Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 168: Tutor

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE <3 I LOVE YOU ALL, my fellow yandere lovers!

Kazuya lounged comfortably on the bed, masterfully playing the part of an oblivious observer to Momo’s probing glances. Her fierce argument with Nanao was like a confession, yet he acted as if nothing of sorts took place. His deliberate ignorance was nothing but pure torture to the young maiden, who expected a ‘reward’ for her ‘performance.’

“Kazuya-kun…” Momo whispered, voice trailing in a display of absentmindedness. “Did I go too far with Ise-san?”

His prolonged silence sent her down a spiraling path of self-doubt. While he found her worries endearing, he also knew that her insecurities were not healthy.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, gently guiding her to rest her head on his chest. His hand tenderly caressed her face as he offered her a reassuring smile. “Don’t doubt yourself now. I praised your actions, didn’t I? That means you were right.”

She gently nodded. “I’ve learned to do Shikai Release of my Zanpakutō.”

This revelation genuinely took Kazuya by surprise. Achieving Shikai was a fairly straightforward process of imprinting one’s Reiryoku on an Asauchi and nurturing its growth, yet it was a hurdle where a majority of Shinigami stumbled. They either lacked the Reiryoku or lacked the dedication to sit down and meditate with a sword for hours.

Momo was already a top-tier talent in Reiatsu and Comprehensive skills. With her progress, she also revealed her unwavering will and passion to reach new heights, mostly owing to her obsession with him. She desired to remain with him and saw that graduating from the academy as soon as possible, by proving her combat capability through Shikai Release, was the fastest way.

{A dedicated maiden I must say,} Nami uttered a rare compliment. {The plum tree doesn’t just look up to the only star in her world. Light, water, pollution, and pests — she cares for naught but her dream of growing tall enough to touch the star.}

Momo might have squealed after hearing such high praises from his Zanpakutō Spirit or she might have declared war on Nami — he couldn’t accurately predict her responses after her recent growth.

‘Why the sudden support for Momo? Weren’t you wary of Izumi for her yandere tendencies?’

{Momo is miles better than Izumi. She wants to support you without bogging you down. She suffered in silence but never questioned your decision to leave her for a week. Izumi tried manipulating you into staying with her. Let’s not forget she tried to kill herself without considering the consequences it will have on you or Lisa. She is a selfish little bitch whether you believe it or not.}

‘Now now. No need to be so critical of Izumi. She is going through a rough phase. It won’t be long before she bounces back stronger than ever.’

{She’ll bounce everyone back to heaven if you become careless for one day.}

‘Izumi might be clingy but she won’t harm anyone around me.’

{Only time will tell, Beloved.}

Ending their conversation, Kazuya noticed Momo sitting on the bed, her Zanpakutō carefully sheathed and resting on her lap. She partially drew her katana, a slow, deliberate motion, before gently sliding it back into its sheath.

She turned towards him, a look of earnest pride in her eyes. “Every day after classes, I injected Reiryoku into it and poured my heart into communicating with it. Tobiume, my Zanpakutō, had no choice but to acknowledge my resolve and reveal her name.”

“You worked hard.”

A small word of praise made her smile brightly. “Do you want to see Tobiume in action?”


{Will her personality change bring changes to her Zanpakutō Spirit?}

‘She’s different but not that different. She was a bit obsessed with Aizen.’

{I don’t believe she loved Aizen like she loves you. She felt admiration towards Aizen and sought his approval. It was akin to a child seeking a father’s validation after scoring high in their tests.}

‘The only reward she got was a sword through her chest. First by the said father figure and second by her childhood friend.’

{I’m glad this indestructible specimen of a woman is on our side. One day she shall solo Yhwach with her EX-Class durability.}

Recalling all the memes about Momo’s miraculous ability to survive, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

Leaving the dormitory, Kazuya sensed a watchful presence. Glancing sideways, he spotted the bespectacled Vice-Captain lurking behind the building.

‘This nerdy, stalker lass.’

{With her mighty fine ass.}

‘Her glasses are rather cute.’

{Gotta hold them when she blows you.}

Shinsui would release his Bankai if he ever heard the short poem dedicated to his niece. There would be a bloodbath.

