Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 68

Suì-Fēng stood before the gathered Onmitsukidō members, her presence commanding respect and attention. "Listen up, everyone," she began, her tone firm and authoritative. "We've received orders from Lady Yoruichi. Our mission is of the utmost importance, and the success of this operation hinges on each and every one of you. The Seireitei's safety relies on our discretion and skill."


The members of the Onmitsukidō, disciplined and ready, nodded in acknowledgment, their expressions serious.


Suì-Fēng continued, "We are split into four groups: A, B, C, and D. Group A, which I will lead, will be stationed at the false location of the sealed Tenshiheisō. We will gather information about the Ankoku Clan's co-conspirators and prepare for the assassination orders that may come."


She moved on to describe the other groups, detailing their missions. "Group B, your mission is to observe the Tsunayashiro Clan closely. We need to know if they have any tricks up their sleeves or if there are other lower noble households involved. Groups C and D will monitor the Shiba and Kuchiki Clans, respectively."


As Suì-Fēng gave instructions to the members of Groups B, C, and D, she emphasized the importance of discretion and thorough observation.


She then addressed the two members assigned to the special mission of tracking the unknown hollow. "You two have a critical task. We need to continue tracking the traces of the unknown hollow that appeared. Lady Yoruichi must maintain her pretense of investigating, so we must find any leads."


Lastly, she turned her attention to Hui and Sui, the twin operatives. Hui and Sui, known for their role as the Shihōin household's maids, signaled their unique status as covert operatives. "Hui, Sui, you're tasked with monitoring Yuichi and Kira. Keep your identities concealed, and report any unusual behavior or information directly to Lady Yoruichi."


As the Onmitsukidō members received their mission assignments, Suì-Fēng addressed them in a clear and commanding tone. "Remember, the success of our mission relies on your discretion and diligence. We must gather information without revealing ourselves. Be cautious and vigilant, and report any findings promptly.”


One of the team leaders, a seasoned Onmitsukidō operative, spoke up. "Understood, Vice-captain. We'll execute our tasks in a timely manner with precision and secrecy."


Suì-Fēng nodded in approval. "Good. Now, prepare your teams, and remember our objective. We're serving the Seireitei's best interests. Dismissed."


The agents dispersed to carry out their missions, Suì-Fēng watched them go, “Rest assured Lady Yoruichi we shall complete this task without fail.”


Yūshirō had been wandering aimlessly in search of food that he couldn’t normally eat when something unusual caught his attention in the 1st district of North Rukongai. A few soul reapers were present, and it struck him as odd. His sister, Yoruichi and her servant Suì-Fēng, hadn't mentioned any authorized patrols in that area, which meant these soul reapers were there of their own accord.


Yūshirō was well aware of the strict rules governing soul reapers' movements, and it was illegal for them to leave their assigned posts without proper authorization. The consequences for such actions ranged from exile to detention or even the dreaded Spirit-Sealing Pit if their activities were considered a threat to the Soul Society.


While his initial instinct was to approach and question the rogue soul reapers, Yūshirō decided to be more discreet. Instead, he quietly followed them, maintaining a safe distance to observe their actions.


The group of soul reapers appeared to be engaged in conversation, and Yūshirō strained to eavesdrop on their dialogue.


One of the soul reapers, a tall man with a serious demeanor, spoke, "I can't believe we're doing this without proper orders. If we're caught, it's over. Are you sure this tip of yours is good? I don’t like to waste my time doing dangerous things for fun."


A female soul reaper with a defiant look responded, "You know why we're here, Tsukioka. My contact said they would pay a heafty sum if we could capture that new hollow that has been evading even the Second Division."


Another member chimed in, "Yeah and it’s already attacked the South, East, and West districts already so if makes sense that it would hide in the North district. It hasn’t fed in days so it must be starving. Once we gather up a few of these useless souls it should come to us."


Tsukioka the first reaper responded, “Yes, but Minoru if we get caught messing with Rukongai citizens we’ll be punished. All I want to know is how much Lin’s contact is going to pay us.”


Yūshirō listened attentively to the conversation among the rogue soul reapers, who appeared to be discussing their secretive mission. It was clear that they were acting outside the bounds of their official duties, which was a breach of Soul Society regulations.


The mention of capturing a particularly elusive hollow caught Yūshirō's attention. It seemed they were also after that hollow. Their reasoning was quite sound which was why his sister had the Onmitsukidō members search all of the North district along with the other districts. However, it seemed these three were planning on using Rukongai citizens as bait to lure it out.


‘I wonder who this contact they’re discussing is? It’s someone who can get three low-ranking soul reapers to do their bidding so maybe a member of a noble house or a high-ranking soul reaper.’ thought Yūshirō


It was evident that the three rogue soul reapers were being motivated by personal gain or an external influence. Yūshirō couldn't help but wonder who this contact might be and what their true intentions were.


Yūshirō decided to continue shadowing the rogue soul reapers, believing that he might uncover more about their motives and perhaps even identify the mysterious contact behind their actions. He remained discreet, mindful of the need to gather information without revealing his own presence.


As Yūshirō was discreetly following them, he was perched on a tree when he suddenly felt danger and dodged to the right. The branch he standing on had been sliced where he had stood. Yūshirō turned to see a figure in a black cloak hiding their face and holding a zanpakuto who vanished.


When the branch fell the three soul reapers were spooked and looked over to Yūshirō and tried to run but he used shunpo to appear in front of them. “Don’t move. If you move you’ll die.”


The soul reaper named Minoru tried to make a break for it when the cloaked figure reappeared and slashed him across the chest. Minoru collapsed on the ground while Yūshirō grabbed the other two and used shunpo to escape. “Minoru!” screamed the two in his arms as he sped away.

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