[BL] Spring Is in the Air!

Spring A Time For Love

Spring A Time For Love

by Waterrain



Premise Tags: Arranged Engagement,

Social Gathering, Family Affairs,

Dragons, Phoenixes, Social Outcasts,

Ancient Times, Mythology.

Content Warnings: sexual content.



“Our little Feng is finally an adult and time to find yourself a nice male dragon to marry. Your father and I are very happy together although neither one of us are dragons. We want the best for you dear little Feng even the poorest of male dragons have quite a bit of wealth.” Feng’s mother commented happily while putting her youngest son’s long crimson hair into a fancy hairstyle. “Alas none of your seven older brothers married a dragon. Each one deciding to be together with a poor yet beautiful phoenix which is fine for your older brothers sure took their time finding a partner to be honest I was worried that they would alone for a life time. Your older brothers are very smart along with having the ability to become wealthy all of their own.”

Feng puffed out his cheeks in annoyance, rolled his golden eyes, and he is not a fan of his mother putting his hair into a fancy hairstyle not to mention all of the hair decorations weighing him down. He does not bother to complain for at least his mother only does his hair all fancy when it comes to special events. He can feel that his mother is putting in more hair decoration than normal this time around.

“You just want to be able to brag about having a dragon as a son in law.” Feng muttered under his breath and his mother lets out a little sigh.

“To be honest your seven older brothers take more after your father in looks and no hint of my beauty. Admittedly each one had tried the first three spring times to find a dragon however none of the near-by dragons held any interest in them for those dragons were looking for beautiful looks rather than handsome appearance.” Feng’s mother said slowly and Feng looks at her with surprise in his eyes. “It was for the best that your older brothers to be with phoenix rather than dragon and they are very happy. You are my youngest child, my dear eighth child, and I feel you will be the luckiest after all you are the eighth not to mention you take a lot more after me in appearance.”

“These hair decorations are different than the ones you normally put in my hair. These are a lot more shiny not to mention very fancy looking too.” Feng said in a low voice as he looks into the mirror.

“Your older brothers gave these to me for me to give to you and hope to increase your chances in grabbing a dragon as a husband.” Feng’s mother informed her youngest son and laughed a little bit when she saw him wrinkling his nose. “There is also jewelry to be put on too. Each piece of jewelry were handcrafted by your sister in laws and they also hope you find yourself a nice male dragon to marry.”

“What is so good about dragons?” Feng asked quietly and he was glad his mother is finally done with his hair.

“They are all naturally strong and powerful along with having a lot of treasure.” Feng’s mother replied while putting a pair of golden dragon earrings into her son’s ears. “They are very protective over their partners and extremely loyal. Since olden times phoenix’s have been paired with dragons. Now go and get changed into these robes. If you need help in dressing just call your father for help. Afterwards I will be putting on more jewelry along with makeup and such.”

It took Feng about thirty minutes to get dressed in the extremely fancy and complex outfit there was a total of three layers. Dark red in color and full with designs of golden dragons dancing with golden phoenix’s.

“The first day of spring is extremely important and everyone looking for a partner must look their very best.” Feng’s mother commented gently while putting a golden necklace around Feng’s slender neck and then putting six golden bracelets around his thin wrists. “You can put the anklets on your own. Make sure to put your high heels before putting on the anklets. Now to quickly do your makeup for it’s almost time for you to go.”

Feng closes his eyes as his mother puts on mascara and eyeliner on his eyes. Then his cheeks were powdered slightly to make his cheeks look slightly flushed and his pink lips becoming a deep shade of red after lipstick was applied.

“I’m certain you will be able to attract at least one dragon my dear little son. Oh I almost forgot to give to you a special birthday gift for you. I will be back.” Feng’s mother commented to her son before leaving the room. Feng briefly glanced at the red high heels and decided to kick them under his bed. He grabs a pair of white socks and black shoes swiftly putting them onto his feet then quickly putting the six anklets on his ankles.

‘I would hurt myself if I were to wear high heels.’ Feng thought and his robes perfectly covered his feet.

“I can tell you are not wearing high heels well I suppose it should be alright since the robes cover your feet in the end.” Feng’s mother commented and handed to her son a small box. “Inside is a simple golden ring which can hold basically anything expect for animals and living things.”

Feng opens the small box and puts the ring onto his right index finger.

“Thank you, mother.” Feng said softly and his mother smiles at him.

“I put plenty of food, various outfits, and other items for you to use my dear son. I can’t believe my little one is finally an adult and might be leaving the nest.” Feng’s mother told him and gives him a light hug for does not want to wrinkle her son’s outfit. “Your father would also send you off, but he is taking this harder than me. Now off you go little Feng and good luck.”

