Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 110: Operation

Chapter 110: Operation

Nestled within a traditional room, sat a beautiful black-haired woman. At a glance, one would find her to be the epitome of graceful beauty, none imagining her to be the most vicious criminal in the Soul Society’s history. Yachiru Unohana, having embraced her new identity as Retsu Unohana, had successfully concealed the shadows of her past, her braids skillfully hiding the only 'mark' that betrayed her history.

This day found her not in her 4th Squad barracks but in a conference room, adorned with a paper banner that hung from the ceiling, proclaiming in elegant script: Shinigami Women's Association. This room was a meeting spot for the influential women of the Gotei 13, a place to conspire and craft ways to improve the lives of Shinigami in the Seireitei.

Unohana’s reasons for joining this association were simple and devoid of any underlying ambitions. It was merely a choice influenced by Isane's decision to participate.

Her eyes, gentle yet piercing, scanned the room, resting momentarily on faces familiar and respected across the Seireitei: Rangiku Matsumoto of the 10th Squad, Yachiru Kusajishi from the 11th, Kiyone Kotetsu from the 13th, and Nanao Ise from the 8th. Her gaze lingered particularly on the petite figure with short raven-black hair, the only captain present aside from herself – Soi Fon.

Unohana hadn’t fought many opponents who could be as brutal with fists as Soi Fon. She’d have loved an honest fight with Soi Fon but her time for battle had passed. She was now but a humble healer.

‘Soi-Fon looks a little distracted.’

"What are we doing today?" Rangiku's voice, accompanied by a lazy yawn, cut through Unohana's thoughts. "I want to sleep…"

Soi Fon’s eyes narrowed as she fixed her gaze on Rangiku. "When do you not want to sleep or get drunk?"

As the Captain of the 2nd Squad, Soi Fon rarely graced these meetings with her presence. When she did, it was often to find Rangiku drunk out of her mind or dozing off.

Rangiku, unfazed, squeezed her breasts with a playful expression. "It's not my fault these sweaty puppies make my back hurt all the time."

Demonstrating her point, she flirtatiously raised her assets, teasing them to the brink of spilling out of her kimono.

Soi Fon stepped away in horror. “K-Keep them away from me.”

A soft giggle escaped Unohana’s lips. "It's fine, Rangiku. You don't have to force yourself to attend this meeting."

Rangiku shook her head. “I want to be here, Retsu. It’s the only place that understands my perspective. We need to improve our daily lives and bring more entertainment!”

“Vice Chairwoman Nanao Ise!” yelled Yachiru as she smacked the floor. She was a young girl with pink hair and perpetual blush across her face. “What’s on today’s agenda?!”

Nanao adjusted her glasses as she took out a stack of reports and distributed them to every woman in the room. This was the intel she had procured from her own information channels, not the Gotei 13 information network. “This matter is serious.”

Yachiru hummed and nodded as she read the report out loud. “A student ‘Kazuya Ishihara’ learned all the Kidō available for students, defeated instructors from the Kuchiki Clan in Zanjutsu and Shunpo, bested members of Fon Clan in Hakuda in three months.”

Soi Fon's body stiffened, her face losing color as the name that haunted her memories resurfaced. “It's him.”

Unohana lifted her eyes from the report, her voice reflecting her intrigue. “An exceptionally talented student. At this point, he should graduate early and join the Gotei 13.”

Her centuries of existence had allowed her to witness the rise and fall of many prodigies, but none had sparked her curiosity quite like the Rukongai child who had bested her. Compared to Kenpachi Zaraki, every genius was basically below average.

Nanao frowned. “This part was only about his achievements. Read the next part. You’ll see why I brought him up here.”

Unohana gave her a quizzical look before continuing through the reports.

‘In three months, the student ‘Kazuya Ishihara’ has been rumored to be in a sexual relationship with thirteen women, nine of which were instructors and academy staff… the student claims that he is the best Kaido user in the Soul Society… He wants to be a fighter and healer at the same time… he wants to be a ‘Battle Healer’.’

