Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 110

Kensei stirred from his groggy state, the sterile scent of the Fourth Division infirmary filling his senses. Blinking against the harsh light, he attempted to sit up, only to feel a gentle pressure on his shoulder. Turning his head, he found himself face to face with Captain Retsu Unohana, her calm demeanor belying the formidable reputation she held.


"Rest, Captain Muguruma. You've been through quite an ordeal," she advised, her hand a reassuring presence on his shoulder.


Kensei, surprised to find himself not alone, nodded reluctantly. Unohana was not known for her leniency, and challenging her authority was unwise. He sank back into the infirmary bed, his mind racing to piece together the events that led him here.


As he lay there, Instructor Gengorō Ōnabara entered the room, his grizzled features expressing a mix of relief and concern. "Good to see you up, Instructor Kensei. You had us worried for a moment there."


Kensei grunted in response, still processing the situation. Gengorō continued, "Head Captain Yamamoto has called a meeting. We're to discuss the recent events, and it seems he'll be deciding the consequences of our actions. Best get ready; it's not going to be an easy session."


As he absorbed the information Kensei's eyes narrowed. The Head Captain summoning a meeting specifically to address their actions indicated the severity of the situation. Whatever had transpired had caught the attention of the higher-ups, and noble families, so Kensei knew they were in for a severe reprimand.


Unohana, observing the exchange, added, "It's in your best interest to cooperate and provide a full account of what happened. Disobeying the Head Captain's orders is a serious offense."


Kensei grunted again, a mix of frustration and pain. He had expected consequences, but the weight of the Head Captain's scrutiny was not to be taken lightly.


Kensei, gritting his teeth against the pain, slowly pushed himself up with Unohana's assistance. Gengorō stepped forward, offering his support as Kensei swung his legs over the edge of the bed. The trio, led by Captain Unohana, made their way towards the meeting room, anticipation and apprehension weighing heavily on their shoulders.


As they walked through the corridors of the Seireitei, Kensei couldn't shake the discomfort coursing through his body. The injuries sustained during the confrontation served as a stark reminder of the consequences they were about to face. Gengorō, ever the sturdy support, offered a silent understanding as they proceeded.


Upon reaching the meeting room, they found Captain Rin awaiting the impending judgment. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and Kensei exchanged a brief glance with Rin, a mixture of shared concern and acknowledgment passing between them.


The remaining captains began to file into the room, each expression carrying a blend of curiosity and expectation. As the last of them took their seats, Head Captain Yamamoto entered with deliberate steps, his stern countenance casting a solemn shadow over the assembly.


Yamamoto slammed down his cane, the sharp sound resonating through the room, silencing the murmurs. His gaze, piercing and unwavering, fell upon the three instructors. "You stand accused of disobedience, a transgression against the orders of the Gotei 13. The severity of your actions has necessitated this meeting, where we will determine the consequences."


Kensei, Gengorō, and Rin stood at attention, their expressions stoic as they awaited the impending judgment. Yamamoto's voice, commanding and unyielding, continued, "After consultations with the noble families, we have reached a decision. As punishment for your insubordination, you, Captains Muguruma, Ōnabara, and Shiba, will be placed on temporary suspension until the safe return of the remaining students."


The weight of the pronouncement settled upon them, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Yamamoto's gaze seemed to pierce through their very souls as he continued, "Should all the students return unharmed, there will be no further action taken against you. However, if there are casualties among the students, the consequences will be severe. Depending on the extent of the harm, your lives may be forfeit."


The room fell into a heavy silence as the captains absorbed the severity of the Head Captain's words. Kensei, Gengorō, and Rin exchanged solemn looks, acknowledging the gravity of their situation. The prospect of their lives being on the line added a layer of intensity to the already tense atmosphere.


Yamamoto concluded, "Do you understand the gravity of your actions and the terms of your punishment?"


Kensei, Gengorō, and Rin knelt before the Head Captain, their voices united in a resolute affirmation, “Yes sir!”


Head Captain Yamamoto nodded approvingly, his gaze still stern. "Very well. Rin Tsubokura as a member of the 12th Division who is suspected of this crime, you will be confined to the barracks during your suspension. Captain of the 9th Division Kensei Muguruma since you’re injured you also be confined to the barracks during your suspension. Neither of you will be allowed to partake in any missions or activities outside of the Gotei 13's designated areas. Gengorō Ōnabara you will head to the human world with Captain of the 4th Division Retsu Unohana and 3rd Division Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi to search if the communication we received from Urahara is correct and a few students were blown to the other worlds."


Gengorō Ōnabara bowed respectfully, accepting his assignment. "Understood, Head Captain. I shall carry out the mission diligently."


Yamamoto's gaze shifted to Captain Unohana, who stood beside Kensei. "Captain Unohana, after searching the Human world you shall head straight to Hueco Mundo. Ensure that any injured student does not perish if possible."


Unohana nodded, her expression unwavering. "I will attend to their needs and ensure compliance, Head Captain."


With a final stern look, Yamamoto dismissed them. The captains and instructors filed out of the meeting room, each burdened with the weight of their individual responsibilities and consequences. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Kensei's shoulders as he moved to follow Unohana.


As they left the meeting room, Kensei had a stern look on his face as he limped so Unohana spoke quietly to him, her voice a soothing contrast to her gentle but stern look. "Captain Muguruma, your recovery is of utmost importance. You must focus on healing, both physically and mentally. So that note I shall send a member of my squad to your quarters and I hope to hear that you complied with my instructions."

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