Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 61

With the alligator-like hollow vanquished, the remaining two hollows grew desperate and launched relentless attacks, forgoing any semblance of defense in their attempts to overwhelm Yuichi. They lunged and clawed at him, teeth bared and claws extended, their primal hunger driving their ferocious assault.


As they closed in, Yuichi swiftly spread his spiritual senses throughout the barrier, extending his perception beyond the immediate physical realm. He sought to gain an advantage, to find a chink in their relentless assault, but his extended senses yielded nothing beyond the two hollows relentlessly attacking him.


Sensing an opportunity amid the chaos of the battle, Yuichi chose his moment. He extended two of his fingers, focusing his spiritual energy on the tips, and unleashed a spell. Hadō #1, Shō (Thrust), surged forth from his fingertips. The spell manifested as a potent burst of spiritual energy, a concentrated thrust of force that struck the hollows with incredible power.


The impact of the spell sent the hollows tumbling backward, their wild attacks disrupted. They screeched in pain and frustration as they were forcefully pushed away from Yuichi.


Seizing this brief respite, Yuichi took action. Holding his zanpakuto aloft, he ran his palm along the blade's length while uttering the phrase, "Reflect, Kagami no Jotei."


Kagami no Jotei responded to his command, its form shifting into the shikai state. The transformation brought subtle but distinct changes. The blade extended slightly, becoming longer, and its edge thickened, giving it a more substantial appearance. Remarkably, it felt lighter in Yuichi's grasp, a subtle yet notable alteration. The most striking shift was the inversion of the blade's colors, with the body transitioning to a pristine white and the edge adopting a deep, lustrous black hue.


Yuichi initiated the "Kyōyū sa reta itami" (Shared Pain) technique, creating an aura of spiritual energy around himself. As the aura expanded, the hollows paused in confusion, uncertain of the changes that had just occurred. After a moment, they decided to continue their attack.


The cat-like hollow struck swiftly, its sharp claws aiming for Yuichi's throat. Simultaneously, the beetle-like hollow thrust its horn, impaling Yuichi through the stomach. With brute force, the beetle lifted him using its horn and hurled him against a nearby tree.


Surprisingly, when Yuichi rose to his feet, there were no visible injuries or signs of the brutal assault. The beetle-like hollow wasn't as fortunate. Its head separated from its neck, and an eerie hole appeared in its stomach. Disintegrating into ash, it left behind a distant yell, and a new bee-like hollow fell out of the sky as it had been hit to replace it.


The cat-like hollow seemed unaffected by the mysterious technique. Yuichi chuckled and remarked, "Oh, so nothing happened to you. You lucked out."


Without further delay, Yuichi used the hollow’s confusion to dispose of the cat-like hollow by decapitating it. The battlefield was now clear, with only Yuichi and the newly arrived bee-like hollow. Its appearance was a striking embodiment of its insect-like nature. It stood at an average height for a human, with a slender, insectoid physique that boasts an exoskeletal appearance. It had four arms and wings on its back. Its body was a prominent yellow with black markings, resembling the coloration of a bee.


Approaching the hollow, Yuichi questioned it, “So it was you huh? Were you controlling those three hollows to attack me?”


The hollow remained silent, prompting Yuichi to use his zanpakuto to stab its thigh, the vulnerable area not protected by its exoskeleton. The creature screeched out in pain, and Yuichi reiterated his demand, “I asked you a question. You’re not feral like all the other hollows I’ve met so speak or die.”


“Y…yes,” said the hollowing in a cowering female voice


“How come I couldn’t sense or see you?” asked Yuichi slightly pushing the blade in deeper into the hollow’s bleeding thigh to avoid wasting time.


The hollow explained in a submissive voice that it possessed the unique ability to generate an invisible field around itself. This field distorted the perception of those within it, making it exceedingly difficult for anyone to accurately determine its location, movements, or even sense its reiatsu. It had the power to manipulate the very senses of those around it, rendering them oblivious to its presence.


Recognizing the extent of this ability, Yuichi pulled out his zanpakuto from the hollow’s thigh but remained vigilant. "Interesting," he muttered. "I have one more question. Did you control those other three hollows to attack me, or were they acting on their own?"


The bee-like hollow responded, "I... I controlled them. I was trying to find someone with a large amount of reiatsu and noticed you when you walked into my territory."


"Hmm, an annoying invisibility and the power to control those weaker than you. Very interesting," Yuichi remarked. He contemplated the possibilities that such an ally could provide, as well as the potential threat if left unchecked. "Normally as a Soul Reaper, I should kill you, but I'm willing to offer you a deal."


The bee-like hollow's body trembled with fear at the prospect of death, and she hesitated for a moment. Yuichi's proposition had offered her a glimmer of hope, a chance for survival and protection.


"What... deal?" she asked, her voice quivering.


Yuichi, unwavering, explained, "A simple deal: you do as I say, and in exchange, I won't kill you. I'll even offer protection. Perform well, and I might eventually take you to the Human World or Hueco Mundo. Refuse, and you die here and now. So, I recommend you take my deal."


He pushed his zanpakuto's blade until it touched the hollow's throat, making it clear that he was willing to carry out his threat if she declined.


Frustration was evident as Yuichi saw her claw at the ground as she faced the weight of Yuichi's ultimatum. Fear and desperation echoed throughout the creature’s voice. The prospect of death was terrifying, and Yuichi's offer provided her with a lifeline she couldn't ignore.


"I'll... I'll take the deal," she stammered, her voice weak and trembling.


Yuichi slowly withdrew his blade from her throat, relief washing over her. "Good choice," he remarked. "Now, tell me more about your abilities and any information you have about this forest. I want to know everything."

Shikai Ability: Kyōyū sa reta itami (Shared Pain) - Kagami no Jotei can create a radius around Yuichi and any damage he receives will instead be transferred to another person regardless if they are friend or foe. Yuichi receives no damage but his spiritual power drops with each transfer. The downside to this move is Yuichi is unable to designate who receives the damage and he still feels the pain of each attack.

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