Black Sky

Chapter 89

Chapter 88 Prepare for war

In the command center, the communicator in Chus’s hand suddenly shook.

Sometimes, at a certain critical point in time, people’s intuition will always become very strange and accurate. Almost at the moment of movement, there will be a strong premonition that cannot be ignored.

Before reading the content of the message, Truss had expected that some of the things they had been exploring were being unveiled one after another.

Le Pen’s message was very cautious, still using a guessing tone, but through the screen, Trus could feel the shock and disbelief in her heart when she sent the message–

“Sir, we have forgotten someone-even though it sounds a bit of a joke-if it’s wrong, just assume I’m talking nonsense. Have you ever doubted Jin’s daughter? I suddenly remembered that we don’t even know her. first name.

I saw a look on her face that was totally inconsistent with her age, and the two days of gold that gave me the same feeling. Will it, I mean maybe there is some possibility, they are also related to time experiment? ”

Some things that seem very nonsense, in fact, there have been some clues long ago, but a clear reminder is missing.

This message from Le Pen is the “clear reminder.”

While scanning the content of the message in one glance and ten lines, Chu Si already had a guess result in his mind–

Although he has been habitually calling Jin and his daughter mops in his heart, because the first impression was too deep. But Jin actually told his full name–

On the night Saer Young was thrown out of the Space Prison by the Sky Eye, he said once: “I have a name, Kim Fergus.”


Everything is naturally implicated from the depths of memory. In the graduation photo of Mr. Shao, the man who was dragged by Jiang Qi’s chair and fell to the ground has never shown his face… The man described him as “relatively honest and courageous.” Little, he screamed as soon as he was funny,” and said, “The overall design of the black swan is him, Fergus”.

The same surname, the same personality, and the same dealing with the aircraft, also appeared beside Truth inexplicably.

To say that this is a coincidence, it is really unbelievable.

If Jin is the Fergus who jumped with Jiang Qi, then it really can’t be blamed that Chu Si never thought of it, but Jin pretended to be too good at first, like a real stranger… The only thing that reveals is The phrase “I will go camping in the black cedar forest every winter.”

As for the little mop of Jin’s daughter…

As Le Pen said in the message, they never even knew the name of the little girl.

After opening their eyes, they encountered things one after another, and the time for breathing was so little that they had never cared to ask a few more questions about the little girl, perhaps because they only regarded her as a child in need of protection. .

So that when Chu Si recalled the little girl’s message, he only wanted to get a few points, such as her speechlessness, because her throat had been injured, such as her hair seemed to be dark brown, her eyes were clear and bright in black and white…

The person he first subconsciously thought of was Elena, the girl who also appeared in the graduation photo. This subconscious tendency may be because he always feels that Elena has something to do with Sah Young, and he hopes Sah Young has more connections with the world.

But in an instant, he had another guess that was even more likely–

If Le Pen’s idea is right, and all the information that can’t be found at the source of Barney Castle comes from the neglected little mop, then this girl must be a master in this area. Elena is not good at this aspect, he doesn’t know, but he knows that someone must be very good. The same dark brown hair, the same clear and bright big eyes, and even the same throat that was injured and unable to speak out-the research expert Esther Kabell who once appeared in the video.

If you think about it carefully, even though the skeletal skin changes a bit during adulthood and childhood, you can still see a similar shadow…

When the identities of these people surfaced one by one, Chu Si finally understood what Elder Shao had said-“Wait a minute, now it is not your turn to intervene, young people.”

If compared with these people, Truss are indeed a younger generation.

And it was precisely because he remembered the words of Old Man Shao that he vaguely ignited some hopes, maybe these people are not opposed to their positions, or even… they may be solving some problems in the younger generation.

This trouble is undoubtedly related to the time experiment.

Although this is only an unproven hope, Truss still hopes to explain all possible situations to Sae Young. After all, he is the one who is looking for the black swan.

“Saa–” At the moment Chus spoke, a snow pattern suddenly appeared on Saa Young’s screen, and the voice over there became intermittent.

An alarm can be heard vaguely from the cockpit: “…space-time zone…obstacle…warning…safe…”

“What’s the matter?!” Zild Fon and the others saw this situation, and they felt infinitely worried.

All things related to time and space will always involve unpredictable troubles.

Truth frowned suddenly and immediately ordered the monitoring team to strengthen the signal link, but the intermittent situation still did not improve.

