Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 67

Suì-Fēng stood before Yoruichi and Yūshirō in the Shihōin household, delivering her report with precision. She informed them about the Onmitsukidō member assigned to track Kira, who had successfully carried out the instructions provided by Yoruichi.


"The fake scroll with information regarding the Heavenly Granted Armaments, particularly the Tenshiheisō, has been handed over to Kira's father," Suì-Fēng reported. "We cannot be certain if he will act upon the information we intentionally leaked, but it's highly likely. The Tsunayashiro Clan, who controls Kira's family, the Ankoku Clan, would go to great lengths to acquire information about the Tenshiheisō. Now that he has this information Taizen Ankoku the current head of the Ankoku Clan must move very carefully. He will need assistance to verify its authenticity, potentially exposing any co-conspirators. If he were to report false information Tsunayashiro Clan would personally annihilate them."


Yoruichi listened intently, her expression serious. "This is a critical point in our plan," she said. "The Ankoku Clan's response will reveal the extent of their network. Continue to monitor the situation closely. We must be prepared to act accordingly. Order the Onmitsukidō members to watch and make a list of all who are involved if worst comes to worst they must all be purged for the peaceful continuation of the Seireitei."


Yūshirō added, "It’s a shame sister, I know you wanted to help that girl, but we may have to sacrifice her, in the end, should things get bad. I’ll withdraw and keep a lookout for any outside forces trying to interfere."


Suì-Fēng nodded in acknowledgment and turned to carry out their orders, knowing that the intricate web of plans and deceptions was nearing a crucial juncture.


Suì-Fēng, ever the dutiful subordinate, accepted the orders with a nod. Her loyalty to Yoruichi and the Seireitei's safety was unwavering. "Understood, Lady Yoruichi," she replied. "We will continue to monitor the situation, and if necessary, we'll act swiftly and decisively."


Suì-Fēng would ensure that her mission was carried out to the letter, no matter the cost, in the service of the Seireitei. With a final nod, she departed to coordinate the Onmitsukidō's actions.


With both Suì-Fēng and Yūshirō gone leaving to carry out their duties, Yoruichi put on a black cloak. If Yuichi were here to see this he would recognize this as Urahara’s famous Reiatsu Concealing Cloak which hides the wearer's spiritual pressure. It allowed soul reapers to move around unseen when used wisely, and in the hands of the "Goddess of Flash" Yoruichi Shihōin not even Aizen would be able to track her movements.


With the cloak donned Yoruich vanished from her office and left the Shihōin household heading to the secret training ground at Sōkyoku Hill. Passing the concealed kido barrier she went down the stairs until Yoruichi arrived at the hidden Study Chamber was met by a familiar and enigmatic figure, Kisuke Urahara. His cloak concealed his eyes, but his casual demeanor indicated that he had not been waiting for an extended period.


With the black cloak veiling her spiritual pressure, Yoruichi moved with stealth and secrecy, ensuring her presence went unnoticed. "Sorry, it took so long," she acknowledged, "Did you wait long, Kisuke?"


Kisuke Urahara's response was nonchalant, "No, I just got here myself. So will you be making a move soon?"


Yoruichi's expression turned serious as she began to discuss their next steps in the intricate plan they had set in motion. "Yes," she replied, "The Ankoku Clan now has false information about the Tenshiheisō, and they're likely to investigate. I have ordered Suì-Fēng to monitor the situation closely. If it comes to the worst, we may need to act swiftly. You need to be ready to provide assistance when the time comes."


Kisuke Urahara nodded in agreement. "I've prepared everything we might need," he said, "Take this, it’s an alert device. Once you press the switch on the back mine will light up alerting me you need to discuss something. This way we can avoid using the Jigokuchō (地獄蝶, Hell Butterfly), just in case. This should reduce any information leaks when it comes to the two of us. I can’t do anything about the others so be aware of what you say when speaking to them."


Yoruichi caught the alert device that Urahara threw toward her. “Okay, that helps but I will be unavailable for the next few days. So has Head Captain Yamamoto caught on to us just yet.”


“No, but I think he’ll find out soon. So we might need to sacrifice a lower noble house if things go really bad. Tsunayashiro Clan standing far away enough to watch how things turn out. Looks like the Shiba and Kuchiki Clans are also gearing up for a potential war. I’m working on modified Gigais if things get ready bad we might need to flee.”


Yoruichi nodded in understanding as she accepted the alert device from Urahara. She knew the importance of maintaining utmost secrecy, especially in their sensitive operations. "I appreciate the device," she said, "I'll be cautious with my communications. I agree; if it comes to that, we'll have to consider sacrificing someone to prevent a war. And if Head Captain Yamamoto is closing in, we must be prepared to act quickly. We can't afford any missteps."


The looming prospect of war and their need to prepare for the worst weighed heavily on their shoulders. Yoruichi understood the gravity of their situation and the potential sacrifices that might be required. "Keep up your work on the modified Gigais," she added, "We may need to disappear from the Seireitei temporarily. Let's hope it doesn't come to that, but it's better to be ready. For now, I need your help with another matter. That hollow that appeared in the forest, its traces has completely disappeared. We can’t track it so I was hoping you could whip something up that we could use to trace it."


Yoruichi's request concerning the elusive hollow in the forest shifted their focus to another pressing matter. Urahara was well-versed in creating tools and devices tailored for specific tasks, and he nodded in agreement. "Sure, I'll also work on a trace device for that hollow," he assured Yoruichi. "I have some ideas in mind that might help us pinpoint its location or movement. I'll work on this alongside our other preparations. Just let me know once you have any information or clues related to the hollow."


Yoruichi nodded in appreciation of Urahara's readiness to assist and his expertise in crafting the needed device. "Thank you, Kisuke," she said. "Your skills will be invaluable in this matter. I'll keep you updated on any developments related to the hollow. In the meantime, be careful we don’t know what the Tsunayashiro Clan or this unknown enemy will do."

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