Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 109: Hibernation

The students of Class 1 and Class 2 were escorted into a well-furnished dojo-like area. Polished wooden floors reflected the glimmering of ornate lanterns, and the room was adorned with an array of training equipment; wooden dummies for Kidō target practice, a dueling arena, and even a track zone for exercise. One could see how much resources the Central 46 had poured into making Shin’o Academy as well-facilitated as possible.

A stern-faced instructor, a veteran with eyes that bore wisdom, stepped forward, his voice resonating through the dojo’s silence. He began to elucidate the purpose of this class: Each student was to be entrusted with an Asauchi, and every one had to spend every waking moment with their Asauchi, slowly imprinting the essence of their soul on the Asauchi. This practice would bring the Zanpakutō and its master together, revealing the name of the Asauchi, and molding their own unique Zanpakutō.

After the instructor thoroughly lectured the students about the Asauchi, the students formed a queue to receive their Zanpakutō. Since Toshiro was standing in front of Kazuya, his turn came first. Kazuya was curious to see if Toshiro would directly manifest his Zanpakutō Spirit Hyorinmaru.


“Toshiro Hitsugaya.”

“Noted. Hold this.”

Toshiro took the katana from the instructor’s hands and injected his Reiryoku into it. For a moment nothing happened, then a blue wave traveled from the base of the katana, covering the entire Asauchi with a layer of frost. Crack. Crack. Crack. The frost shattered like glass — Hyorinmaru showed happiness for finally receiving a home within the Asauchi.

Toshiro stood there, stunned. Then he recalled Kazuya’s words about his Zanpakutō Spirit being a frost entity. He looked over his shoulder, a grateful look in his eyes.

“Told you.”

The instructor’s lips curved up. “Kid, you have the ice element Reiatsu. Your Zanpakutō will also be ice-type. Work hard on nurturing this bond, and you’ll easily be a Seated Officer.”

Kazuya rubbed his chin. The instructor had misinterpreted Hyorinmaru’s frost powers as Toshiro’s own Reiatsu. Then again, Toshiro was the only case of a Zanpakutō Spirit residing in someone’s soul, not being born through bonding with Asauchi.

Toshiro clutched the katana close to his chest, finding it cool and comfortable. “I will!”

Kazuya’s turn was next. After giving his name and class to the instructor, he received his Asauchi. He took a moment to observe the Asauchi. It was the most generic katana one could find.


He took a step back and injected his Reiryoku into the Asauchi. He felt like a part of his soul disappeared into the blade. Immediately, a wave of dark red flames burst out, wrapping the katana. He expected some type of development after observing Toshiro’s Hyorinmaru. What shocked him was Nami’s reaction.

{Ahhhh~, Partner. What are you doing to me~?} Nami sounded as if she was drunk or sexually aroused — perhaps a mixture of both. {Ahh, I’m being ripped from inside. I’m dying… I AM DEAD.}

‘What the heck is happening?’

{Partner…} Nami’s voice lacked any energy. {I… feel sleepy.}


The flames vanished as soon as Nami’s voice faded. She stopped responding to him as though she fell unconscious.

“W-What was that?” The instructor got up and came to examine his Asauchi. “F-Fire type Reiatsu? Could it be the same type of Zanpakutō Spirit as Captain Commander?”

Ignoring the heated instructor, Kazuya observed the katana, finding a minor change in its appearance — a carmine red bead was embedded on the katana’s hilt. The bead resembled the beads on Nami in her phoenix form.

Kazuya scratched his head. “I’m just as confused as you are, Sensei.”

“Huh. Our Zanpakutō are still a mystery,” the instructor whispered with a nod. “Take care of your Asauchi. It will respond to your sincerity.”

Kazuya nodded and moved away from the queue. Every attempt to contact Nami failed. She stayed true to her last words about falling asleep.

Two truths were clear to him: his Zanpakutō was a flame type, and its Spirit would either be born from his own soul or be a fusion of his and Nami's. He silently prayed for the former. One obsessed woman in his life was more than enough; he didn't need another yandere to complicate things further.

‘Fuck. I might’ve jinxed it.’

In the 10th Squad's Barracks, Isshin's heavy footsteps resounded as he returned to his office, weariness etched into his very being. He collapsed onto his chair with an exaggerated sigh, his body aching for comfort. “Rangiku, get me some tea. I’ll be eternally grateful to you.”

