Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 74

The night in Yuichi's dorm room had been filled with intense practice and concentration. He had placed his signature barriers with utmost precision, using his innate abilities. Then, he diligently went through his routine, drawing reishi into his body and expertly converting it into reiryoku. His control over the spiritual energy had been honed through countless hours of practice, bringing him closer to mastering the intricate art of manipulating spiritual energy.


After hours of grueling practice, Yuichi entered his inner world, a mysterious realm where he could commune with Kagami no Jotei, his zanpakuto spirit. These training sessions within the inner world were essential for his continued growth as a soul reaper, and the connection between him and his zanpakuto spirit deepened with each encounter.


As the first rays of dawn broke, the soft morning light filtered into Yuichi's room. He rose from his bed and embarked on his well-established morning routine. His daily ritual involved preparing himself for the challenges of the day, including attending classes at the esteemed Soul Reaper Academy. Yuichi's commitment to improving his skills was unwavering, and diligent attendance in these classes was a fundamental part of his journey.


Post-classes, Yuichi's footsteps led him to class #1, where he intended to meet Mei. However, he soon discovered that both she and Kira were conspicuously absent from the day's lecture. This unusual absence sent a subtle ripple of concern through his thoughts. Yuichi had been trying to locate Mei for the past few days, to no avail. Moreover, Kira had been injured during their previous encounter.


Thoughts swirled in his mind, "So they're rarely present in class, and the last time I saw Kira, she was injured. Perhaps whatever Yūshirō was alluding to during our previous meeting has come to fruition, and both of them were attacked. In that case, I could be their next target. I should return to my dorm room to set up my protective barriers. No, wait, I should first find Niko."


Resolute and focused, Yuichi navigated the academy's corridors and proceeded to the girls' dormitory. He headed straight for Niko's room, hoping to find her. His knuckles rapped against her door, a sense of urgency in his actions. There was no immediate response, so he knocked again, a tad more forcefully. As he prepared to knock once more, the door swung open with an unexpected burst of speed, hitting Yuichi square in the face.


Yuichi let out a pained groan and crouched down, nursing his injured face. Niko appeared, concern etched on her face, as she inquired, "Oh, Yuichi, sorry about that. I didn't realize someone was outside. Are you all right?"


With his hand gingerly cradling his aching face, Yuichi managed to stand, his discomfort clear. "I'll survive. Just remember to be gentler with your door. What brings you out in such a hurry?"


Niko revealed her purpose to him, "I'm actually about to come find you. I'm guessing you were also looking for me, right?"


With a puzzled look, he questioned, "For what?"


Niko went on to explain her request, "I need your assistance in testing something. Come on in!" She took the initiative grabbed Yuichi, and pulled him into her room. His curiosity and concerns about the situation were piqued, so he allowed her to pull him inside.


Niko's room was a chaotic sight that greeted Yuichi as he stepped inside. The space resembled a whirlwind of activity, with papers, documents, and various pieces of lab equipment strewn across the floor, tables, and shelves. Yuichi navigated carefully through the clutter, doing his best to avoid stepping on anything of importance.


The room was a testament to Niko's boundless curiosity and unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Research notes and handwritten formulas covered the desk, colorful diagrams adorned the walls, and peculiar gadgets sat on various surfaces. The room had an air of experimentation and a hint of eccentricity, reflecting Niko's passionate and inquisitive mind. It was clear that she thrived amidst the apparent chaos of her environment.


Once inside, Niko released her hold on Yuichi and made a beeline for the table. She retrieved a peculiar-looking device, then hurried back to him. "Here you go, take this and inject your reiryoku."


Yuichi examined the device in his hand, his curiosity piqued. "What is it?" he inquired.


Niko responded with enthusiasm, "A tracker. If you insert your reiryoku into it, this device can track your movements from anywhere. I'm thinking of submitting this to Captain Urahara and seeing if it can get me into the 12th Division."


Niko's explanation shed light on the nature of the device, a tracking tool with promising applications. Her ambition to impress Captain Urahara with her invention was palpable.


Yuichi weighed the device for a moment and eventually nodded. "That's an interesting invention, Niko. Let's give it a try. After all, it might prove to be quite useful for both of us."


Following her instructions, he focused his reiryoku and activated the tracker. As the device hummed faintly, he and Niko watched it sync with his spiritual energy, eager to see how it would function.


"Good, now leave this room and hide. After a few minutes, I will try to find you. We'll test it multiple times to ensure it works properly," Niko instructed.


Niko held the tracker, and Yuichi followed her guidance. He exited her room and concealed himself in a nearby location, waiting for her to activate the tracker. Minutes passed, and Yuichi heard the telltale sound of footsteps approaching, indicating that Niko was attempting to locate him using the device.


The tracker displayed a blinking light along with numbers and symbols, providing an approximate location within the dormitory area. The tracking experiment continued as they sought to assess the accuracy and efficiency of Niko's invention.


While Yuichi remained concealed, they repeated the process to evaluate the capabilities of the tracker.


"Hmm, I'll need to refine the precision of the device. It only tracks the target within a six-meter radius. That's good, but it needs to be more accurate for a proper tracker," Niko remarked.


Yuichi offered his perspective, "I still think it's a remarkable invention. If you show it to Captain Urahara, he might want you to join his squad right away."


Niko contemplated his words, eventually responding, "Maybe, but I'm not one to submit something until it works as intended. In any case, what did you need my help with?"


Yuichi revealed his own request, "I was hoping you could show me how to build something like your tracker. I have an idea for a device I want to create."


Curious, Niko inquired, "What kind of device are you thinking of?"


Yuichi answered, "I want to build a device that can activate and maintain a protective barrier without the need for me to focus on it constantly."

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