Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 139

As Yuichi lay in the hot springs, his body slowly relaxing as the herbal waters soothed his wounds, his mind drifted back to the past two years. It was remarkable how much had changed in that time. He glanced over at Mei, who lay across from him, her eyes closed as she let the steam and warmth ease the aches of their battle. They had both come a long way since their days at the Shin'ō Academy.


Their graduation ceremony had been both exciting and nerve-wracking. After years of training, they'd finally reached the moment he had been waiting for. Each division captain had been present to welcome the new graduates into the ranks of the Gotei 13. Yuichi recalled the way they were instructed to choose their divisions, with the exception of the 1st Division, which was reserved for the elite who would serve directly under the Captain-Commander.


Hanatarō, of course, had gone straight to the 4th Division. It was a perfect fit for him, considering his gentle nature and healing abilities. The 4th Division, known for its medical assistance and supply work, was led by the formidable Captain Retsu Unohana. Though the division had a reputation for being the lowest in the Gotei 13 hierarchy, everyone knew how indispensable their work was. Yuichi couldn't imagine a better place for Hanatarō, who had always excelled at healing and mending wounds.


Mei had been drawn to the 2nd Division, under Captain Yoruichi Shihōin. It made sense, given her affinity for stealth, her rapid combat style, and the fact she was already a member of the Onmitsukidō. The 2nd Division, known for its assassination and undercover operations, was perfect for someone like Mei. In fact, Yuichi had always admired how fluidly she could move in combat, how she seemed to disappear and reappear with lethal precision. The two-year additional training required for Onmitsukidō applicants had already been completed so Mei was allowed to join.


But Yuichi? His decision hadn’t been as clear-cut. He had been torn between the 4th Division and the 12th Division. The 4th appealed to his desire to learn more about the healing art of Kaidō. But the 12th Division… that was something else entirely. Research, development, and the endless pursuit of knowledge had always fascinated him. It was a division that focused on experimentation and pushing the boundaries of what was possible. Under Captain Kisuke Urahara’s leadership, the division had a reputation for innovation and progress. He valued such a skill greatly and thought of what he could possibly do with it.


In the end, Urahara had made the choice for him. Yuichi remembered how the captain had signaled him, practically forcing his hand. The nonchalant but mischievous gleam in Urahara’s eyes had left no room for negotiation. And so, Yuichi had joined the 12th Division. It wasn’t long before he realized that it was where he needed to be. The 12th Division had its quirks, sure, but it was a place where his talents for innovation and research were encouraged. He'd quickly adapted to the demands of the division, working alongside other unique minds to develop new technologies and techniques. As a matter of fact, the theory for Mei’s Glacial Glide (氷河滑走, Hyōga Kassō) came from him.


Niko had joined the 12th Division alongside him. The two of them had formed a strong bond, spending long hours in the labs, brainstorming ideas, and bouncing theories off one another. It had been exhausting work, but it was thrilling too. Although they were still basically lab techs who ran errands for others they still got to participate in some amazing experiments.


His thoughts drifted to the fight he had just had with Mei. He developed a habit of looking back at past battles to see where he could improve for future battles. It had been a brutal battle, one where both had tested the very limits of their abilities. Mei had grown so much in these two years, her movements sharper and her tactics more refined. The Glacial Glide technique she had created from Yuichi’s theory and studying his Mirage Step was a testament to her growth. Watching her move with such grace and precision had made Yuichi feel a sense of pride, though he’d never admit it to her face.


The Glacial Glide was a perfect counter to his illusions. Every time she moved, she left afterimages of freezing cold reiki that not only confused him but also slowed his body down whenever he touched them. She had used it to control the battlefield, dictating where he could and couldn’t go. Her speed was incredible, and each afterimage felt like an icy wall closing in on him. The battle had been a constant struggle to keep up with her.


But Yuichi had his own tricks. He had spent the last two years honing his abilities, learning how to use Kagami no Jotei in ways that would give him the upper hand in combat. His new technique, Phantom Pain, was just such a technique. The illusory clone it created was nearly indistinguishable from himself, mirroring his movements perfectly. Mei had attacked the clone several times, thinking it was him, only to be met with a shattering illusion and a portion of the pain she had intended to inflict on him.


It was a risky move, though. Every time the clone shattered, Yuichi felt the same phantom pain. It wasn’t physical, but it was still jarring—enough to make his body tense up, his breath catch in his throat. He had to be careful not to rely too much on it, as the technique was still incomplete. But in the moments when it worked, it had given him the upper hand, confusing Mei and creating an opening for him to strike.


In the end, the battle had been close—too close. Mei had come dangerously close to winning, her relentless attacks and cold reiki wearing him down. But Yuichi had managed to outlast her, using his illusions and quick thinking to turn the tide in his favor.


As he lay in the hot springs now, he couldn’t help but smile at the memory of Mei’s expression when he had won. She had been frustrated, but also impressed. And when she had told him that his growth astounded her, Yuichi had felt a deep sense of satisfaction. They had been pushing each other hard over the last two years to become stronger, and Yuichi clearly felt the results. If the current him was once again stuck in the Human World under siege he felt confident enough to have killed every last one of those strange hollows.


Miel’s voice broke through his thoughts. "You two really need to stop doing this to yourselves," she grumbled as she came over to them, her wings shimmering slightly as she floated above the steaming water. "I swear, every time you fight, I end up dragging your broken bodies here."


Yuichi chuckled, glancing over at Mei. "Guess we’ve got to give her a break, huh?"


Mei opened one eye and smirked. "Maybe. But then how would we know how much we’ve improved?"


Miel sighed dramatically. "I’m serious. If you keep this up, there won’t be anything left of you to heal." They both laughed, the tension of the battle fading as they relaxed into the warmth of the springs.

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