Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 66

Yuichi looked at Miel who had tried to sting him as he meditated with a calm and blank look. After a few seconds, Miel groveled on the ground begging for forgiveness.


Yuichi's calm demeanor persisted as he observed Miel's reaction. She had tried to harm him, thinking he was weakened from the attack, and then immediately shifted to groveling in a display of submission and remorse.


With a measured voice, Yuichi finally responded, "I understand your ‘concern’, Miel, but I was not under attack. You don’t need to worry about my injuries it will happen every day. So don’t worry about me and get used to it. You however need to be more careful in the future. Hasty actions can lead to unnecessary consequences. Remember, your safety is tied to mine. I can't afford any misunderstandings between us so I suppose a punishment is in order."


Miel continued to grovel, her tone filled with regret and fear. "I-I apologize, my Lord. I acted without thinking. Please forgive me. I won't make the same mist..." but before she could finish her statement Yuichi severed the wings on her back


Miel screamed in pain as she backed away and Yuichi came closer and said, “Don’t worry no one can hear you scream so let it out and let this serve as a reminder. You’re a hollow so as long as you focus on healing your wing will grow back within a few days. It’s a shame I wanted to take on a task for me but it seems I must first train you in obedience and loyalty first.”


Miel could only lay there in pain and shock. She had underestimated the consequences of her hasty actions, and this cruel lesson served as a harsh reminder of the precarious position she was in.


With Yuichi's return to his meditation training, Miel was left to recover, her pain a constant reminder of her mistake and the severity of her master's discipline.


After hours of intense training, Yuichi had exhausted himself. He could feel the cuts and gashes that had appeared earlier. As the night grew darker, Yuichi finally decided to end his training session. He focused his reiryoku on healing the wounds he had accumulated throughout the day. With remarkable skill, he mended his injuries, leaving almost no trace of the earlier damage.


Ignoring Miel, who had been watching him silently, Yuichi prepared himself for bed. He gave no acknowledgment or instruction to his insect-like companion. He resolved to maintain a stern and distant demeanor remained, as he lay down to rest for the night, leaving Miel to her own thoughts and the lingering pain from her injured wings.


The next morning, as Yuichi awoke, he was met by the sight of Miel diligently laying out his clothes. Her insectoid form was a mix of humility and nervousness, and she hesitated as she spoke.


"M-My Lord, I thought I could assist you with getting ready," Miel stammered, her voice filled with uncertainty.


Without uttering a word, Yuichi simply nodded, signaling his approval for her to proceed. As she helped him wash up and change his clothes, there was a palpable tension in the air. It was as if every moment hung on the edge of uncertainty, with Miel anxiously waiting for any sign of her master's thoughts or emotions.


Once Yuichi was ready for the day, Miel spoke softly, "I wish you a good day, my Lord," as he headed for the door. Yuichi left without a response, his silence serving as a mental manipulation, keeping Miel in suspense and ensuring she remained hesitant about the potential consequences of her past actions. It was a calculated move to prevent her from taking any further actions against him, at least for the time being.


On his way to class, Yuichi spotted Kira walking in the same direction. He quickly approached her, a sense of urgency in his demeanor. "Kira," he began, "I've been looking for you."


Kira turned to him with a calm expression but Yuichi thought she looked slightly paler than usual. "Oh, Yuichi," she responded, "I had some things to take care of at my household yesterday, so I didn't attend classes. We should catch up later. We'll be late if we continue talking now."


Without another word Kira turned to leave, Yuichi confused by her brisk statement reached out and grabbed Kira's shoulder to get her attention. To his surprise, Kira winced in pain, and her face immediately paled. It was evident that something was wrong, and Yuichi's expression shifted from confusion to concern.


"Kira, are you okay?" he asked in a concerned tone, retracting his hand. "You look like you're in pain. What happened?"


“Nothing,” she responded as let out a deep breath. “I just was hurt training yesterday and it hasn’t healed properly is all. Tell Hanatarō I’d appreciate it if he could give me some of his homemade ointment later. He can drop it off at my dorm room.”


"Nothing?" Yuichi repeated, clearly unconvinced by Kira's response. "You don’t the type to downplay pain like that, Kira. If you're hurt, you should get it checked out properly. Moreover, you should definitely see Hanatarō as soon as possible. Remember we’re allies for now so while you don’t have to tell me what happened make sure you’re in good health or you’ll be useless when I need help."


Kira sighed, a hint of frustration in her eyes. "Alright, you've got me," she admitted. "I got into a little more trouble than I'd like to admit. Nevertheless, it's nothing serious, I promise. I'll see Hanatarō and get it looked at. No need for your concern, Yuichi. I’ll be fine."


Yuichi nodded, his tone colder and more pragmatic. "Alright, but remember what Lady Yoruichi warned, we need everybody in good shape. Especially now, they warned that things will soon get dangerous. Don't be a liability."


With an even colder tone, Kira responded, “That’s funny coming from you. Even on your best days, you couldn't defeat me even like this. So don’t ever refer to me as a liability when that’s what you are. Rather than worry about my affairs why don’t you try to get stronger,” as she continued on her way to class, albeit with a slight limp, leaving Yuichi silenced by her retort.


Yuichi watched as Kira walked away with her slight limp, and her words lingered in his thoughts. It was a pointed reminder of his relative weakness, even though he held some unique abilities. There was much he needed to learn and improve upon in this new world, not only to meet the standards of soul reapers but also to gather the necessary strength needed to face the challenges that lay ahead.

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