Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 73

As settled back in the dorm rooms, Yuichi couldn't help but notice that Miel's wings were fully healed. This observation brought a hint of satisfaction to his expression, but his next words struck her with a sense of dread.


“I see your wings have fully healed now. That’s good, it means I can have you start working today," Yuichi announced, and he could see a flicker of apprehension in Miel's eyes.


Miel shifted uncomfortably but knew that arguing with her master would lead to no good. She decided to comply and murmured, "Y…yes, Lord Yuichi. They healed fully when I ate. I shall do my best to complete whatever you need of me. What do you need me to do?"


“Oh nothing much, I just need you to infiltrate a certain household and find a certain piece of information for me. Can you do that?” asked Yuichi


“Yes I can,” said Miel quite confident in her stealth abilities.


“Good, that's what I like to hear. Oh right, I almost forgot this place is going to be heavily guarded and the information I need will probably in the most guarded place. Also if you get caught they’ll kill you without question. But don’t worry I have faith you’ll succeed,” said Yuichi with a smirk.


Yuichi's words, while casual in tone, carried a significant weight. He was entrusting Miel with a dangerous and clandestine mission, one that would require her utmost stealth and precision. Her body shivered knowing she didn’t have a choice as she nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Yuichi. I will do my best to infiltrate the household and retrieve the information you seek. I understand the risks, but I won't let you down."


Yuichi's smirk showed his amusement at her determination. "I have faith in you, Miel. Once you retrieve the information, bring it to me as quickly as possible. I'll be waiting here. Now what you’ll be looking for is a scroll on a forbidden kido spell. It’s located inside the mansion of the Ankoku family. Now off you go."


“Wa…wait my lord. Please I need more information than that. I don’t know who this Ankoku family is or even where they are for a matter of fact. Please allow me to gather such information before I attempt this,” pleaded Miel as she bowed her head.


Miel was clearly uneasy about the task ahead, and her request for more information was not unreasonable. She bowed her head as she asked, but Yuichi corrected her misconception with a calm and confident response.


"No need to bow. Also, you misunderstood me just now. I also included that when I said off you go," Yuichi clarified with an easygoing tone. "I suspect this will take a couple of days, if not a few weeks to finish. I don't care what method you employ; just find me what I want, or I'll hunt you down. Are we clear now?"


Miel nodded and cowered herself, her body shaking. "Y…yes, Lord Yuichi. I understand. I shall finish this mission post haste. B…ut may I as…ask a favor?"


Yuichi looked over his easygoing tone still frightened Meil. “Hmm, what is it?”


Miel still bowing her head asked, “If I may plead with you, my lord. After I complete this mission, may I implore you to remove that kido spell you recently placed on me?”


Miel's voice quivered as she made her request, and Yuichi's relaxed demeanor couldn't quite mask the tension in the air. He heard her plea, and after a brief moment of consideration, he gave her an answer.


"Oh right, I never did remove it, did I?" Yuichi noted. "Well, if you do a good job, I'll consider it. And if you do it quickly, I will even grant you a reward. Now off you go."


Miel felt a mixture of relief and anxiety at his response. Yuichi's approval was crucial for her, and the promise of reward was an incentive to carry out the mission swiftly and successfully.


"Thank you, Lord Yuichi. I will make haste and do my best to fulfill my mission," Miel replied, her voice trembling less with a renewed calm. With one final bow, she turned to leave, her thoughts filled with the dangerous task ahead.


Miel who had shrunk down to the size of an insect, her tiny form almost insignificant amidst the grandeur of the Soul Society. She fluttered through the air, her thoughts heavy with uncertainty about how to approach her mission.


The task set before her by Yuichi was challenging. The Ankoku family and their hidden mansion were enshrouded in secrecy. Miel needed to gather information without raising suspicion or alerting the soul reapers of the Soul Society.


As she contemplated her options, Miel looked back in the direction of Yuichi's dorm room, believing herself to be far enough to vent her frustrations. In a voice barely audible, she began cursing him under her breath, calling him a bastard and expressing her exasperation at the seemingly impossible mission.


She muttered phrases like "How does the bastard expect me to find a place he doesn't know about?" and "How can I find something so obscure? All he knows is that it has the word forbidden in the name. How useless is he?" Her frustrations and fears flowed from her lips in a quiet whisper as she moved through the air.


But then, a thought struck her, and she hesitated. Could the kido cast on her by Yuichi allow him to hear her words even in her miniature state? Anxiety took hold, and her remorse filled the air as she frantically attempted to convince herself otherwise.


“I…I mean it couldn’t be…right? There’s no way… right?” she said quietly with an anxious look on her face.


"I'm sorry, Lord Yuichi, please forgive me," she whispered, her tiny voice filled with worry. "I didn't mean it. I promise I will complete the mission as you asked."


Miel's tiny voice carried her heartfelt apologies and remorse through the air. She was torn between her fear of being overheard and her deep desire to make amends and prove her loyalty to Yuichi so that he wouldn’t punish her again.

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