Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 70

Yūshirō, with his adrenaline still pumping and his injuries aching and stinging, knew that he couldn't remain in the open clearing any longer. He needed to secure the rogue soul reapers he had captured and return to the Shihōin household for a further assessment of their situation.


With great agility, Yūshirō scooped up the two incapacitated soul reapers. Despite the burden and danger, he couldn't leave them behind to the mercy of the mysterious cloaked figures. He needed to gather more information and uncover why that cloaked figure was after them and what their interest in that hollow was.


Using his mastery of Shunpo, Yūshirō darted through the forest, his movements swift and calculated. The familiarity of the terrain was an advantage as he raced back toward the Shihōin household, leaving thoughts of the enigmatic and dangerous figures behind for the time being.


Yūshirō's return to the Shihōin household marked the end of his confrontation with the mysterious cloaked figures. The unconscious rogue soul reapers were relocated to the underground dungeon, where they awaited further examination and questioning.


He also informed the household personnel to prepare for any potential late-night intrusions, though he deemed it unlikely. Yūshirō wanted to ensure the safety of the Shihōin household.


Aware of the extent of his injuries, Yūshirō wasted no time in requesting a skilled healer from the household to tend to his wounds. The cuts and gashes inflicted upon him during the battle were numerous, bearing witness to the dangers he had faced.


As Yūshirō waited for the healer's arrival, his mind buzzed with questions. The incident raised concerns about the actions of the rogue soul reapers and the true identity of their contact. He knew that the mystery ran deep, and he couldn't wait to consult his sister, Yoruichi, for guidance on how to proceed.


Meanwhile, Yūshirō was taking a moment to catch his breath when he heard a knock. He invited the healer to enter. The female healer walked into the room, her expression solemn as she assessed the extent of Yūshirō's injuries. Yūshirō was seated on the floor, shirtless to provide easier access to his wounds, his skin bearing the cuts and gashes inflicted during the confrontation with the mysterious cloaked figures.


The healer, an experienced member of the Shihōin household, approached Yūshirō with a gentle yet focused demeanor. She carried a tray of various medical supplies and tools, ready to address the wounds that marred Yūshirō's young body.


"Yūshirō-sama," the healer began, "I'll do my best to tend to your injuries. It's clear that you've been through quite a battle. Let's start with cleansing and disinfecting these wounds to prevent any potential poisons or infections."


With practiced hands, the healer commenced her work, meticulously cleaning the cuts and gashes. Yūshirō felt the stinging pain as the healer not only applied cleansing solutions to his wounds but also administered healing Kidō, injected gently into his body. Despite the pain, Yūshirō remained stoic and told the healer, "After you've finished treating me, please check on those two in the dungeon. I can't afford to have them succumb to their injuries so soon," to which she nodded in acknowledgment.


The process of tending to Yūshirō's injuries was meticulous and time-consuming. The healer carefully stitched and bandaged the wounds, ensuring that the young Shihōin would heal without complications. Thanks to the healer's skill, Yūshirō would be left with no visible scars once the treatment was complete.


After concluding the treatment, the healer stepped back and offered Yūshirō a reassuring smile. "You should be on the path to recovery, Yūshirō-sama. Please rest and allow your body to heal fully. I will attend to the captives in the dungeon, as you've instructed."


Meanwhile, in another location, as Gin Ichimaru carried the injured Kaname Tōsen into a hidden cave, the atmosphere was thick with tension due to their failure to eliminate potential witnesses. They had been tasked by Aizen to capture the elusive hollow. The cave provided temporary shelter from prying eyes, and the sound of water dripping echoed within the underground chamber.


Once they were safely inside, Gin Ichimaru gently and carefully laid the injured Kaname Tōsen down. With his usual methodical grace, he removed his own cloak, revealing his sharp and mischievous grin. Tōsen's condition appeared severe, bearing evidence of multiple internal injuries from Yūshirō's last attack.


As they settled in, Sōsuke Aizen entered the cave, his demeanor calm and collected as always. He observed Kaname Tōsen's condition and inquired, "Hoh, it seems Kaname is injured. Who caused these injuries?"


Gin's voice carried a hint of amusement as he reported to Sōsuke Aizen, "It was Yūshirō Shihōin, the second heir of the Shihōin clan, Lord Aizen. We encountered some difficulties. Yūshirō Shihōin managed to capture those rogue soul reapers we had hired and inflicted a significant beating upon Tōsen. He aimed to eliminate the three of them, and only one met that fate. Yūshirō absconded with the other two, and I couldn't give chase as I needed to bring Tōsen here for treatment."


Despite his injuries, Kaname Tōsen was conscious and capable of speaking. He confirmed the situation, his voice filled with pain. "My apologies, Lord Aizen. Yūshirō Shihōin proved to be a formidable opponent. He displayed remarkable speed and cunning during our encounter. It was solely due to his intervention that we failed to capture the hollow and were unable to eliminate potential witnesses."


Sōsuke Aizen, the mastermind behind their schemes, appeared unfazed by the news. He contemplated Kaname Tōsen's condition and considered the implications of their failed mission. "Yūshirō Shihōin," he mused. "A name to remember. Relax, Kaname, I have placed the two you failed to eliminate under my hypnosis. Whether they speak or not no longer matters. This setback will not deter our ultimate plans. Rest and heal for now. As for you, Gin, for the time being, do not take any action but observe."


Gin grinned in his characteristic enigmatic manner. "As you wish, Lord Aizen. Should I also handle the other individual we have searching for the hollow?"


Aizen, maintaining his gentle smile, shook his head. "No, Yūshirō Shihōin has chosen to involve himself in this matter, so we will allow him to clean up this situation for us. While it is a shame that I could not get my hands on the hollow, ultimately, it does not matter."

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