Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 106

Yoruichi's patience wore thin as Mayuri continued to play his mind games, his cryptic smile irking her. The cold gaze in her eyes intensified, revealing the frustration beneath her composed exterior. The air in the small, dimly lit room became charged with tension.


Mayuri, ever the provocateur, leaned back in his chair, seemingly unfazed by the escalating atmosphere. Yoruichi, however, had reached the limit of her tolerance. In a swift motion, she kicked the chair from under him, causing his head to slam onto the table. Mayuri, caught off guard, found himself momentarily pinned.


Undeterred, Mayuri attempted to use his hands to push himself up from the table. In that vulnerable moment, Yoruichi seized the opportunity. With swift precision, she drew her zanpakutō and, in one fluid motion, stabbed it through Mayuri's hand, pinning it to the table.


A sudden jolt of pain shot through Mayuri's hand, and for the first time, his cryptic smile faltered. Yoruichi's eyes bore into him, her demeanor unwavering as she reasserted her authority.


Hiyori stepped towards them and yelled, “Hey!” while attempting to stop Yoruichi but she was blocked by Suì-Fēng. Suì-Fēng then said, “Our actions are sanctioned by the Head Captian and the Gotei 13. Interference will be seen as a willingness to rebel against the Soul Society.”


This caused Hiyori to back down as she watched. "Enough of your games, Kurotsuchi. We need answers, and we need them now. Your involvement in this incident is highly suspect. Tell us the truth," Yoruichi demanded, her voice cutting through the air.


Mayuri, though momentarily caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, regained his composure. He looked at Yoruichi with a mix of amusement and defiance, blood trickling from his injured hand.


"I… don’t know what you’re… talking about Captain," Mayuri replied, his tone dripping with arrogance.


Undeterred by his provocations, Yoruichi pressed on. " I warn you, my patience is beginning to run thin. Your games won't protect you, Kurotsuchi. You will answer my question truthfully while I’m being nice. What happened with the Senkaimon, and who is responsible?" As she asked these questions she twisted her blade in his hand causing him more pain with each syllable she uttered.


Mayuri winced as Yoruichi twisted the blade in his hand, the pain registering on his face. The cryptic scientist's facade of arrogance began to crack under the pressure of physical discomfort.


Yoruichi leaned in, her eyes narrowing as she maintained a firm grip on her zanpakutō embedded in Mayuri's hand. "Your pain is just the beginning, Kurotsuchi. I can make this much worse if you continue with your evasions. Now, tell me what happened with the Senkaimon, and who is responsible for this incident?"


Mayuri's eyes flickered with a hint of irritation, the amusement in his tone replaced by a tinge of frustration. "Captain Shihōin, you may enjoy playing the interrogator, but I assure you, I have nothing to do with the malfunctioning Senkaimon. If you want answers, perhaps you should look elsewhere."


Yoruichi's patience waned further as Mayuri clung to his denials. Without uttering a word, she intensified the pressure on the blade, causing another surge of pain through Mayuri's hand.


"Your theatrics won't save you, Kurotsuchi. The truth, and only the truth, will spare you from further agony. Speak," Yoruichi demanded, her voice holding a steely resolve.


Mayuri gritted his teeth but refused to relent. "I have conducted many experiments in my time, but this is not one of them. The Senkaimon malfunction is beyond my control. You'll find no satisfaction in torturing me, Captain."


Yoruichi, yielding in her pursuit of answers, removed the blade, she then called in Suì-Fēng. Yoruichi smiled at Mayuri and when Suì-Fēng walked towards her, she turned and said, “Suì-Fēng you have three days to get either a confession or clue out of him. Besides that do as you please.”


Suì-Fēng, with a stern expression, nodded in acknowledgment of Yoruichi's orders. She signaled to a few others, and together, they escorted Mayuri out of the dimly lit room. The tension lingered even in their departure, leaving Yoruichi alone with Hiyori.


As Suì-Fēng and the others led Mayuri away, Yoruichi turned to Hiyori, who was visibly agitated by the intense interrogation. Hiyori, still releasing her reiatsu in frustration, questioned Yoruichi's methods.


"Do you plan on being that violent with all the members of the 12th Division?" Hiyori demanded, her reiatsu causing the hidden members of the Onmitsukidō to reveal themselves. Their duty was to protect Yoruichi, and their appearance was a testament to the heightened tension.


Yoruichi, unfazed by the display of reiatsu, raised an eyebrow at Hiyori's question. "Calm down, Hiyori. Violence is sometimes a necessary means to get the truth, especially when dealing with someone as elusive as Mayuri Kurotsuchi."


Hiyori, though still scowling, reluctantly eased off on her reiatsu. "Explain yourself, Yoruichi. What's going on, and why did you authorize such extreme measures?"


Yoruichi took a deep breath before responding. "A source within the 12th Division, someone loyal to Kisuke, informed me that Mayuri Kurotsuchi had erased crucial data from their system. The situation is delicate, and we need to get to the bottom of it quickly."


Hiyori's scowl deepened, absorbing the gravity of the information. "Erased data? What could Mayuri be up to? And is Urahara aware of all this mess?"


Yoruichi sighed, her expression serious. "We currently can’t reach Kisuke, and we cannot afford to overlook any potential threats to the Soul Society. Mayuri's actions, intentional or not, might have consequences we cannot ignore. We need answers, and we need them fast."


Hiyori, though still frustrated, nodded in reluctant understanding as she restrained her reiatsu. "Fine, but keep me in the loop, Yoruichi. I'm the acting captain here, and I won't tolerate being left in the dark about matters concerning my division."


Yoruichi placed a reassuring hand on Hiyori's shoulder. "I understand, Hiyori. I’ll keep you informed. For now, can you go speak to the other members of Squad 12 and inform them to answer all our questions truthfully."


As the two left the dimly lit room, the Onmitsukidō member, having fulfilled their duty, blended back into the shadows and vanished.

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