Rangiku rose from her seat and planted a solid knuckle on his head. “I’m not your servant.”

“Ugh… Please. My head is killing me… I’m not used to waking up early.”

He seemed to be in genuine pain but Rangiku didn’t budge an inch.

Isshin collapsed face first on his table. “Please…”

Her resolve finally weakening, Rangiku let out a sigh, her face softening. She left the office, returning a few minutes later with a tray bearing two steaming cups of tea.

“Ahhh, it smells so good.” Isshin sat up, his eyes wide and sparkling, his previous agony forgotten. “Give me!”

Rangiku puffed her chest out proudly as she served the tea, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. “It’s inconvenient, but I must admit, I’m rather skilled at it.”

She had absorbed the art of brewing from observing Isane Kotetsu and Nanao Ise, the masters of tea-brewing at the Shinigami Women’s Association. Such careful observation had honed her craft.

She sat down on the couch placed on the side. “What happened out there? Did that guy pass the entrance?”

Rangiku was obviously referring to Kazuya since Isshin had gone out of his way to see the result. Curiosity was all over her face.

Sipping his tea with an appreciative hum, Isshin raised an eyebrow. “Why the sudden concern for his results?”

Rangiku shrugged. “Nothing. I was thinking of having him start a singing club in the Shinigami Association. It’ll be a waste of his voice to rot in Rukongai.”

As someone who often visited the other world for clothes and fashion, she found the Seireitei to be severely lacking in the entertainment department. They had a bullet-in that published some entertaining stories every couple of years, and that was it. Kazuya’s voice might just spark the revolution for a new industry.

Rangiku obviously was looking to take the credit for the revolution and earn a boatload of money.

Isshin waved his hand dismissively. “Off with the shitty clubs. I’ll train Kazuya to be the next captain.”

Rangiku widened her eyes. “By hierarchy, I should be the next captain.”

“You’re lazy. You skip your duties to go out drinking, and you don’t have a Bankai release for your Zanpakutō. Nothing apart from your experience makes you a Captain material.”

Isshin’s voice was unapologetically blunt, his words hitting Rangiku like targeted arrows. With a defeated groan, she collapsed onto the couch, her mind swirling. She could mend the first two flaws, but the elusive Bankai Release haunted her like an unsolvable riddle. Unfortunately, Bankai Release was a mandatory requirement to become a Captain.

‘Haineko, why can’t I force you to materialize?’

Bringing a Zanpakutō Spirit to the physical world and subjugating them was necessary for a Zanpakutō to evolve. Rangiku always failed in the first part of the process — materialization.

“I don’t know,” Haineko replied from her inner world. “Your skills are lacking. It’s because of your age.”

‘I’m still young, idiot.’

Rangiku folded her arms behind her head and sighed. She had no problem communicating with her Zanpakutō Spirit, and she had enough Reiatsu to qualify as a Vice Captain. Someone of her talent shouldn’t have any trouble with the Bankai Release. It was as if the universe felt jealous of what she may accomplish with another evolution of her Zanpakutō.

‘Meh, I don’t want to deal with this.’

She shifted restlessly, finally looking to Isshin. “Captain… I’m suddenly in the mood to drink. Adjust without me.”

Elsewhere, within the dimly lit confines of the 2nd Squad barracks, Soi Fon sat meditating in a lotus position, her mind tormented by her recent 'defeat.' The techniques, the style, and the combat flow — everything about her opponent echoed in her consciousness. Had her predecessor trained a student before or after her exile? Did she train him on a whim or was there a deeper reason behind everything?

She was dying for answers.

“Stop with your delusions,” her Zanpakutō Spirit, Suzumebachi, snapped, her voice dripping with disdain. “Get over worshiping that lame noble girl. Find a real man.”

As usual, Suzumebachi was critical of her admiration of Yoruichi Shihōin.

“The man you fought would be pretty suitable for your squad. Hire him then groom him to be your partner.”

‘You are out of your mind.’

She ignored Suzumebachi for the next hour and ordered one of her men to keep an eye on Kazuya’s activities across the academy. Nothing was unethical in her line of work. Not even stalking a first year student who bore no malicious intent towards her.

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