Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 69

As Yūshirō continued to carry the two soul reapers and evade their mysterious pursuer, he weighed his options carefully. The urgency of the situation was evident; they were being relentlessly pursued, and Yūshirō needed to decide how to best protect himself and the rogue soul reapers while escaping the cloaked figure.


Yūshirō knew that leaving the two soul reapers behind would likely result in their death, considering the intent of the cloaked figure. He needed to question them so their death would be an inconvenience for him. However, their weight was severely slowing him down, making it increasingly challenging to evade the relentless pursuit.


Looking at the current situation, Yūshirō made a quick decision. He would not abandon the rogue soul reapers, so that only left him with one choice, he found a place to defeat this cloaked figure. He revved up his shunpo to create some distance between them and their pursuer while looking for a clearing in the forest to fight. He communicated to the two soul reapers in his arms, "Hold on tight, and try not to die."


As they continued to flee through the twisting forest, Yūshirō kept a close eye on the cloaked figure, ready to take action if needed. The chase continued through the dense forest, with Yūshirō expertly using shunpo to maintain distance and avoid any immediate confrontation. He looked for a clearing or an area that would provide him with an advantageous position. The forest, shrouded in shadows and the rustling of leaves, offered a mysterious backdrop for the impending clash.


Suddenly, Yūshirō spotted a small, secluded clearing up ahead. It was an area with enough space to maneuver and where they wouldn't be surrounded by the dense forest. It was the perfect location for the confrontation that Yūshirō had been seeking.


Yūshirō adjusted his course, making a beeline for the clearing. As they reached the open space, Yūshirō set down the two rogue soul reapers. He then turned to face the cloaked figure.


"Alright, we're stopping here," Yūshirō declared with a firm tone. "You've been chasing us relentlessly, looks like you really want to kill these two. So how about this tell me who are you, and what you want and I’ll let you go."


The cloaked figure approached slowly, the details of their appearance still obscured. There was an undeniable tension in the air as the stage was set for the imminent confrontation.


Instantly the cloaked figure vanished and Yūshirō unable to see or sense him smiled. Yūshirō's instincts kicked in, and he decided to take a bold and unpredictable step. He spun around, kicking the air where he believed the cloaked figure was hiding. His foot made contact with an invisible form, and as the cloaked figure reappeared, the impact of the kick threw them off balance, exposing them.


Yūshirō's expression remained resolute as he addressed the cloaked figure, "Looks like you’re underestimating me. So long as I’m here you won’t be able to touch those two so why don’t you focus your attention on me."


The cloaked figure, now off-balance due to Yūshirō's unexpected maneuver, stumbled back into view, their appearance still concealed by the cloak and their face hidden in shadows. The tension in the clearing reached a critical point as they faced off with Yūshirō.


As a momentary standoff ensued, Yūshirō continued to focus his senses and maintain a defensive posture, prepared for whatever action the cloaked figure might take. The figure pulled out their zanpakuto, but Yūshirō was ready to face whatever might come next.


As the cloaked figure disappeared once more and launched an attack from an unexpected angle, Yūshirō's quick reflexes allowed him to evade most of the blow. However, he wasn't completely unscathed, sustaining a cut on his cheek from the swift and precise strike.


The cloaked figure's mastery of shunpo was clear, along with their ability to hide their reiatsu made them a formidable opponent. Yūshirō was now forced to stay on the defensive, carefully watching for any sign of an opportunity to counterattack.


The intense battle in the secluded forest clearing continued, a dance of combat between Yūshirō and the elusive cloaked figure. The figure moved with an uncanny swiftness, their movements shrouded in shadows, making them a difficult target to track. Their zanpakuto attacks were precise, forcing Yūshirō to rely on his instincts and reflexes to evade the assaults.


The cloaked figure's attacks were relentless, each strike a blur of motion and aimed at Yūshirō’s vital spots. Yūshirō narrowly dodged each assault, his footwork agile and his senses keen. It was a delicate and intense struggle, neither opponent giving an inch.


As the battle raged on, Yūshirō's keen mind began to discern a pattern in the figure's movements and attacks. He memorized the sequence of strikes, noting the brief moments when the figure reappeared to launch an offensive. With this newfound knowledge, he knew he had to seize the right moment.


Finally, as the cloaked figure vanished once more and reappeared to strike from a familiar angle, Yūshirō anticipated their attack. He dodged the blade with precision, and his hand shot forward, gripping the cloaked figure's wrist with a vice-like grip.


With a savage smile, Yūshirō focused an immense amount of his reiryoku into his clenched fist. Yūshirō's savage and precise strike had sent the initial cloaked figure hurtling into the tree, leaving them motionless and incapacitated. The powerful impact had sent shockwaves throughout the clearing, and leaves and twigs swirled through the air. Yūshirō stood with his fist still crackling with reiryoku, breathing heavily as he watched over the defeated figure.


However, as he focused on the fallen foe, his heightened senses alerted him to the imminent threat. His instincts kicked into overdrive, and he barely managed to dodge an attack from behind. A second cloaked figure had materialized and launched an assault, intent on avenging their comrade.


Yūshirō's quick reflexes allowed him to evade the attack, but the sheer speed and precision of the second attacker were clear. The new assailant moved swiftly, displaying a mastery of shunpo and the element of surprise.


As Yūshirō dodged to the side, the second cloaked figure seized the opportunity to retrieve their fallen companion. With a burst of shunpo, they grabbed the incapacitated figure and swiftly disappeared from the clearing, leaving behind only a light gust from their movements.


Yūshirō was left standing in the clearing, his chest heaving and his senses on high alert. The battle was over for now, but he was injured, and he needed to remain vigilant.  The mystery surrounding these attackers deepened, so Yūshirō grabbed the two deadweights and sped toward the Shihōin household.

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