Ignoring the stalker, he made his way to the dojo. She positioned herself at the center of the training area, her demeanor exuding a solemn sense of purpose. Grasping her Zanpakutō’s hilt, she drew it with a swift motion. “String, Tobiume (Flying Plum Tree).”

Her Reiatsu, a shade closer to pink than pure red, spiraled around the sword and transformed it from a katana to a straight, double-edged sword. Her Shikai grew a prong on each side like the branches of a tree. The sword looked suitable for ceremonies and rituals more than a military weapon.

{Her Shikai chant is canonically ‘Snap’, not ‘String.’ I don’t spot any other differences though.}

As Momo held the sword with both hands, a sphere of fire matching her Reiatsu color bloomed at the bottom of her blade. She swung the sword, hurling the fireball at a dummy. The wooden dummy caught fire instantaneously.

Even her Shikai ability was no different from her canon Shikai.

{It’s because her ideal self has yet to deviate. She wants to be the girl who brings warmth to everyone. The bubbly girl everyone loves and adores. She sees her cheerful demeanor as the best self around you.}

‘The ideal self, huh? You’re telling me Shikai personifies a Shinigami’s ideals?’

{It does. Shikai reflects the ideal self, and Bankai reflects the true self. Your Shikai confirmed it for me. It’s literally a shield that sacrifices your body and grants you god-like healing that bends time to save your allies.}

‘I read that somewhere.’

{Let’s not delve into specifics, shall we? To elaborate more, I’ll take Soi Fon as an example. Her ideal self is an ice-cold assassin that surpasses Yoruichi. What’s her weapon? An instant death stinger that requires extreme precision. Then there is her Bankai reflecting her true self — a lady who blows at the smallest things.}

‘Hmm. Unohana as well. Ideal self — a gentle healer. True self — a woman with an insatiable lust for blood and battle. If that’s the case, what will my Bankai be?’

{I’m really curious. Your manipulation tactics were subdued after you fell for Harribel. What will your true self be when you release Bankai? A twisted yandere man who will bend reality to protect his lovers, or perhaps a manipulator who will stop at nothing to achieve his desires.}

Clap. Clap. Clap. The applause came not from Kazuya but Nanao as she walked into the dojo. “Hinamori-san, your tongue isn’t the only sharp thing; your mind is just as sharp.”

“Did you have fun stalking us?”

Cold sweat trickled down Nanao’s forehead. Hiding her Reiatsu, she had followed them, suspecting them of having an intimate session in seclusion. She didn’t think he’d see through her concealment so easily. “I was simply walking by and felt Hinamori-san release her Shikai. I came to check.”

“I believe you.”


Momo diffused her Shikai and smiled at Kazuya, paying no attention to Nanao whatsoever. “Kazuya-kun, our Zanpakutō are connected to fire in different ways. Isn’t that interesting?”

He watched the crackling fire enveloping the dummy, causing it to crumble on the floor. “It’s brilliant if you ask me. What does Nanao think?”

Nanao flinched at his casual use of her given name. “Please call me Ise. I don’t feel comfortable when men use my first name.”

She had lived with her clan of traditional priests for the better part of her childhood, causing her to take the honorifics and seniority seriously.

He shrugged. “It’s just a name.”

Nanao shook her head. “Hinamori-san’s Zanpakutō resembles the Seven-Branched Sword. It’s unique and beautiful from a traditional standpoint.”

“I’m on the same page. Momo, you already have the Zanpakutō part down. Would you be willing to learn Kidō?”

“Yes, I want to!”

He nodded at her enthusiasm and turned his attention to Nanao. “Ise-san, please take my poor friend under your wing and impart her with your Kidō knowledge.”

Momo frowned, but she didn’t question his decision.

Nanao, on the other hand, blinked in surprise. She had stopped despising him for his actions. Their relationship improved significantly but they were still acquaintances. Only he had the audacity to ask such a big favor from an acquaintance.

“I apologize but I can’t do it.” She politely turned down his request. “Please try to understand.”

Kazuya raised one finger. “One week. I want you to train Momo for one week. Surely you can spare this much time for your ‘friend.’”

He was sure Nanao would continue the training herself after recognizing Momo’s exceptional affinity with Kidō.

Nanao nodded with a sigh, taking it as a moment to mend her relationship with Momo. “I’ll do my best to teach her.”

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