Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 113

Takeshi, still recovering from the impact, clenched his side, anger burning in his eyes. His fallen classmates he had failed to save weighed heavily on his conscience, and the malevolent hollow's taunts fueled his resolve. With Hanatarō's assistance, he managed to stand, determination etched on his battered face.


Yuichi, despite the burns that adorned his body, forced himself to rise. His zanpakutō, Kagami no Jotei, gleamed in the moonlight, reflecting the scars of the battle that had unfolded. The survivors, though battered and wounded, stood united in their defiance against the hollow that sought to plunge them into despair.


Mei, bolstered by Hanatarō's healing and fueled by a cold determination, addressed the malevolent figure. "Your games end here. Leave now and we’ll let you live. Just know that we will fight until our last breath. Some of us may die but I promise you that you’ll definitely die."


The hollow, now encased in Mei's freezing reiki, hissed as the ice-like energy clashed with its malevolence. It seemed momentarily restrained, its grotesque form struggling against the constraints imposed by Mei's reiki. The air crackled with tension as it said, “Nice try but such a bluff won’t work on me.”


Hanatarō, having finished administering first aid, stood beside Mei, his healing kidō at the ready. Takeshi and Yuichi flanked them, their expressions resolute despite the injuries they bore. The frozen ground beneath their feet served to hinder any high-speed movements which worked in their favor due to their injuries.


The hollow, though momentarily hindered, laughed with a distorted voice. "Despair or defiance, it matters not. You are but insects before me."


As the malevolent figure prepared to unleash its next assault, Yuichi and the others stood firm. The hollow snapped its fingers again creating another explosion. When the dust settled Mei and the others had been protected by an ice barrier. The previous explosion had destroyed her barrier because it hadn’t had a chance to fully form but this time she was expecting it and could tell when and where the explosion would come from. The air was filled with her reiki so it was easy for her to sense when there was a change with the reishi in the air.


Mei's calculated anticipation and quick thinking saved them from the second explosion. The ice barrier, formed with precision and forethought, shielded them from the devastating blast. As the dust settled, the frozen barrier stood tall, a testament to Mei's strategic prowess.


The hollow, now visibly frustrated, glared at Mei and the others trapped behind the icy shield. Its attempts to finish them off quickly to chase those fleeing had been thwarted. "It seems you’ve volunteered to be the first to die! I promise you, you’ll suffer!"


As the hollow snapped its finger again creating another explosion it barely had any time to gloat as ice daggers materilized midair and shot towards it. With animalistic movement, the hollow dodged to the right only to be met with an attack from Yuichi who materialized out of thin air.


Using his Ash Mirage kidō Yuichi managed to around and waited for his chance to attack. Since the hollow was mid-jump jump Yuichi managed to slice it across the back but its tough hide protected it as sparks flew. The hollow wasted no time and kicked Yuichi alongside his head sending him crashing into a tree.


Mei, Takeshi, and Hanatarō seized the opportunity created by Yuichi's diversion. They moved in unison as Mei, unleashed a flurry of ice projectiles as the frozen barrier shattered. The ice daggers shot towards the hollow with deadly precision, The hollow tried to dodge but failed to notice its feet had been frozen. Although the dagger bounced off its skin the daggers still managed to infect its body with Mei’s cold reiki.


Takeshi, taking advantage of the hollow’s slowed movements, charged forward with unparalleled speed. His zanpakutō cleaved through the air, aiming for the hollow's vulnerable spots. The hollow, unable to move as he pleased, struggled to counter Takeshi's swift and precise attacks.


Hanatarō, began weaving intricate binding kidō, focused on trapping the malevolent figure. The ethereal strands of spiritual energy coiled around the hollow, restricting its movements and creating an opportunity for Mei and Takeshi to strike.


Infusing their blades with as much reiryoku as they could they managed to scratch the hollow’s hide and leave a gash. However, taking advantage of this the hollow snapped its fingers creating an explosion behind Mei launching her toward the hollow who with its claw stabbed Mei in the stomach and then threw her away like a ragdoll.


Mei was sent hurtling through the air, her body colliding with the frozen ground with a sickening thud. The air was filled with the scent of blood as Mei grimaced, the pain from the hollow's attack radiating from her wounded abdomen.


As the hollow seemed ready to finish her off, Takeshi, having witnessed Mei's brutal assault, roared in anger. He redoubled his efforts, his zanpakutō slashing through the air with even more ferocity. The hollow, still hindered by the lingering effects of Mei's cold reiki, struggled to evade Takeshi's relentless assault. Each strike from Takeshi left shallow marks on the hollow's hide, but the creature remained formidable.


Yuichi, recovering from the powerful kick that had sent him crashing into a tree, pushed himself back into the fray. Despite the pain, he couldn't let his comrades face the hollow alone. With a pained groan, he activated his shikai, Kagami no Jotei, once more as he charged.


With Mei gravely injured she could no longer release her reiryoku anymore causing the reiki to disappate allowing the hollow to move freely. No longer restricted, the hollow’s movement became not only faster but stronger too as it punched Takeshi so hard one could hear multipe bones crack and break before swipe it other hand gouging out some of Yuichi’s flesh.


The force of the blow sent him sprawling, blood seeping from multiple broken bones. Beside him, Yuichi bore the brunt of the hollow's savage assault, the swipe of its hand tearing through his flesh causing him to gush blood.


Hanatarō, recognizing the critical state of his comrades, pushed past his fear and desperation. He sprinted towards Mei and Yuichi, invoking his healing kidō with urgency. The healing energy enveloped them, mending wounds and restoring some semblance of strength.


However, the hollow, sensing the potential shift in the tide, unleashed another explosive burst of reiryoku. The force of the blast sent Hanatarō tumbling backward, his healing kidō disrupted. As the smoke cleared, the hollow, no longer sporting wounds inflicted by Yuichi and Takeshi, advanced with malicious intent. Mei, who was barely breathing laid on the ground unconscious due to blood loss. Takeshi, who couldn’t move due to broken bones glared at the monster. Yuichi, despite the agony coursing through him, lifted himself up with his zanpakutō.

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