Black Sky

Chapter 90

Chapter 89 Secret space

The angle of the miniature camera device hidden by Saer Young has slightly changed. When it is turned straight forward by him, Chu Si can see dozens of figures walking in front of him through the lens, all of them are protected. He wears a mask and goggles on his face, and is tightly wrapped from beginning to end. Only his height and general body shape can be seen. It is really difficult to tell which is Elder Shao and which is Jiang Qi from the back.

The place where they are is a track that looks old and should be buried somewhere underground, and there is a lighting lamp embedded in the metal wall every other way.

Saer Young tapped his fingers rhythmically near the earplugs under the cover of the overlapping footsteps in the track. Because of the mask behind, he knocked very lightly again, which sounded a little vague, but he could still hear clearly as long as he focused on it.

The monitoring room directly intercepted this synchronized recording, denoising and amplifying it, and after two clarification treatments, a string of rhythms similar to Morse code was obtained.

Truth was educated in a regular military academy and was born in a training camp. Without the need for translation by specialized personnel in the command center, he could know the content of that sentence–

“There is a man-made space-time curve near Fort Barney, and the end point is where I am now. I suspect it is underground under Fort Barney.”

“Man-made space-time tunes?” When everyone heard this term, they were stunned for a while.

Tang Wei asked: “Is it the artificial space-time curve that I understand? Isn’t that only in the theory?”

Man-made space-time tracks were a research hotspot nearly a hundred years ago, but they were soon put on hold.

This kind of track research was originally aimed at some high-secret projects. People wanted to hide some extremely confidential things somewhere below the surface, so as not to be detected by miscellaneous people or interstellar spies as much as possible. Any passage or physical gate, but directly at a certain point in time and space as an invisible entrance like air. Then create an invisible exclusive space-time track that leads directly to the secret space underground.

The whole process is a bit similar to a transition in space, instantaneously transferring to another point in time and space.

The confidentiality of this method is indeed extremely high, but in the end it failed to transform from theory to reality because the technical requirements for tools have never been able to break through.

Ordinary aircraft or jump cabins can’t pass through that space-time curve at all. The speed is not enough, the resistance is too large, the volume and mass, etc. are difficult to meet the standards, there are many problems, and there is only one result-that is, they will be twisted when they enter the space-time curve. Become scum, and all humans and machines will die.

Shao Heng suddenly said, “No wonder…I finally know why they used the Black Swan, which was retired directly.”

He pointed to the screen and turned his head to say to Chus: “Remember? The flaw of the black swan is that the whole body is too narrow and thin. Compared with other aircraft, it looks like a thin knife. People stay inside. It’s very uncomfortable, but on the other hand, the resistance it receives in time and space is unprecedentedly small. Look at the previous jump speed.”

Indeed, from this point of view, the Black Swan fits perfectly in time and space.

“But since it fits so well, why did you retire directly?” Zild Fong and the other two deputy commanders sorted out the rhetoric that was going to talk to the military, and said, “Even if it is not suitable for combat use, it can be used as a Special-type aircraft, dedicated to time and space, so that the research that was popular for a while will not be so stranded. And I always remember that some problems were found in production.”

Bystanders know that sometimes it is easier to discover the key points when listening to certain conversations as a third person than as a topic participant.

In the conversation between these two people, Chu Si seized a few key words and integrated another kind of speculation. He held his arm and looked at the screen of Sae Young, and said, “Since all the strange things we have discovered now are based on experiments around time, we might as well tie the Black Swan with it. Maybe the original manufacturing The intention is to experiment with time, but in actual production, it was found that it failed to meet this original intention in some aspects, so it was directly retired.”

“These guesses are wrong or it doesn’t matter.” Truss reminded, “Le Pen is already on his way to expeditiously. If the guess is correct, Fergus, the former chief designer of the Black Swan, is on her aircraft. , Who else knows the inside story better than a designer?”

