placing his free palm on the other side of his chest. Burying his face in the Alpha's chest as he sniffed once more. It confused the proposing party as he took in the sight.


“Damian... ” Louis said in a croaky voice as he lifted his head up and gazed at his lover right in the eyes. 


Tears are streaming down his cheeks, however, there was no grief, no sorrow, no sadness. All that can be seen from his face is joy… endless joy…


Louis wrapped his arms around Damian tightly as he sobbed in a more uplifting tone, “*sniff*...I have been waiting for you to say that… idiot….” He muttered as he kept weeping and weeping while he buried his face in Damian’s chest once more. 


“Of course I want to marry you...” He muttered in the middle of his happy sobs.


Waves of immense relief and content washed through Damian’s unsettling heart. He then wrapped his arms around his lover’s body affectionately as he pressed a kiss on his head. He chuckled and nuzzled his face in the crook of Louis’s neck. 


Damian took a gasp of air and left a kiss on Louis’s neck, “...You have no idea how scared I am seeing you go silent like that. I was afraid you will reconsider our relationship,” After he had finished his words, Louis parted his face from his chest and looked up to him with a smile. 


“When will I ever reconsider ever being in love with the one who first welcomed me into our old school? The one who discarded my insecurities? All these years, Damian. You helped me through it all… even though I’m an Omega,” Louis said with a disheartened tone at the last words. 


Damian smiled and cupped Louis’s wet cheeks and left a gentle kiss on the forehead, “Even better,” He then moved in to unite his lips with Louis’s, standing still in their positions as it continued for a few minutes. 


Then Damian parted his lips from Louis’s as he felt his heart flutter with both joy and sorrow, “Without you, I might never realize that anyone would care so much for me. A lone individual trying to pass time in this world without anyone to care about. If you haven’t come to help me plant those Hyacinths in the school garden… I might as well never open up to you or anyone else,” He recalled the memories he made as he planted the flower buds together with Louis years ago. 


“It was the most fun I ever had in that period of time,” He pulled Louis into his arms once more, savoring the warmth they share in the middle of the chilly Spring night. 


“...Should we celebrate it? Back at home? To make it official that you’re mine?” Damian whispered as there is a hint of heat within his tone. 


Louis’s heart pounded as the skin on his cheeks started to rise up in hear, “Y-you mean… that, right?”


“Exactly, what do you say?” Damian whispered in a gentle yet endearing voice next to Louis’s ear. 


“...Of course, you’re my fiancé now. I want to do it with you and no one else,” Louis replied as he tightened his arms around his now-fiance. 


Louis lifted his face and gazed at Damian with a smile that sparks up his love for him, “I’m yours, Damy,” He muttered as he went for another kiss on the lad’s lips... 


The two of them closed their eyes as their lips touched. The silver circlet glistened in the middle of the night as the two reside in their nest. Flourishing the fruits of their love as they are surrounded by the darkness of their surroundings. Only to be enlightened upon by the moonlight going through the sole window of the bedroom. 


Both of them are rid of their clothing, spread across the floor as the leading party hovers over the latter. Laid on his back as the Alpha lowered his face to plant a kiss on his lips. Prying open his lover’s lips apart as he slipped in his tongue. The velvet sensation of the Omega’s tongue made heat arise inside of the Alpha’s body. Emblazing his passionate love and desire to leave a mark before he goes.


He then pulled away and gazed down at the extravagant sight in front of him. The beautiful damsel in front of him, the slender build of an Omega’s catching him off guard. Admiring the true prowess of his lover’s appearance under the moonlight’s shimmer. His Sapphire eyes seeped into the swirls of the Oak Wood in his lover’s eyes. 


“Are you ready?” Damian asked as he cupped Louis’s cheek with a look of affection on his face. 


The latter closed his eyes and nodded, “Ready whenever you are,” He smiled as a pink shade of roses surfaced on his skin. 


The Alpha then leaned his forehead against his lover’s and smiled, “...I love you, Louis...”


“...I love you too, Damian”







“Mnnhh...” Louis tossed around as he felt his whole body sore, his skin left light markings of the residue of his sweat. 


A profound fresh bite mark implanted on the crook of his neck. He felt a pair of arms wrapped around his whole body. Wrapping their legs around together as parts of their skin touched each other. The latter could feel his lover’s cool air coming out of his lips as he slumbers.


Louis chuckled as he’s met with Damian’s softened expression that he always made when he slept. He caressed the slumbering man’s cheek, engrossing and imprinting the contours of his lover’s face one last time before he leaves in the morning. Louis gave a bittersweet smile as he closed the distance between him and Damian until they collided with each other.