“I won’t be leaving the nest anytime soon.” Feng muttered and his mother smiled at him before using a simple spell to swiftly transport him to the location where all of the adults are looking for a partner.

“My beautiful wife did you warn our youngest about Yan?” Feng’s father asked his wife and he received pure silence. “Perhaps those rumors are just pure nonsense. Maybe his beast form is not ugly and deformed looking. Most babies born from a union of a dragon and a phoenix are usually either a dragon or a phoenix…”

“I do not think our little Feng will accept anyone this spring after all he does not seem interested at all and just going along with me. I bet he will briefly look around and then find a place to hide until spring time is over.” Feng’s mother commented calmly and then hugs her husband. “When he returns we can properly warn him about Yan.”

When Feng arrived right away he was surrounded by six dragons he could tell by their scent along with being able to smell that they are rather excited. Four male dragons and two female dragons. Soon after the six dragons started arguing with one another, challenging each other to a six way duel, and winner gets to court ‘the very beautiful and alluring little male phoenix’. The six dragons turned into their dragon forms and flew up into the sky.

‘I’m very glad that I’m not wearing high heels.’ Feng thought as he swiftly fled without looking back and did not stop running until he found a cave. ‘There is someone in this cave already perhaps also ran away. Smells like this someone is a mixture of a dragon and a phoenix.’

“Hello my name is Feng and I hope you do not mind if I stay here in this cave until spring is over. Pure dragons are really scary.” Feng said softly while walking into the cave and he was silently wondering how the one hiding in the caves looks like… when he saw the appearance for the first time ever felt as if there were butterflies in his stomach fluttering all around and grateful that his cheeks were powdered with a bit of pink powder for he feels like his cheeks are burning as if on fire.

‘He is so tall, muscular, tanned, and wearing a simple black robe. Long black hair flowing free and powerful looking golden eyes.’ Feng thought and he puts his right hand slowly to his chest trying to calm down his heart. ‘He is extremely handsome.’

“Hello, Feng. My name is Yan and it is only the young newly adult dragons that are very immature.” Yan commented calmly and Feng has never heard such a sexy sounding voice in his entire life. “I’m eighty percent dragon and twenty percent phoenix.”

“I’m one hundred percent phoenix and you are really handsome, Yan.” Feng blurted out and his cheeks burning in embarrassment. “Did a lot of dragons and phoenix’s ask to become your partner? Thus you have taken to hiding in a cave. This official area of courting location seems a bit different from what my older brothers have told me.”

Yan managed to keep himself from laughing for he is not hiding at all for this cave is his home and this extremely beautiful phoenix must be lost for this land is full of dragons not the official area where courting typically occurs at all.

Feng removes the golden dragon earrings from his ears and puts them into his storage ring. Then he removes the six golden bracelets from his left wrist and right wrist afterwards putting those into his storage ring. He tries for several minutes to try and unhook his golden necklace, but each time met with failure.

“Need some help?” Yan asked gently and received a little nod from the phoenix. He could easily unhook Feng’s golden necklace within a few seconds, but decided to take his time. Feng’s neck is fair and slender feels very soft to the touch. “There you go.”

“Thank you.” Feng mutters as Yan puts the necklace onto his hands and then the phoenix puts it into his storage ring. “Can you please help me undo my hair?”

Yan silently started taking out all of the shiny fancy decorations out of the phoenix’s hair and allowing the long beautiful crimson hair be free. His fingers lightly running through part of Feng’s hair enjoying the silkiness it is difficult to restrain the urge to kiss the phoenix’s gorgeous hair and to deeply smell too.

“I don’t know how my mother manages to trap all of my hair together for it’s really long as you can see it goes all the way to my ankles.” Feng commented slowly, his cheeks flushed, and he can feel Yan’s fingers running through his hair. “I am pretty short because I’m a picky eater at least that is what my parents tell me. My older brothers are not picky eaters and they are very tall, but compared to you…they are a bit short.”

“Those with dragon bloodline regardless of the amount are always taller than a phoenix.” Yan commented gently and he knows that he should move his fingers from Feng’s lovely hair, but feels very nice and so very silky.

“The most annoying thing would have to be that all of the teenage phoenix’s are taller than me and those the same age as me are taller than me. Honestly I wonder what they have been eating bet it wasn’t anything tasty.” Feng muttered and his nose wrinkled a little bit. “I am short however I do not have a childish face and there is no baby fat on my cheeks. I’m fully developed down there.”

Feng felt like smacking himself in the face for why did he mentioned ‘I’m fully developed down there’ to this extremely handsome and highly attractive male. Well at least he did not ask “Is it true that those with dragon bloodlines have two dicks” otherwise he would be completely doomed for Yan would think he is a complete pervert would fly away from him no chance at even attempting to court Yan.