There was a moment of silence in the conference room, and even though Truth briefly explained the current situation to them in a few words, they still felt a little weird. Not rationally, but simply perceptually, I feel so surprised.

Then Shao Heng sighed: “Fuck? Yes-the designer is tied back by us!”

Truth corrected his words: “Please.”

“Oh, please come back.”

Tang was even more dreamy: “I still can’t imagine Jin and that little girl…”

Chus ignored them, urged Zild Von and the others with his eyes, and then looked at Sae Young’s screen again.

If they suddenly disappeared from the star chart and walked on a time-space curve, it is understandable why everyone wears protective clothing, even if the Black Swan has an advantage over other aircraft and will not be twisted into **** in the time-space curve. It may cause human injury.


Truth frowned and reopened the two-way conversation, lowered his voice and said to Sae Young, “Aren’t you on my aircraft? No injuries?”

When Sae Young went to hunt down the Black Swan Group, he drove an exclusive aircraft under the name of Truth, but he pulled on a black swan as a guise and disguise. That exclusive aircraft is top-notch in defense and attack, but it definitely does not have the advantage of a black swan. As long as it enters the space-time path, it will definitely break.

So how did he follow the group of people in the black swan to the destination safely?

After all, the Black Swan team’s move into time and space was very sudden, and no one expected this. No matter how good Saer Young is, he doesn’t have mind-reading or prophecy, and he wouldn’t have rushed into the black swan just before entering the space-time curve, right?

Perhaps there was a hint of worry in his strained voice, Sae Young gave a light smile under the mask, and tapped his fingers again with a string of answers—

“Relax, you forgot the characteristics of the finished product?”

The characteristics of the finished product…

The draft of the study stated that Sae Young, as the only finished product at the time, could shorten the time. Truth knew that Sae Young meant to remind him that he would not die, but when he recalled the content of the draft, Truth’s attention was on another point—

It was said in the draft that the current stage product they had expected is the ability to shorten the time, and the way is passive. It’s just that Sae Young surpassed their expectations and developed a side of autonomous control, and even added extraordinary wound healing power.

It didn’t mention the specific difference between passive and active, but there was one sentence in the trigger mode that was near death.

At that time, Truth didn’t think about the connection between the triggering method and immortality, and now he suddenly understood the meaning of “will not die”, because when he reached the dying state, it would automatically trigger an instantaneous backtracking and return to the most dangerous choice. Point, maybe he can change a choice to avoid the subsequent danger, and if he does not change it forcibly, it is equivalent to being trapped at the dying point and becoming a permanent prisoner in the cage of time.

So the abilities that the experiment forced him, he didn’t need it, he had to use it.

In the understatement of Saer Young, Truss could imagine what he had experienced during the previous period of black screen-riding an ordinary aircraft into the space-time trajectory, then being crushed, man and machine are dead, and he is dying. At the moment, time automatically traced back to the time before entering the path of time and space, and everything had to be repeated again.

Will he immediately realize that the aircraft should be changed once again?

I’m afraid I can’t…

He appeared in front of the camera, dressed like all the people on the Black Swan. Such a result was how many times he had come back, and Truth hardly dared to think about it.

Even if time can go back, he still has to truly appreciate the pain in the process of death over and over again.

And in his decades of life, this kind of experience is probably not a lot…

Truss even began to wonder, when he had cleared the countdown before, the reason why Sae Young could find the piece of the White Eagle Military Hospital among the tens of thousands of planetary debris in such a short period of time, would it be possible? …Also used backtracking?

In the constant backtracking, we eliminated the wrong one and finally determined the correct one. At first glance, it seemed that there were only a few jumps, but in fact…

Sae Young on the other side of the screen naturally didn’t know what Chu Si was thinking about in this short moment, but after a pause, he continued to type a word–

“Your aircraft is hovering outside the entrance of the space-time curve, and a temporary silence is turned on. If the pursuit team comes over, pull it back, and stop the space-time curve.”

