Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 89

Mayuri's unsettling whisper lingered in the air, his sadistic and cruel demeanor evident even in the seemingly mundane act of bidding for a biotech component. Niko, however, remained resolute, her determination unshaken by the sinister aura that Mayuri exuded.


Mayuri placed a device that sort of looked like a clock with multiple mouths in front of the vendor. “This device here creates a high-pitched scream that will kill weak souls. Well with this you’ll be able to kill others without being seen. Isn’t this worth more?”


"Your inventions may be impressive, but the value of our kidō spells transcends the mere pursuit of just science. They hold the essence of spiritual understanding and balance. Besides using something like that would kill the user too. This spell lets you transfer reiryoku into an object," Niko countered, her words infused with conviction.


Yuichi observed the exchange, sensing the tension escalating as the bidding war continued. Mayuri's cold, calculating gaze fixated on Niko, his fascination with the acquisition of knowledge seemingly outweighing any moral considerations. The room, filled with the dim glow of the auction items, became a stage for the clash of ideologies—innovation versus ancient wisdom.


Suddenly, the mysterious vendor, previously a silent observer, intervened. "Enough," the figure declared in a voice that carried a weight of authority. "The bidding is concluded. The component goes to the one who offers the most intriguing exchange."


Mayuri smirked triumphantly, confident in his victory. Niko, however, maintained her composure, not revealing any signs of defeat. The vendor turned to Yuichi, a glint of curiosity in their eyes.


"You, the one who remains silent. What do you offer in exchange?" the vendor inquired, directing the question to Yuichi.


Yuichi took a moment to assess the situation. He recognized that Mayuri's so-called inventions were likely experimental and potentially hazardous. On the other hand, Niko's kidō spells were untested and slightly impractical, most skilled souls could already more efficiently transfer their reiryoku.


"In exchange for the component, I offer a demonstration of a rare kidō technique—an ancient spell that has been passed down through generations," Yuichi spoke, choosing his words carefully.


The vendor's interest was piqued, and the attention in the room shifted toward Yuichi. Mayuri's expression shifted from triumph to curiosity, the prospect of witnessing a rare kidō technique intriguing even the mad scientist.


"Very well. Demonstrate the kidō technique, and if it really is that great then the component shall be yours. If not then this weird guy gets it," the vendor declared, their decision final.


Niko and Mayuri observed with anticipation as Yuichi stepped forward. Channeling his reiryoku, Yuichi began to weave intricate patterns in the air, uttering incantations that resonated with power. The atmosphere in the room shifted, a subtle energy enveloping the surroundings.


As the kidō technique unfolded, a spectral image manifested—an ethereal representation of a dragon, its form majestic and awe-inspiring. The dragon hovered in the air, its presence commanding attention. The room fell silent, captivated by the rare display of spiritual prowess.


The vendor nodded in approval, acknowledging the uniqueness of the demonstrated kidō. "Impressive. The component is yours."


Niko, couldn't help but show a hint of a satisfied smile, knowing that they had secured the crucial biotech component through the preservation of ancient knowledge. Mayuri, however, intrigued, couldn’t conceal his visible reaction, his analytical mind likely already contemplating the potential applications of such a technique. He grabbed Yuichi by the shoulders and asked, “You said this is an ancient technique correct? When was it made and for what propose?”


“I haven’t got a clue about that. Maybe the one who made was an artist,” said Yuichi shaking off Mayuri’s hands, and handed the vendor a scroll with the details of the kidō spell.


The vendor accepted the scroll, carefully inspecting the details of the rare kidō spell. The room remained hushed as Mayuri, his curiosity piqued, continued to study Yuichi with an intensity that bordered on intrusive.


"I see the potential for experimentation. That boy is also interesting makes me want to cut him open," Mayuri muttered to himself, seemingly more interested in the practical applications of the kidō rather than its artistic or historical origins.


Niko, noting Mayuri's fixation, stepped forward. "We've fulfilled our part of the bargain. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have what we came for."


The vendor nodded, acknowledging the completion of the transaction. Yuichi, Niko, and the enigmatic figure with the authority of the underground market parted ways. As they left the chamber, the echoes of the auction slowly faded, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease.


Having left the underground market, they walked for a while until they were sure that they were far away enough and they were not being followed, Niko turned to Yuichi. "That was close. I hope we never cross paths with him ever again. He was so weird and he kept staring at you like you were a toy. Let’s lay low and not leave the dorm for a while just to be safe."


Yuichi nodded, realizing the potential dangers of attracting Mayuri's attention. "Yeah let's do that. Now that we have the component, we can focus on completing the barrier device."


Upon returning to the academy, Yuichi and Niko retreated to their respective quarters to get changed and rest. Little did they know, that when Mayuri grabbed Yuichi before he had placed a small tracker on him.


As Yuichi laid down, the small tracker planted by Mayuri went unnoticed. The mad scientist's peculiar interest in him raised the stakes, and the shadows of uncertainty deepened. Meanwhile, Niko, in her own quarters, worked on her own tracker.


The next day, as sunlight bathed the academy in a golden hue, Yuichi and Niko reconvened to resume their work on the barrier device. The component obtained from the black market was now in their hands they could work on completing the device.


The tracker, discreetly hidden, transmitted Yuichi's every movement in the academy to Mayuri, who, in the depths of the Research and Development Institute, analyzed the data with a sinister curiosity. In the shadows, Mayuri's eyes glinted with an unsettling gleam as he observed their every move. The ancient technique demonstrated at the black market auction had stirred a hunger for knowledge within him, and now, he sought to drag its secret out of Yuichi.

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