Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 107

In the moonlit night of the Human World, Yuichi and the group found themselves on the outskirts of Karakura Town, vigilant and fatigued from their continuous watch for hollows. Even though they had managed to get some sleep in shifts, weariness lingered.


As they discussed their next steps, they decided the best move now would be to search for other students and bolster their numbers. Mei and Niko formed one team, capitalizing on Mei's combat prowess and Niko's heightened senses. On the other hand, Yuichi and Hanatarō paired up, combining Yuichi's strength with Hanatarō's ability to sense spiritual energy and detect hollow presence.


Mei, with her white hair with the ends a shade of purple-lilac gleaming faintly in the moonlight, exchanged a look of understanding with Niko. "We'll take the northern perimeter. Niko, keep your senses sharp, and let's see if we can find any other students."


Niko, still not fully healed from their last encounter with the hollows became a bit reserved and nodded silently. She attuned her spiritual senses and began scanning the surroundings as she tuned into the subtle spiritual energies permeating the area. Mei, with her zanpakutō at the ready, ready for any sneak attacks.


On the southern front, Yuichi and Hanatarō began their exploration of the southern perimeter. Yuichi with a calm demeanor, turned to the somewhat nervous Hanatarō. "Don't worry, Hanatarō. We're just looking for our fellow students. Stick close, and let me know if you sense anything unusual."


Hanatarō, a healer by nature, nodded anxiously but appreciated Yuichi's reassuring words. They ventured into the shadows of the Human World, where the boundary between the living and the spiritual was thin.


Mei and Niko, traversing the northern perimeter, moved with a slow but silent efficiency as Mei carried Niko. Niko's senses picked up on the subtlest disturbances in spiritual energy. As they searched the area, Mei's acute combat instincts remained on high alert.


Suddenly, Niko's eyes narrowed, and she held out her hand to stop Mei. "There's something ahead, Mei. A faint spiritual energy signature."


Mei tightened her grip on her zanpakutō. "Hollow or student?"


Niko closed her eyes briefly, focusing on the energy. "Can't be sure, but it doesn’t feel... like a hollow."


They cautiously approached the source of the spiritual energy and found a scared and disoriented student, separated from the main group during the chaotic arrival in Human Mundo. With relief, they talked to the student explaining the current situation while leading them back to their temporary camp where they slept.


Meanwhile, on the southern front, Yuichi and Hanatarō navigated the quiet streets. Hanatarō, attuned to spiritual energy, suddenly tensed. "Yuichi, there's something nearby. It's faint, but I sense it."


Yuichi immediately went on high alert, his senses extending to detect any potential threat. They moved silently through the shadows, and as they turned a corner, they found a group of hollows menacing another an injured female student.


Without hesitation, Yuichi leaped into action, his zanpakutō cutting through the weak hollows with precision. Hanatarō, though not a seasoned warrior, summoned the courage to aid Yuichi, using kido to create openings for his strikes. Together, they defeated the hollow threat and rescued the frightened student.


As Mei and Niko rejoined Yuichi and Hanatarō, they shared their findings. Mei reported the discovery of the lone male student to the north, and Yuichi detailed the hollow encounter in the south. The group, now reunited, decided to return to their makeshift camp and assess the situation.


Back at the makeshift camp, the atmosphere was a mix of relief and anticipation as Mei, Niko, Yuichi, and Hanatarō welcomed the newly discovered students. Their weary faces brightened at the sight of fellow classmates, forging connections that, under normal circumstances, might never have occurred.


The two students, a young man, and a girl, exchanged uncertain glances but mirrored the gestures of gratitude from the rescue party. Mei, ever composed, stepped forward to break the ice.


"Hey there. I'm Mei, and this is Niko and that’s Yuichi and Hanatarō," said Mei as she gestured to the others. "It's good to see some familiar faces. You’re also from class #1, right?"


The young man nodded, a faint smile appearing on his face. "Yeah, we are. I'm Takeshi, and this is Hana. Thanks for helping us. I can’t thank you all enough," he motioned to the girl beside him.


"He…ello and thank you," Hana greeted, offering a shy smile.


Mei's expression turned serious as she explained the situation. "Currently we believe we're in the Human World, but our class got split up during Senkaimon transfer. We're trying to find the others and our instructors, but it's been a challenge. We're not sure what happened or even how this happened, but we just trying to survive as we look."


Takeshi and Hana exchanged puzzled glances, clearly grappling with the surreal nature of their predicament. Yuichi, sensing their confusion, chimed in, "We're doing our best to figure things out and ensure everyone's safe. Right now, we could use all the help we can get. There is also safety in numbers. There are some weird hollows running around that we barely managed to beat with the four of us."


Mei nodded, her eyes flickering with determination. "He’s right if we don’t work together our chance of death increase dramatically. Besides the more eyes we have, the better our chances of finding the others. Takeshi, Hana, would you be willing to join us?"


Takeshi and Hana shared a look before nodding in agreement. "Of course. We're all in this together," said Takeshi.


Now that the new members of the group had been brought up to speed they needed to prepare to venture back into the moonlit night, Mei gave a brief overview of the plan. "We were searching in pairs, but now that Takeshi and Hana have joined I believe groups of three would be better since they haven’t faced these hollows. Niko, Hana, and I will take the northern perimeter. Yuichi, Takeshi, and Hanatarō will continue looking in the south. If you find anything or sense anyone, release your reiatsu and the other members will come right away. Safety first, and we regroup back here by sunrise."

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