“...Thank you, Damy… For everything...”







Louis blushed as he recalled the memory, “It was one of the happiest yet saddest days I have to go through. The next thing I knew, you were in your military uniform. While I hold hands with you before you go through the gates….” He lifted the silver circlet wrapped around his ring finger and smiled at it.


“It was in the middle of Spring just like this one. But there was no single petal floating around when you’re to turn and leave. Only the cold breeze greets me and the warm look on your face wishes it’s goodbye… And then you walked through the gates with your head held high before you gave me your last smile,” Louis began to tear up at the memory and wiped his tears with the sleeves of his jacket. 

“...I’m sorry, Louis...” A grieving tone came from Damian as he tried to embrace his lover in his arms. But his attempt failed as there was no response of Louis returning his hug.


Louis took a deep breath and exhaled it through his nose, “After that, yeah… I waited for you until you came back. You promised… you swear on it… that we’re going to have our own wedding after you returned… Continue with our lives… Live on with each other...” His voice became despondent as a few teardrops ran down his face. 


“...I’m so sorry...”


“Day after day, week after week, even months I waited for you to come back safely. And then one day, in the middle of Autumn, the war between our country and their neighbors had stopped. I was overwhelmed with joy at the thought of you coming back to our house at last. You should have seen people rejoicing in the streets alongside me at the news,” Louis smiled at the festive memory of people celebrating the country’s peace returning once more. 


He then went silent for a long time, tears streaming down his face as his cheeks flushed red, “...And then all of us who are anticipating the volunteers’ return were called into the gates… I remembered how thrilled I was to see you after such a long time…” Louis pulled out pages of papers, words written in ink in Damian’s handwriting from his pocket.


“Only receiving your letters from far away… and the joy of hugging you in my arms once more… Then I remembered the soldiers coming out one by one to their loved ones. Returning safely into their safe haven, while I stood there and waited for you to come running into me...” He gripped into the letters vicely. 


Louis smiled agitatedly as his tears are streaming down more intense than ever, “A-and then… there was only me left standing alone… while the others h-have returned… I was losing hope… B-but then, a figure came into my front… When I looked up...” He gasped in some air as his body trembled. 




“...Louis… don’t… please, I’m begging you... Don’t say it….”





“...It wasn’t you…. Rather, one of your subordinates… a-and… he told you t-that… you had...” Louis shut his eyes tight as his heart cried at the world-shattering words he heard that day. The words made him instantly fell on his knees as he hugged what was remained of his lover. His partially burned uniform and dog tag covered with burned markings.


Louis began to weep his fate of the unbearable loss of his love at that moment as he retained an empty smile on his face. Then it all became clear where Damian was. His body where he has been sitting with Louis this whole entire time… was his own tombstone.



No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t wrap his arms around Louis’s quivering body. He couldn’t whisper his endless pit of apologies that he wanted to tell his lover. He only regretted that he couldn’t return to his lover’s arms like his other subordinates do. He watched from the sides of all the times Louis was lamenting his loss for a very long time.


“...I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise… Louis...” An invisible tear dropped from Damian’s eyes as he watched his lover’s lively aura begin to fade away.


“...You know… This is the first time that I have visited you ever since I heard the news… And… I can’t help but want to recall our memories together...” Louis said in a weak voice as he rested his head on top of Damian’s tombstone.


Louis smiled as his eyes closed and he began to feel his body weakened, “It’s been a year since I last saw you... Back at the gates before you go… and maybe I know why you left a mark on me that day… You know the consequences don’t you?” He muttered as he felt his heart begin to beat slower. 




“...When an Omega who has been bonded with an Alpha… They couldn’t live without them… When one passes away…. The other would gradually fall to the same fate… as their lover...” Louis’s breathing becomes weaker by the second as his skin’s colour is washing away. 




“But it doesn’t matter… I will be able to see you soon, Damy…” Louis whispered as he felt the last essence of his life began to dissipate. 




“...And I will be waiting here”




The Cherry Blossom petals blew around the weakened Omega as his last ounce of strength made his hand slumped into the ground. 





“...We will be together once more...”






“Hmm? Mommy?” A child asked as he saw something in the distance. 


“Yes, sweety?”

The child then pointed their finger at the direction they are looking at, “Why is that man sleeping beside that tombstone?”








Author's Account:



Hiya! Author OT here, phew, it's been a long journey in making this entry. I have been planning to write it since January but because of my busy schedule, it has to be postponed. I'm glad that I have submitted my entry in time! It's been hard for me to finish the ending since I would be a sobbing mess by the time I have finished writing it.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy my submission, and I wish you all a great day! Thanksies!!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.