Objectively speaking, due to Sae Young’s special function, he is also the best candidate for pursuers. Anyone except him is the result of plane destruction.

But Chus still regretted it.

He pondered for a while, and finally whispered to Sae Young: “You… be careful, just withdraw directly if the situation is not right.”

After speaking, he cut off the two-way conversation again.

Zild Feng and the others have contacted the military headquarters, and they are obliquely obscuring the situation of the military headquarters on the grounds of constantly monitoring the running state of the dragon pillar and the gathering process of planetary debris.

Chus was buckling his headset and watching the movement of the military department while watching the underground video recorded on the screen.

Sae Young is very tall, so the angle of influence is also very high. He can pass many people in front and see a corner at the end of the track—turning left from there should be the space they are going to, at this distance and angle. , I can see a corner of some large metal instruments.

When a man of medium build passed by Sae Young, he suddenly remembered what it was like. He turned his head and rushed to someone behind and asked: “Has the warning been released?”

Someone later responded: “Let it go, how can such an important thing be forgotten.”

caveat? What warning?

Just when Chu Si and the others were a little puzzled, a new external image came from the other corner of the screen where the captain of the pursuit team belonged.

“Report, all the pursuit team arrived at the designated jump destination, in the X-112 area near Fort Barney.” After the pursuit team leader finished speaking, he paused. He leaned forward to the cockpit, and then hesitated: “Sir, Team Shao, we have received a danger warning, reminding us that there is a time and a curve ahead, and the danger level is 5S. Don’t go forward arrogantly??”

At this time, everyone in the command center was taken aback!

Is there such a kind enemy this year? Do you give warning when you encounter danger?

Everyone looked at each other. Shao Heng was the first to speak out. He came from a security force, so he could naturally understand the message that Sae Young had knocked back. So he gave the command to the captain of the pursuit team: “Enclose that time curve entrance, don’t move. In addition, the commander’s exclusive aircraft is there, and it is silent for a while, and the star map is not displayed. Wait for a while The state disappeared and the aircraft was put away.”

“Roger that!”

Even if the pursuit captain thinks the enemy is a bit strange, he will not ask questions randomly, and still act according to the instructions. But Shao Heng in the command center is different.

“Sir, I am not biased towards my old man, but I really feel that no real hostile force will remind people who are chasing them, that the danger ahead and behave carefully, this is definitely not something that opposing people can do.”

In fact, not only him, but other people also have the same idea, including Truth.

But… Seeing a little bit of good behavior, immediately put down all guards and completely treat the other person as his own. This is definitely not something that people at the decision-making level can do. Even if you tend to trust each other from a personal point of view, you still cannot act rashly in public affairs.

During the conversation, a group of people on Sae Young’s side had reached the end of the track, standing in a cold white space.

The image was turned at a few angles thoughtfully, enough for Truth and the others to see the structure of the entire space. There is about the size of a football field here. Various high-precision instruments are wrapped in a silver metal casing and stand in it. Data screens and various manual switches can be seen everywhere on the wall, floor, and overhead. And in the very center of the entire space, there is a huge metal cylinder connected from the top to the bottom. There are countless port connections extending from the bottom of the cylinder to connect a circle of seated single cabins around the cylinder.

Truth roughly estimated that there are about a hundred single cabins.

The group of people stood still on a clearing not far from the column, and a humming whisper sounded. Many people looked around in place, seeming to have seen it for the first time.

Maybe it’s intuition, or something else. When Chu Si’s gaze swept across the few people in the middle, one of them raised his hand and took off his mask. The exposed face carried a calm temperament, but the curvature of the corners of the mouth was a bit of natural joking.

That kind of maturity and ability mixed with gentle, but a little non-formal temperament, is very familiar to Truss.

His previous guess was not wrong…

It’s really Jiang Qi.

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