Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 112

Happy New Year to all my readers! Sorry for the hiatus without any forwarding, but I'm back now and we have a lot of catching up to do so I'll try to release two chapters a day starting tomorrow.

The hollow's cunning strategy unfolded as the students faced wave after wave of mindless attackers clawing at the barrier. Eventually, the barrier broke and the once serene campsite now became a battleground, illuminated by the flashes of zanpakutō and kidō spells.


Mei, Yuichi, and Takeshi coordinated the defense, directing the students who could fight to take strategic positions and defend the barrier. The attackers, however, seemed relentless, and the students soon realized the true challenge that lay ahead. The hollows, once disorganized, now moved with a coordinated purpose, a shift that added a new layer of danger to their situation.


Seeing the situation taking a turn for the worse Mei ordered, “Niko take those who can’t fight and run away. Don’t stop until you find a safe area and set up a barrier. We’ll stay here and take care of these guys and will look for you afterward.”


Heeding Mei’s word Niko nodded and took the cowering five students with her leaving Mei, Yuichi, Takeshi, Hanatarō, and three others to fight. As the seven students fought valiantly, the sinister figure observed from the shadows, pleased with the chaos it had incited. It reveled in the prospect of devouring their reiryoku, its appetite growing stronger with each passing moment.


Takeshi, still nursing his injuries, struggled to hold his ground. The healing kidō had done its part, but the toll of consecutive battles weighed heavily on his body. Mei, taking note of the situation, assigned two students to help Takeshi and reinforce the area where he stood.


Amidst the chaos, Yuichi was confronted by a particularly powerful hollow, its grotesque form similar to that of a fish looming over him. The hollow's movements seemed erratic but somehow calculated, a stark contrast to the mindless aggression displayed by its predecessors. Yuichi gritted his teeth, realizing that this hollow was different, perhaps under the direct influence of the malevolent force that was changing these hollows.


Meanwhile, the figure in the shadows continued to assess the situation, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each student. Having gotten down the list of who to focus on killing first, it was time for it to act. It weaved its reiryoku intricately with the reishi in the air.


As the night wore on, the students, fatigued but determined, fought desperately to repel the hollow onslaught. Once they finished clearing up the hollows with much difficulty they stood drained and injured but no casualties. However unbeknownst to them, the hollow that lurked in the shadows, had woven its reiryoku around the areas they stood, and with a snap of its clawed fingers devastating explosion occurred where the students stood.


The devastating explosions rocked the campsite, tearing through the night with a blazing force. The students who stood in the affected areas were caught off guard, unable to react in time. As the dust settled, the once serene battleground became a scene of carnage and devastation.


Mei, Takeshi, and Yuichi were the only ones fast enough to react, their instincts kicking in as the explosions erupted. Mei swiftly invoked the second ability of her zanpakutō, Shiro no Shikaku, creating a barrier of ice to surround her. However, the force of the explosions shattered the icy defense, causing sharp shards to impale her body. Mei gritted her teeth, enduring the pain as blood stained the pristine snow created by her zanpakutō.


Takeshi, with unparalleled swiftness, dived to shield Hanatarō from the blast. His body absorbed the brunt of the explosion, leaving him gravely injured and regretful for not being able to save the two students fighting beside him. The ground around him was stained crimson as blood seeped from his wounds.


The two students who had fought beside Takeshi lay lifeless, their bodies mangled by the force of the explosion. Takeshi, weakened looked upon the fallen comrades, a mixture of grief and frustration clouding his eyes. He had managed to protect Hanatarō, showcasing the healer's value, but the cost weighed heavily on his conscience.


Meanwhile, Yuichi, in a desperate bid to protect himself, activated his zanpakutō, Kagami no Jotei. Using the partially mastered technique, Sutoraiki o kaesu (Return the Strike), he managed to reflect a significant portion of the explosion's damage away from him. The air sizzled with residual heat as burn marks adorned his body, a testament to the intensity of the blast.


The gruesome aftermath revealed the true extent of the malevolent figure's plan. The once hopeful campsite was now littered with debris, blood, and the lifeless bodies of the fallen students. The sinister figure emerged from the shadows, its hollow form revealing a twisted grin as it reveled in the chaos it had orchestrated.


Mei, despite her injuries, rose to her feet, anger burning in her eyes. Takeshi, clinging to consciousness, struggled to stand, the gravity of the situation etched on his battered face. Yuichi, though not fatally injured, gritted his teeth, refusing to succumb to the pain of his burns. Hanatarō kneeling next to Takeshi and somewhat nearby Yuichi began sending healing kidō energy to the both of them in hopes of dealing first aid so that he could focus on Mei.


The figure emerged, its voice a chilling echo, and taunted them, "Wow, more of you survived than I thought would. Moreover, look at you all, even half dead you still all wish to struggle futilely. While amusing know that this is but the beginning of your despair."


As the wounded survivors faced the malevolent hollow, the air itself seemed to resonate with the echoes of pained groans. Mei who bled profusely, released her reiatsu which clashed against the hollow’s own causing it to transform into a cold ice-like reiki. Her reiki chilled the air and froze the ground.


This provided the group with some time as Hanatarō finished patching the two up and dashed over to help her. The frozen ground crunched beneath his hurried steps as he reached her, offering his healing kidō to alleviate the pain and staunch the bleeding. The icy aura from Mei's reiki lingered, creating an unusual landscape of ice and flames.

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