Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 109

The victorious trio made their way back to the camp, where Mei and Niko had returned earlier. Mei's discerning eyes quickly caught sight of the small wounds on Yuichi and Takeshi.


"What happened?" Mei inquired, her gaze shifting between the two.


Yuichi, a bit worn but still standing tall, replied, "We ran into a tougher hollow, but we managed to take it down."


Takeshi added, rubbing the back of his neck, "Yeah, we might have underestimated the creature a bit. Lesson learned."


“We?” questioned both Yuichi and Hanatarō with Yuichi adding, “I think you mean you underestimated the creature.”


Hanatarō, ever the healer, ushered them to sit down. "Let me take a look at those wounds. I can heal them properly." With a few well-practiced kido incantations, Hanatarō began the process of mending their injuries. Mei watched with a thoughtful expression, appreciating the value of having a healer in their group.


Mei nodded, appreciating Hanatarō's prompt response. The healer's reiatsu enveloped them, closing the wounds and restoring their stamina. While Hanatarō worked, Yuichi noticed two additional figures standing nearby. Two female students, unfamiliar to him, had joined Mei's group. As Hanatarō finished the healing, Yuichi turned to the newcomers with a curious gaze.


"Hey, who are you two? Are you from your class as well?"


The taller of the two girls stepped forward, her expression a mix of relief and worry. "Yes, we're from class #1. I'm Aya, and this is my friend Rika. We were separated during the transfer, and we've been searching for our friend. Have you seen anyone else?"


Mei, overhearing the conversation, interjected, "No we haven't seen any others from the academy besides those right here. We’ve been searching around but all we encounter are these strange hollows. It's too dangerous to go searching on your own."


Aya's concern deepened as she glanced at Rika. "But we can't just sit here. Our friend might be out there, and they could be in trouble."


Takeshi, who had been listening to the conversation, chimed in with a serious tone, "Trust me, these hollows are nothing like the ones we faced in the practical lessons. It's too risky to go alone. You might not make it back. We almost didn’t."


Yuichi nodded in agreement. "Mr. Cocky over there is right. We were lucky that we just encountered one hollow, but it could get much worse. It's better to move together in groups."


Hanatarō finished healing Yuichi and Takeshi, and Mei turned her attention back to the newcomers. "Although the situation is still unclear, and we're not sure how we ended up here I’m sure they’re searching for us. We just need to stay safe and find the other students while we wait."


Mei, having assessed the situation, added, "Yes, so we can't afford to lose more people. We need to stay together and find any others we can while we wait to be rescued. So don’t try to go off on your own."


Aya and Rika exchanged worried glances, grappling with the difficult decision ahead. Mei's practical approach to the situation seemed to resonate with Takeshi, who had learned the hard way about the dangers they faced.


As the night continued, the reunited group discussed their experiences and shared information. Mei, Takeshi, and Yuichi recounted their encounter with the formidable hollow, emphasizing the need for caution. Aya and Rika, though anxious about their missing friend, reluctantly agreed to stay with the group for the time being.


Mei took charge of the situation, her leadership skills came to the forefront. "Alright, because the group has grown I’ll change up how the groups are organized. Niko and I will form the first group. Our primary focus will be to search for any other students in the vicinity. Aya, Rika, and Hana, you'll be the second group. Your task is to stay here and protect the campsite. We need a safe place to regroup and rest. Yuichi, Hanatarō, and Takeshi, you'll be the third group. While searching for other students, your main task is to eliminate any lone hollows you encounter. We need to make the area safer for everyone."


Mei’s reasoning for removing Hana from their group was that she had complained the entire way and forced them to return before they were ready. Mei and Niko were both irritated from her whining causing Mei to pawn her off to the new arrivals so they could actually focus on what they needed to do.


Niko, ever silent but attentive, nodded in agreement with Mei's plan. Aya and Rika, though still worried, understood the necessity of each group's role. Takeshi, seemingly eager to prove himself after the blunder of their earlier encounter, grinned at the prospect of hunting hollows. Hanatarō, though visibly nervous, took a deep breath, ready to contribute to the group's efforts.


Mei continued, "Remember, safety is our priority. If any of you encounter something unusual or feel threatened, release your reiatsu immediately, and the other groups will come to your aid. We'll rest for now and head out by sunrise. Now, let's get moving."


As the night pressed on, the group followed Mei's lead in setting up the campsite. They gathered fallen branches and leaves to fashion crude bedding, forming a makeshift area where they could rest. Aya, Rika, and Hana helped with the camp preparations, each contributing to the collective effort.


Mei, with her practical mindset, assigned specific tasks to ensure the efficiency of the operation. Takeshi, ever eager to make amends for his earlier misjudgment, took charge of gathering firewood. Niko, her movements precise and silent, assisted Mei in arranging the sleeping area. Hanatarō, not the most outdoorsy, was tasked with being on standby, making sure they were adequately prepared for any injuries.


As the preparations came together, Mei addressed the group. "Alright, we'll take turns keeping watch throughout the night. Aya, Rika, and Hana, you three get some rest first. Yuichi, Hanatarō, and Takeshi, you'll be on watch rotation. We need to stay vigilant in case of any unexpected visitors."


Takeshi, still eager to prove himself, nodded enthusiastically. "Don't worry, Mei. I've got this."


Mei raised an eyebrow but simply shook her head. "No Yuichi, you take the first watch. The rest of you, get some sleep. We'll rotate every couple of hours."

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