Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 115

Although the injured hadn’t regained consciousness, Captain Unohana stood, her gaze scanning the surroundings with a discerning eye. The two accompanying Soul Reapers, Gengorō and Rōjūrō, stood ready, their weapons at their sides, prepared for any unforeseen threats.


Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi, breaking the silence, raised his zanpakutō and declared, "Play, Kinshara!"


Upon uttering the release command, Rōjūrō's zanpakutō transformed into a golden whip, adorned with a flower from its namesake, the Golden Sal Tree. He expertly whipped the weapon through the air, producing a melodic sound akin to the light playing of piano keys. The golden whip, an elegant and deadly extension of Rōjūrō's will, resonated with spiritual energy.


With a practiced motion, Rōjūrō returned his zanpakutō to its sealed state. He then pointed in the direction that Niko and the others had run, stating, "I felt strong reishi fluctuations in that direction. Most likely, the remaining students."


Captain Unohana nodded in acknowledgment. "Very well, Rōjūrō and Gengorō. Go check the situation and if there are students over there assist them and ensure their safety. I’ll stay here and guard the injured. Once you’re done return here and we’ll regroup before taking the student back."


Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi and Gengorō Ōnabara nodded in unison, acknowledging Captain Unohana's orders. Rōjūrō and Gengorō sprinted in the direction indicated, their senses attuned to the reishi fluctuations that hinted at the presence of the remaining students.


Meanwhile, Captain Unohana continued her vigilant watch over Yuichi, Hanatarō, Mei, and Takeshi. The cold night air held a tense stillness, broken only by the distant sounds of birds and crickets. Unohana's gaze, serene yet penetrating, scanned the surroundings for any signs of potential threats.


As the injured students gradually regained consciousness, they found themselves under the watchful care of Captain Unohana. Yuichi, opening his eyes to the serene face of the captain, felt a sense of dread along with the lingering pain. Unlike the others, he knew what lay behind that serene smile of hers. Hanatarō, still recovering, managed a weak smile, grateful for the skilled healing provided by the captain.


Takeshi, too, felt his mended broken bones when he awakened. Mei, was the last to awaken having been freed from the ice that encased her wounds, stirred and met Captain Unohana's gaze. There was a moment of silence as Captain Unohana checked her wound one last time.


As the injured students slowly sat up, Captain Unohana addressed them with a calm and reassuring tone. "You are safe now. The immediate threat has been neutralized. Take a moment to gather your strength. The other captains are out looking for the other students and should return soon."


She then turned her attention to the fallen students who had lost their lives in the confrontation with the malevolent hollow. Each wrapped in white cloth, the fallen were treated with respect and dignity. Captain Unohana, with a solemn expression, offered a silent prayer for their extinguished souls.


In the distance, Gengorō approached the group, his demeanor composed yet alert. Gengorō spoke, "Captain Unohana, we managed to locate the remaining students. They are shaken but alive. A few of them are weak so Captain Ōtoribashi is watch over them until they regain their strength. There are no injuries just fatigue so you’re not needed over there. Captain Ōtoribashi will soon guide them back here, and then we can take them back."


Captain Unohana nodded, her focus unwavering. "Good work. You can go back to join Captain Ōtoribashi and ensure their safety on the way back."


Gengorō turned to depart. Meanwhile, Captain Unohana shifted her attention back to the group she was currently guarding. Mei, Takeshi, Yuichi, and Hanatarō, though battered and worn, were on the path to recovery under her attentive care. Although from the looks of it, Unohana was curious about something.


With the arrival of the remaining students, the campsite soon a place filled with tears as the eight students saw and began to cry over their fellow deceased classmates. The captain's calm demeanor soon managed to calm them down and instilled a sense of confidence in the recovering students. Mei, still grappling with the aftermath of the intense battle, managed to speak her gratitude, "Thank you, Captain, for coming to our aid. Without your swift aid, we’d all be dead"


Unohana offered a serene smile. "No thanks are necessary, it’s our duty to protect you students. You are under the care of the Gotei 13. Once we return, we’ll debrief you all about matters concerning this situation and determine the best course of action."


Captain Unohana shifted her focus to the eight remaining survivors. Her discerning gaze swept over them, assessing their physical and spiritual conditions. Mei, Takeshi, Yuichi, and Hanatarō were on the path to recovery, their wounds tended to with expert care. Unohana, however, noticed that although they were safe they still reacted as if they were in danger a sign of trauma, the lingering effects of the harrowing ordeal they had endured.


With a nod, Unohana spoke gently, "Take a moment to rest and gather yourselves. You are safe now, and soon you’ll be back in the Soul Society."


Captain Unohana signaled to Gengorō. As Gengorō approached Unohana gave him a subtle yet significant look, indicating that there was something more to address. Gengorō understanding the look responded by unsheathing his zanpakutō and stabbing it into the air. The blade seemed to fade, as if piercing the fabric of space itself. With a twist of the blade, he declared, "Unlocking!" The Senkaimon gateway opened, revealing a crease in the fabric of reality. Beyond it, another door emerged, releasing a swarm of Jigokuchō or hell butterflies.


The students observed in awe as the mysterious gateway appeared before them. Gengorō maintained control over the unfolding portal, ensuring a safe passage for the survivors. Captain Unohana stood by, her demeanor unwavering, as the remaining ten students passed through the gateway one by one.


Once the last student had crossed over, Captain Unohana, Gengorō, and Rōjūrō followed suit. As the last to pass through the portal, Unohana looked back and squinted her eyes as if she saw something before turning around. The portal closed behind them, leaving the campsite in serene stillness once more.

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