Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 62

The bee-like hollow paused for a moment and introduced herself, "My name is Miel. It's a pleasure to meet you."


Yuichi's response was somewhat cold and uninterested. "Miel," he acknowledged, "Fine. But let's focus on what's important. Tell me about your abilities."


Yuichi listened attentively as Miel revealed the extent of her unique abilities. Her powers were unlike anything he had encountered before, and they held little potential for combat but rather an immense one for reconnaissance. With her Perception Blocking Field, Miel could confound her enemies by manipulating their senses, making it nearly impossible to predict her location and movements. This skill alone made her a formidable opponent to track down.


She also ability to create and control bee-like clones was equally intriguing. Yuichi recognized the value of having such spies that could scout and gather information, granting a significant advantage in understanding their surroundings and potential threats. Miel's stinger, capable of injecting venom that led to paralysis and hallucinations, added another layer to her abilities, making her a multifaceted asset.


Yuichi knew that if Miel could harness her powers effectively, she would be a valuable ally in his journey. The prospect of working alongside a hollow would never occur to a soul reaper, but as Yuichi never considered himself a real one but rather a means to an end he accepted it easily.


Yuichi said, "Miel, your abilities are truly remarkable. With your Perception Blocking Field and the sensory sharing through your clones, we have a unique advantage here. You’ll be able to gather valuable information. What I need the most right now."


Miel nodded, her wings fluttering gently. "I'm willing to help, especially if it means I can avoid the risk of being killed. I'll do my best to assist you in any way I can so long as you keep your word."


Yuichi smiled and responded, “Don’t worry I always keep my word. So take this to heart when I say if you ever think of going against me then I will kill you in the most painful way possible.”


Yuichi's warning was delivered with a cold and unwavering killing intent that left no room for ambiguity. Miel understood the gravity of the situation and the terms of their agreement. She had no illusions about the consequences of betraying Yuichi. His words were a stark reminder of the precarious position she was in.


Miel replied with a shaky voice, "I have no intention of going against you. I'll assist you to the best of my abilities, and I understand the price of betrayal."


Yuichi and Miel began to make their way back to his dorm room, the arrangement between them carrying an unspoken tension. Yuichi couldn't completely trust Miel yet, and he wasn't about to lower his guard. So as he released the barriers surrounding the area he also began to release his reiyoku into the atmosphere.


As they walked, Yuichi sensed the subtle gathering of reishi around Miel's form. He stopped in his tracks and turned to her, his expression stern and his voice carrying a warning.


"Don't even think about it, Miel," he said, his tone sharp. "Your perception-blocking ability won't work on everyone, and I'm one of those people. Trying to escape or deceive me won't end well for you."


To emphasize his point, Yuichi hurled his zanpakuto toward Miel, the blade narrowly missing her and embedding itself into a nearby tree. His eyes bore into her, and he continued, "I promised you that I would protect you if you upheld your end of the deal. But break that trust, and I'll ensure you regret it. Do we understand each other?"


Miel nodded rapidly, her entire demeanor reflecting the gravity of the situation. She now fully understood the weight of Yuichi's words and the absolute commitment to his warning. Her survival hinged on compliance, and she no longer had any intention of testing his resolve.


"Yes, we understand each other," she replied, her voice quivering as she got down on her knees and began to grovel. "I won't go against our agreement. I'll assist you, Lord Yuichi. I promise. What just happened was a moment of foolishness caused by fear. I will not repeat it again my lord."


Yuichi observed Miel's response and, seeing that he had destroyed any idea of escape for now, he withdrew his zanpakuto from the tree and returned it to his side. His stern expression softened slightly as he regarded her.


"Good," he said, his tone less severe. "You have a valuable role to play, Miel. As long as you fulfill your duties faithfully, we won't have any problems. Remember, your survival depends on your loyalty and cooperation. Should you do well then I promise you a reward beyond your wildest imagination."


“Yes my lord, I shall serve faithfully. Thank you for giving me another chance. I shall obey.” said Miel her head bowed so far down it touched the ground.


Inside the dorm room, Yuichi and Miel had managed to evade the patrols skillfully thanks to Miel's Perception Blocking Field. Once safely back in their quarters, Yuichi reactivated his barriers, ensuring that sound and reiatsu wouldn't betray their presence. However, the pressing issue remained: how to permanently hide Miel's spiritual presence, making her invisible to even the keenest of senses.


Yuichi pondered this aloud, musing about potential solutions. To his surprise, Miel began to glow softly. The ethereal light enveloped her, and as it dissipated, a remarkable transformation occurred. Miel had shrunken down to the size of a tiny insect.


Yuichi's eyes widened in astonishment, and he couldn't help but express his amazement. With humility and a touch of nervousness in her voice, Miel explained her newly acquired form.


"I-I can shrink down like this, Lord Yuichi," she stammered, her small voice filled with uncertainty. "B-but I can't maintain it indefinitely. However, I can spend hours like this. In this form, my reiatsu level decreases significantly. Unless someone is e-extremely adept at tracking minuscule reiatsu levels, they won't be able to detect me."


"Your adaptation is truly remarkable, Miel," Yuichi commended her with a smile. "With this form, you'll be an even more elusive spy for me. You’ll be an invaluable asset in my endeavors, but you must remain cautious for the people paying attention to me always surpass the expectations of those around them."


Miel's eyes widened in surprise as Yuichi praised her adaptation. Her humble and small form seemed to radiate gratitude, and her earlier nervousness gave way to a sense of accomplishment. "T…thank you, Lord Yuichi," she replied with less fear than before. "I'll remain cautious, just as you've advised."


With a reassuring smile, Yuichi acknowledged her commitment. "That's what I like to hear, Miel. Together, we'll navigate the challenges ahead. Remember, if you fail, it jeopardizes both of our lives, so give it your all."


The new cover for Bleach Gazing Mirage is complete. I shall put up on Ko-fi for an early screening. If you're curious it's available for viewing. I shall release it publicly on November 13th.

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