Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 90

In the dimly lit lair of Sōsuke Aizen, the atmosphere hung heavy with an air of calculated intrigue. Aizen, seated upon an elaborate throne, exuded an aura of calm authority as he contemplated the unfolding events. The cloak that blocked his reiatsu concealed his true nature from those who might be observing.


Into this clandestine sanctuary walked Kaname Tōsen, his figure obscured by the reiatsu-blocking cloak. As he approached, Tōsen respectfully removed the cloak, revealing himself to Aizen. The blind soul reaper kneeled as he spoke, his voice measured and composed.


"Lord Aizen, I have been monitoring that young boy Yuichi as you instructed. However, I must report that there was another presence, someone watching him. I needed to keep my distance which allowed the boy to slip through my hands. I apologize for not being able to track and keep a constant watch on Yuichi's every move. I did however manage to find out the identity of the other observer was a member of the Shihōin hosuehold."


Aizen regarded Tōsen with a calm expression, his piercing gaze seemingly penetrating the darkness. Tōsen's commitment to his task was unwavering, and Aizen acknowledged the effort.


"There's no need for apologies, Kaname. The fact that you detected another presence speaks volumes about your capabilities. Yuichi must possess even more skills than I thought to elude even your watchful gaze," Aizen commented, his words holding a subtle note of curiosity.


As Tōsen bowed in acknowledgment, the shadows shifted, and a figure emerged. Gin Ichimaru, with his trademark grin, materialized from the darkness. His eyes gleamed with mischief as he joined the conversation.


"Well, well, Tōsen. Missing someone right under your nose? That's not like you," Gin taunted, his tone dripping with sarcasm.


Tōsen, maintaining his composure, responded, "Gin, I apologize if my capabilities are not up to your expectations."


Aizen chuckled at the banter between his two subordinates. "Gin, Kaname has nothing to apologize for. If Yuichi managed to evade his surveillance, it piques my interest. Tell me, Gin, what have you been up to?"


Gin's grin widened as he recounted his recent activities. "I paid a little visit to the black market. Saw Yuichi there, getting involved in some interesting transactions. But the real kicker was Kurotsuchi. That sneaky bastard placed a tracker on Yuichi."


Aizen's eyes glinted with intrigue. "Kurotsuchi? Placing a tracker on Yuichi? Now, that is an unexpected development. Tell me everything, Gin."


Gin proceeded to narrate the events at the black market, detailing the bickering between Yuichi, Niko, and Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Aizen absorbed the information, his mind working to discern the implications of Kurotsuchi's actions.


"So, Kurotsuchi wants to keep a close eye on Yuichi as well. Fascinating," Aizen mused. "This adds an element of unpredictability to the situation. Gin, you've done well to bring this to my attention. We’ll stop monitoring Yuichi for now, if the boy lives up to my expectations he’ll be fine, and if not then Kurotsuchi will kill him. There’s no need for us to do anything but sit back and wait. It’s truly wonderful when others volunteer to check and solve issues for you."


Gin offered a casual salute. "Will do, Aizen-sama. It seems like you were right, things always seem to get interesting when Yuichi's involved."


Gin faded back into the shadows, leaving Tōsen and Aizen in the lair. Tōsen, standing respectfully before Aizen, couldn't help but express his concerns. "Lord Aizen, I must caution you about Gin Ichimaru. He's not to be trusted, and his motives remain elusive. I fear that his loyalty may waver when it suits him."


Aizen chuckled, his voice resonating with a sense of amusement. "Kaname, my dear friend, I am well aware of Gin's nature. Trust is a fragile concept, especially among those who reside in the shadows. But it matters not. Gin serves his purpose for now, and I am fully cognizant of the potential betrayal that lurks within him. After all, I'm the one who taught him the value of a well-played betrayal."


Tōsen nodded, acknowledging Aizen's wisdom, though a hint of unease lingered in his expression. Aizen then redirected the conversation, focusing on the unfolding plan regarding Yuichi Shiro.


"Now, Kaname, let us continue down the list. If Yuichi manages to survive against Kurotsuchi's plans, then he's proven himself to be a valuable asset. If not, we have a suitable replacement in Kira Ankoku. She has been concealing her true strength, her current strength should be around 3rd seat but she hides and pretends causing the other instructor to rate her at to be a 7th seat. However, I believe her potential for growth is limited. Do you not agree?"


Tōsen contemplated Aizen's words, weighing the options before responding, "Kira Ankoku is indeed skilled, but I wonder if Yuichi's unpredictability and resourcefulness make him a more worthwhile candidate. That young lady Kira is steadfast, and her abilities are not to be underestimated, but if Yuichi’s potential for growth is as great as you say then he may surpass her if properly cultivated."


Aizen leaned back in his throne, his gaze fixed on Tōsen. "True, Kaname. Perseverance is a valuable trait, but a desire for power is even more crucial. I could feel a more potent greed coming from that boy Yuichi. It intrigues me and I have an eye for these sorts of things. Let us observe how he handles Kurotsuchi's schemes. If he emerges victorious, we shall consider him a valuable addition to our little experiment. If not, Kira Ankoku stands ready to step into the role."


Tōsen nodded, understanding the dynamics at play. "As you command, Lord Aizen. I shall continue to monitor the situation and report about the other candidates."


Aizen's chuckle echoed in the dimly lit lair. "Good. Let the pieces fall into place. Our plans are in motion, and the Soul Society shall soon witness the end of that thing’s era and the dawn of a new era."


As Tōsen bowed and left the lair to carry out his duties, Aizen remained seated on his throne, contemplating the unfolding events. The chessboard of manipulation and intrigue was set, and the players, each with their own motives and secrets, moved in a dance orchestrated by the cunning mind of Sōsuke Aizen.


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