Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 88

“Before we head down there there’s just one thing I want to tell you. No matter what you see down there don’t do anything just follow me,” said Niko.


Yuichi ventured down into the underground black market, he found himself surrounded by a chaotic array of sights and sounds. The dimly lit corridors branched off into numerous hidden chambers, each hosting its own miniature auction. It was a far cry from the single, grand auction he had anticipated; instead, the market sprawled with hundreds of clandestine transactions, each dealing in its own illicit trade.


The first chamber he entered revealed a grim scene—a row of cages containing Hollows, their menacing growls echoing through the confined space. The Hollows were bound by reishi-enforced chains, their once-menacing forms now reduced to a state of captivity. It was a disconcerting sight, a stark reminder of the dark underbelly of the Soul Society, where even the malevolent entities could become commodities.


In the next chamber, Yuichi encountered an even more disturbing spectacle. Cages lined the walls, containing the restless souls of unregistered men and women. Their faces reflected a mix of fear and resignation as they peered through the bars, their existence reduced to mere commodities for the highest bidder. It was a reprehensible trade, one that exploited the vulnerability of those who had yet to find residency in the Soul Society, and would be sold as commodities.


Yuichi looked at the sight in disgust but Niko pulled his arm and said, “I know how you feel but don’t stop. If you stay too long at a certain place and don’t bid then we’ll call attention to ourselves. There’s nothing you can do for those people so focus on what you need and forget everything else you see.”


The black market continued to unveil its sinister offerings. Scrolls containing the names of Rukongai citizens that the vendor would kidnap and sell to the highest bidder wholesale. There were also writings said to be kidō dark arts spells laid out for bidding. These were ancient texts, filled with spells and rituals such as one that promised the buyers the ability to temporally control the minds of others and turn them into braindead puppets. The potential for abuse was evident, and Yuichi couldn't help but wonder if these spells actually worked or were fake.


"They're real. They demonstrate the spells before you buy on souls. It's not a pleasant sight, so let's move on," Niko's voice cut through the unsettling atmosphere, prompting Yuichi to divert his gaze from the disturbing spectacle.


Further down the underground passages, Yuichi encountered an auction that seemed to deal in exotic artifacts and trinkets. Strange masks, crystallized spiritual remnants, and talismans were displayed on intricately adorned stands. The sellers and buyers negotiated in hushed tones, exchanging items of mysterious origin with an air of secrecy.


The atmosphere in the black market was tense, charged with a mix of depression and greed. Amoral individuals and outright criminals haggled over their purchases, while unlucky souls cried as they were bought and sold. The Soul Society, known for its order and discipline, seemed to unravel in this clandestine marketplace where morality took a back seat to the pursuit of power and depravity.


As Yuichi navigated through the miniature auctions, he couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in this realm of darkness. The air was thick with spiritual energy, a volatile mix of malevolence and desperation. The black market, hidden within the Rukongai District, had become a breeding ground for the worst aspects of the spiritual world. Before coming to this world he wasn’t a man of justice or anything but he would always find himself on the right side of the law. Now that he was here he kept finding himself on the wrong side and it was a shame to admit that he would most likely frequent this auction whenever he had the chance.


As they approached the biotech section, Niko stopped in front of a stall, her eyes scanning the items on display. The biotech components gleamed with an otherworldly aura, their purpose and potential hidden behind a veil of secrecy. This was the segment of the auction where they hoped to find the large capacity reiryoku storage component crucial for completing the barrier device. The stakes would be high going by the amount of people already inside the room.


A mysterious figure behind the stall, adorned in dark robes, regarded them with a calculating gaze. Niko engaged in hushed negotiations, her expertise evident in the way she bartered with the vendor. “I’d like this component I have some original kidō to trade.”


“Wait I also want that.” said by another bidder, a man adorned in unsettling white paint. The black paint around his eyes resembled a domino mask, and he sported gold cones covering his ears. Yuichi's heart sank as he recognized the infamous Mayuri Kurotsuchi.


Mayuri, the man who would become the captain of the 12th Division and head of the Research and Development Institute after Urahara’s defection. He would be known for his unorthodox methods and questionable ethics. His presence at the black market auction only heightened the stakes for Yuichi and Niko.


" Valuable kidō, you say? Interesting. But I have inventions that surpass mere spells. Surely, the bidder who can offer the most innovation should be the one to acquire this prized component," Mayuri declared, his tone carrying a sinister edge.


The vendor, shrouded in mystery and impartial to the unfolding confrontation, watched the exchange with keen interest. The room, filled with potential buyers, became a battleground of bids between Niko and Mayuri.


Sensing the urgency of the situation, Yuichi discreetly activated his sensory abilities, gauging the spiritual pressure and intentions of those present. Mayuri's reiatsu emanated an unsettling aura, a testament to his formidable skills and the ominous reputation he had cultivated.


Niko, maintaining her composure, countered Mayuri's claims. "Innovation is subjective. My kidō spells have timeless value, and our offerings are not to be underestimated. Please sir, take a look and you’ll see how useful they are."

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