‘I should have brought my collection of shiny gems, pretty rocks, and sparkly objects with me.’ Feng thought while staring up Yan and felt a massive amount of regret for he is pretty certain all of the possible shiny courting items have been taken away by others in this area. ‘Just a poor phoenix with no shiny things to properly court only having a beautiful body. Alas Yan is very handsome and there must be no shortage of others trying to court him.’

“Would you like to see, Feng?” Yan asked playfully and his hands gently touching Feng’s completely red cheeks.

“Huh? See what?” Feng asked him in confusion and his heart beating very fast for he loves the feeling of Yan’s hands on his cheeks.

“To see if I have two or one.” Yan whispered teasingly into Feng’s right ear and watching as the phoenix’s ears slowly turned pink. He watched as Feng transformed into a phoenix the size of his palm and covering his face with his lovely red feathers.

“Maybe I should fly away and go back home although not even an entire day has passed since the first day of spring. I’m super small now so it would be easy for others to not see me and I can fly very fast when I’m super small.” Feng was talking to himself and he did not realize that Yan can understand his words crystal clear. “Only time I’m this size is when I’m extremely embarrassed. To think I can mess up this badly of course Yan is my first love ah to think it is love at first sight and I have no prior experience so of course I’m going to bad at this…not even playing house with the other phoenix’s when I was child.”

“You are adorable, Feng. I can understand you after all I’m twenty percent phoenix.” Yan said gently while holding him up with his right hand and gives him a little kiss on the top of his head. “I fell in love with you at first sight too.”

Feng moves his wings away from his face and stares up at Yan in a daze. Yan smiling brightly at him while using his left hand to gently caress Feng’s silky soft feathers. Feng flies up and away from Yan’s right palm before transforming back into a humanish shape. He did not focus thus he was completely naked.

“You are truly fully developed down there, Feng.” Yan commented teasingly and loving how the phoenix’s cheeks went completely red. “Went to see how I look down there?”

“Fair is fair.” Feng managed to reply to him. Yan watched as Feng’s massive red-orange feathery wings on his back moved forward to cover himself up. Yan slowly stripping off his clothing while looking at Feng’s flushed cheeks.

“Male dragons have two however can make it where there is only one to have mercy on their mate.” Yan stated calmly as he pulled away the last piece of cloth and he notices that Feng has a nose bleed.

‘Looks so massive and would I be able to take it? Oh, Yan didn’t mention anything about us mating right now. Would it be too straightforward if I asked if we could do it right here and now in this cave.’ Feng thought while staring at Yan’s extremely handsome and very much so naked muscular body while pinching his nose due to having a nose bleed. ‘I wonder if Yan wants to wait or not. Maybe in the mood? His dick looks like it is getting harder? Am I the cause for I’m staring at it? What should I do? I have zero experience and…’

“Feng do you want it? I will be gentle.” Yan whispered into Feng’s right ear and Feng’s knees felt completely weak at Yan’s very sexy voice.

“Yes.” Feng replied back in a quiet voice trying to restrain himself and hoping that is not drooling for that would be extremely embarrassing.

Yan pulled out a blanket from his storage ring, dropped it onto the floor of the cave, and laid Feng down onto the soft blanket.

‘I can’t believe I actually got myself such a handsome and kind mate.’ Feng thought as Yan started off kissing him softly, gently, and slowly the kissing became heated. Feng kissing Yan back and he could feel Yan’s strong hands firmly feeling up his bottom. Yan’s slick fingers gently entering and Feng making sure to breath through his nose while enjoying a very long in-depth kiss with Yan.

It felt slightly painful when Yan’s massive dick entered inside of him, but soon it turned into pleasure and Feng thoroughly enjoying it along with loving whispering such sweet words. When the pace increased and Yan’s dick going in deep that is when Feng was unable to think of anything only letting out very loud moans of pure pleasure.

Yan has a very high amount of stamina and Feng felt grateful that all he has to do accept without having to move at all. If anyone had told Feng that he would find a mate on the first day of spring and would mate on the first day of meeting him would have wanted to burn them with his powerful phoenix fire. Life can sometimes be quite unexpected at times.

“I love you, Yan.” Feng muttered in a sleepy voice while hugging and nestling in Yan’s arms. “I wonder how long it will take for me to have a baby.”

“I love you, Feng. Let’s get married as soon as possible.” Yan told him and Feng agreed while briefly trying to fight against going to sleep. “Good night, Feng.”

“Goodnight, Yan.” Feng said softly before going to sleep and Yan smiles fondly at him before going to sleep with his beautiful phoenix.




Author's Account:

Waterrain (SH).


Hope you all enjoyed (^_^)/*

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