Unohana's lips curled into an amused smile at the audacity of Kazuya Ishihara. A few hundred years ago, a genius named Koga Kuchiki had raised quite a ruckus that Captain Commander and Captain Kuchiki had to step in and seal him away.

‘Battle Healer. Does this kid want to be like me?’

Unohana had mastered the art of Kaido — healing — to prolong her battles. Did Kazuya harbor the same ambitions? She was a tad curious.

Isane gave a serious frown. “Where did he learn Kaido?”

The academy didn’t teach the basics of Kaido, leaving her to wonder if he was linked to someone in the 4th Squad. 

Nanao paused at Isane’s question. “I couldn’t find it.”

Soi Fon crossed her arms. “I have an idea… but I want to confirm my suspicion first.”

“From the exiled Captain Yoruichi Shihōin?” Unohana's soft voice was accompanied by a knowing smile. “Is that right?”

Soi Fon froze. “H-How did you know?”

“You only show so much interest when the talk involves Yoruichi. I also remember the news that this student fought you to a draw in the academy opening ceremony.”

Soi Fon groaned, “I have no interest in Yoruichi-sama. I just want to show her I am better than her at her job.”

A soft, knowing giggle escaped Unohana's lips, her hand delicately covering her mouth. Her eyes twinkled with mischief. “Does that mean you wouldn’t mind if Kazuya Ishihara is in a relationship with Yoruichi Shihōin?”

The mere image of Yoruichi sharing a bed with a man sent a frosty jolt through Soi Fon's veins. Something inside her shattered, a wild panic gleaming in her eyes. Her voice was a low, haunted murmur before she vanished from the room with the swiftness of Shunpo, leaving only a trace of her internal tumult.

Isane covered her face with her palm. “Captain, what have you done?”

Unohana shrugged, her expression an artful picture of innocence. “I did nothing, Isane. Nanao, please continue the meeting.”

Nanao smacked the green board. “Ladies, we have to be serious about this man… this menace to all women in the Seireitei. We can’t let him run amok. Someone must teach him to respect women and not use them for his sexual desires.”

She took a chalk and wrote down: ‘Operation: Humble the Genius.’

Nanao in all honesty didn’t want Kazuya to become a more predatory version of her Captain Shunsui, who liked teasing women but he never did anything inappropriate… But he already had physical relationships with multiple women. They had to bring him back before he went too far.

Rangiku, who had been silent until now, raised her hand. “You all are overreacting. Kazuya is a family friend of my Captain, Isshin. He seemed like a nice guy to me.”

“Looks can be deceiving,” Nanao said as she glanced at Unohana. “Captain Unohana, do you have any suggestions?”

Unohana's head inclined slightly. “Let him graduate and join my department.” She closed her eyes, her lips twisting into a smile that was simultaneously serene and sinister, a duality that sent a shiver through the room. “I’ll take care of him.”

Taming a wild pup wasn’t tough for someone of her caliber. The real intrigue lay in the question: how much fight the pup will put up before yielding to her will? Would it make her blood pump?

Unohana found herself looking forward to meeting the man who may share her insatiable thirst for battle.

Nanao shook her head. “That’s after his graduation. What if he doesn’t want to graduate early? We have to stop him from exploiting women in the Shin’o Academy.”

“Exploit is a far-fetched word, Nanao,” Rangiku said. “He isn’t forcing the students or teachers to sleep with him. They are doing it out of their own consent. Who are we to interfere in their lives?”

Rangiku felt like she had to object to Nanao’s far-fetched slander against her rising superstar.

Nanao fell silent for a moment. “I believe he is using his supernatural voice to seduce women.”

She hadn’t heard it herself but every report indicated how soothing and charming Kazuya’s voice had been to women. It was the most mysterious aspect about the notorious playboy of the Shin’o Academy.

Rangiku raised her brows. “He does have a good voice but I wouldn’t call it supernatural.”

Isane tilted her head, curiosity flickering in her eyes. “Captain, do you mind if I meet the Battle Healer ahead of his graduation?”

“You may,” Unohana said with a smile. “You may also suggest that he graduate early and apply to our division.”

Rangiku placed a hand on Isane’s shoulder. “I’ll come along and meet him.”

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