They could only see Sae Young on Caton’s screen turning his head and opening his mouth to say a few words-“The time and space zone is wrong…I…”

On the other screen, in the external camera of Sae Young’s aircraft, the scene was also frozen in a weird scene-at the moment when it was about to approach the Barney Fort area, nearly a hundred Black Swans turned on at the same time. The faint aperture of the screen is like a water pattern that suddenly spreads out in the lake water, with the black swans as the center, forming a circle of ripples in the vast sea of ​​stars.

The image of the fragments of the planet after the ripples is distorted and blurred, like a layer of air current or a heat wave.

This kind of lag lasted for less than two seconds, and then suddenly went black, and the images in the cockpit of Sae Young and outside the aircraft were cut off at the same time.

At that moment, the entire command center seemed to be pulled into slow motion–

The members of the monitoring team pressed their headsets to make an emergency call, and the strategic star map on the screen was refreshed simultaneously, and the dots representing Sae Young and the nearly one hundred Black Swans disappeared suddenly.

At the same time, a message marked emergency appeared on Trus’s communicator, and the content jumped directly on the screen——

“Sir! Just now Gay and the daughter who lost Jin, we monitored a message sent to the military, the content is: ready to get up, give you 30 minutes to freshen up.

In addition, the star field in front of Fort Barney didn’t know what had happened, and even the entire planetary debris appeared to vibrate for about three seconds. ”

Ready to get up…

This kind of speaking style really matches the occasional lively Esther Kabel in the email.

If Chu Si saw the content of this message sent to the military a few minutes ago, he might have no clue. But right now, after the identities of various people around him surfaced, he guessed the identity of the recipient of the military department the moment he saw the content of the message.

In the core compartment of a medium-sized interstellar ship of the military department, the frozen capsules of the major general and above unawakened generals are neatly placed in it, and the low operating sound makes the cabin quieter.


An abrupt vibration of the communicator broke the silence, but because it was enclosed in a safety capsule, the sound seemed a little dull. The guard soldiers outside could not notice the movement through the heavy metal door.

Among the many frozen capsules in operation, one of the frozen capsules quietly changed its operating mode at some point, from cryogenic freezing to continuous oxygen supply.

As one of the three heads of the military, Admiral Medela opened his eyes under the glass cover. He picked up the communicator in his hand and glanced at it quietly, then quietly sent a new message. Get out.

And beside his frozen capsule, the frozen capsule that should have been lying on the two Admirals Morton and Xiao was empty.

Half a second later, at the conference table of the Military White Eagle, He Xiuwen’s communicator screen lit up slightly. He glanced at the screen calmly while everyone else’s attention was on the strategic star chart, and new information was quietly displayed on it——

Hard work, 30 minutes of preparation, ready to catch the thief.

He Xiuwen wiped his little finger lightly, and the screen went black again, and then his eyes fell on the strategic star chart again.

At the same time, in the White Wolf ship, Chu Si was giving orders one by one.

“Monitoring team, continue to search for Mr. Yang’s communication signals!”

“Shao Heng, the pursuit team immediately surrounded the Barney Fort area.”

“Feng, you go to the military department, don’t show your stuff, and inquire if there is anything unusual over there.”

“Roger, the mobile guards of the entire ship are concentrated in the living quarters to start wartime warning.”

“Don, ask Le Pen to restrict Kim and his daughter’s movements on the spot.”

He frowned and stared at the two hacked screens of Sae Young. Just as he was planning to dispatch a task force urgently to personally lead the team to Fort Barney, one of the hacked screens suddenly flashed. , It lights up again.

The image shook for a while, as if the miniature camera device had been removed from a fixed position, and the place was changed.

“Sae!” Chus immediately connected the two-way conversation.

Sae Young’s face appeared in the shaking image—to be precise, a face with some kind of protective mask appeared, but Chus still recognized the eyes under the goggles in an instant.

Sae Young did not answer, only raised an index finger and touched his lips.


As soon as he put away the gestures, many people dressed like him appeared in the video. They seem to be walking somewhere along the metal track.

Truth did not hesitate, and immediately cut off the two-way conversation.

Seeing him reappearing in front of the camera unharmed, Truth’s reason returned instantly and changed his original mind. He rushed to Tang: “Let Le Pen and the others bring Jin and his daughter over, immediately.”

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