Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 114

Yuichi, bloodied and battered, took a defensive stance, his zanpakutō wavering but determined. His eyes, though clouded with pain, held a fierce defiance as he faced the malevolent creature. The hollow, sensing the vulnerability of its prey, grinned wickedly, reveling in the prospect of tormenting the wounded Soul Reaper.


With a sudden burst of speed, the hollow lunged at Yuichi, its monstrous claws slashing through the air. Yuichi, weakened and injured, fought valiantly, parrying the attacks with his zanpakutō. Each clash sent shockwaves of pain through his body, but he refused to yield.


The hollow, however, seemed to relish the opportunity to prolong Yuichi's suffering. It danced around him, its movements calculated and cruel. With a swift motion, it delivered a powerful kick to Yuichi's injured side, eliciting a pained gasp from the wounded Soul Reaper. Yuichi staggered, struggling to maintain his stance.


In a sadistic display of power, the hollow taunted Yuichi. "You cling to life with such a pointless determination. How amusing it is to see your futile struggle. Do you not realize the inevitability of your demise?"


Despite the torment, Yuichi's gaze remained locked on the hollow. He gritted his teeth against the pain, his spirit no yet broken. In a desperate attempt, he unleashed a surge of reiryoku, his zanpakutō glowing with reishi. With a burst of strength, he launched a counterattack, slashing at the hollow with all the strength he could muster launching his incomplete imitation Getsuga Tenshō.


The hollow, momentarily caught off guard, staggered back. Yet, its malicious grin remained, as if it reveled in the pain it had inflicted upon Yuichi. Wounded and bleeding Yuichi still refused to relent. The hollow, growing frustrated with Yuichi's resilience, decided to escalate the torment. With a malevolent glint in its eyes, it conjured tendrils made of reiryoku, ensnaring Yuichi and rendering him immobile. The tendrils constricted around him, squeezing the air from his lungs, as the hollow reveled in its sadistic display of power.


Yuichi, trapped and defenseless, gasped for breath, the pain intensifying with each passing moment. The hollow, now thoroughly enjoying its cruel game, delivered a series of blows, each one calculated to inflict maximum suffering. The frozen battleground echoed with the sickening sound of each impact as Yuichi endured the relentless assault. Frustrated by the look in Yuichi's eyes the hollow then used a clawed finger to stab Yuichi’s shoulder causing him to finally scream in agony.


Hanatarō, having recovered enough from the blast, saw the dire situation unfold. He sprinted toward Yuichi, his index finger glowing with energy he cast Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō (六杖光牢, Six Rods Prison of Light). A spark of yellow energy summoned six thin, wide beams of light that slammed into the hollow’s midsection and held it in place. Unable to move the hollow stared at Hanatarō with a menacing glare.


Hanatarō wasted no time and began pouring his healing kidō into Yuichi. He seemed to be at his breaking point as he struggled to maintain the kidō as sweat formed on his face. Thing seemed dire as he saw cracks form on the beams of light.


In a swift motion, the hollow shattered the beams, conjured a barrage of razor-sharp energy projectiles, and launched them at Hanatarō. The healer, overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught, desperately raised a protective barrier, but the projectiles pierced through, tearing through his flesh. Hanatarō collapsed, blood staining the snow beneath him.


The onslaught continued as the wounded Yuichi, barely conscious, watched Hanatarō fall. The hollow, freed from the restraints, advanced menacingly. Mei and Takeshi, unconscious and immobilized due to their injuries, lay defenseless on the frozen ground. The malevolent figure reveled in the despair it had sown, its sadistic laughter echoing through the desolate battlefield.


Yuichi the only one able to barely move forced himself to stand. As the hollow approached Yuichi’s vision began to blur and he collapsed unable to keep himself conscious. With a malevolent chuckle, the hollow prepared to deliver another brutal blow, relishing in the suffering it would inflict.


However, as the hollow raised its clawed hand for the final strike, a sudden surge of spiritual pressure engulfed the battlefield. A powerful force, caused the laughing hollow to stop and look around in fear. Before the hollow could even process what was happening three Soul Reapers appeared. In a commanding voice, the female Soul Reaper out of the group of three said, "Enough. Step away from the child. These children are under our protection. Your existence concludes today, but we're gonna have to wrap it up swiftly and treat their injuries."


As she said this, she walked past the hollow who shook in fear. The once menacing hollow, frozen in fear, split into two and fell lifeless to the ground. The female Soul Reaper, Captain Unohana, with an air of authority, assessed the situation and swiftly approached Yuichi and Hanatarō. Their injuries seemed to be the worst out of the group so she quickly started healing them. Takeshi had broken bones and Mei’s wounds were frozen so she was stable.


"Don’t worry you’re safe now,” she said, her voice carrying a sense of reassurance. The two accompanying Soul Reapers, Gengorō Ōnabara and 3rd Division Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi began to gather the corpses of the deceased students and prepare them for transport.


Yuichi and Hanatarō’s wounds slowly started to close, and their reiryoku stabilized under Unohana’s expert care. Hanatarō, though weakened and battered, managed to open his eyes and weak smile as he felt the healing effects and saw who was healing him. Yuichi, who was unconscious, released the tension in his face as his pain seemed to recede.


Once she was sure they were stable Unohana moved on to Mei and Takeshi. Captain Unohana, with her precise and skilled healing, dissolved the ice that encased Mei's wounds and carefully tended to the frozen areas. The soothing warmth of her reiryoku worked its way through Mei's injuries, gradually restoring her to a stable condition. Takeshi, too, felt the Captain's healing touch, as the fractures in his bones began to align and mend.


Once the immediate medical needs were addressed, she turned her attention to the fallen students. Gengorō Ōnabara and Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi had meticulously prepared the deceased for transport. Each fallen student was wrapped in a white cloth and treated with the utmost respect and dignity.

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