Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 169: Like a farewell

Nestled comfortably beneath the sprawling branches of an old tree, Shunsui Kyoraku, the Captain of the 12th Squad, was indulging in one of his favorite pastimes — a leisurely nap. The day was pleasantly uneventful, a welcome respite from the usual hustle of Soul Society, allowing him to relax after enjoying a couple of cups of sake.

Tap. Tap. Tap. A series of steady footsteps gently intruded upon his serene moment. It was a sound he knew well — the stride of his diligent Vice-Captain, Nanao Ise.


“Captain, I’d like a week off from my Vice-Captain duties.”

Shunsui’s eyes snapped open, a flicker of surprise crossing his usually composed face. He adjusted his straw hat, an unconscious response to his surprise, and peered at Nanao, who stood before him with an earnest demeanor. “Is this related to Kazuya-san?”

Losing his previous Vice-Captain had left a deep scar on his heart. Having similar features to Lisa only raised Shunsui’s desires to keep her close to him, to ensure history didn’t repeat itself. His protective instinct as her uncle led him to keep tabs on her through tracking her Reiatsu or ordering his subordinates to monitor her. He was naturally aware of her budding obsession about humbling a certain genius.

Nanao's unconscious nod, quickly followed by a double shake of her head, conveyed her internal conflict. “I’ll be training Hinamori-san,” she explained, “who has an exceptional aptitude for Kido spells.”

From the day she was promoted to the Vice-Captain seat, she hadn’t taken a day off, even finding work to do on festival holidays. Her perfect attendance streak would end to make amends for her impolite conduct. The sacrifice would be worthwhile if Momo turned out to be half as good as Kazuya’s words.

Shunsui sat up and took off his hat. Gazing at his niece with a warm smile, he said, “Nanao-chan, you know how useless I become without someone to nag me around. You can invite Hinamori-chan here. We’ll teach her together~.”

Nanao slammed her book on his head. “She already loves Ishihara-san.”

Shunsui rubbed his head, laughing. “I wasn’t inviting her just so I can flirt with a young Shinigami.”

“It’s because I know what you’re capable of.”

She had witnessed his flirtatious antics at their weekly drinking parties and, despite her own reservations about Kazuya, she wouldn’t allow her Captain to interfere in someone else’s relationship.

“Nanao-chan, are you determined to go?”

 His playful tone didn’t stop the air from growing somber.

Nanao turned away, her gaze drifting towards the distant sunset, her expression thoughtful. “It’s only one week, Captain. I’ll check back in to finish the paperwork.”

Nanao had been by Shunsui’s side for a long time, long enough to see past the flamboyant façade he often presented to the world. She had caught glimpses of the deep-seated grief he carried, a sorrow born from the loss of many friends over his lengthy lifespan in the Soul Society.

Hearing no response, she turned her attention, finding him stunned. It wasn’t hard to grasp his astonishment. She resembled Shunsui’s former Vice-Captain, the bespectacled woman who used to read her books once every month.


Regaining his composure, Shunsui mustered a smile. “Wonderful, Nanao-chan,” he replied, leaning back against the tree, his demeanor returning to its usual relaxed state. “What else do you plan to do at the Shin’o Academy?”

“Nothing…” Nanao’s voice grew soft. “It’s getting late, Captain. I’ll go rest.”

“Goodnight, Nanao-chan~,” Shunsui called out cheerfully, waving her off. However, as soon as she was out of sight, his smile faded into a more serious expression. Alone, he whispered to himself, “A field trip… Are you hoping to encounter Lisa-chan somewhere in Japan?”

A week later.

The sun cast smoldering rays over the Shin’o Academy, leaving the students exhausted even before the lunch break. Kazuya, however, hadn’t broken a single sweat because of his affinity with flames.

He was sitting in a classroom, relaxed. The woman before him sat with a straight back, droplets of sweat trickling down her messy silver hair.

“In essence, Kaido is best used with patience. Never rush or you’ll lose the primary advantage Kaido has over traditional methods,” Isane said, her confident tone stirring something in him. She forgot the very concept of meekness during her ‘Sensei’ mode. “Calmness is the key to be a healer on the battlefield.”

“Sensei, I didn’t panic when a terrorist pointed a gun at my forehead. I even told that man to give my regards to my friend and my lover at that time.”

Isane’s composure vanished, her pupils dilating out of pure surprise. “You’re joking. The purification deliberately erases memories related to death to prevent any trauma in Rukongai.”

“I do, though.” He shrugged. “Maybe their Zanpakutō wasn’t strong enough to affect someone with my Spirit Class.”

“That could be a reason,” Isane said, wiping her nape with her handkerchief. “Let’s end the class here today. I’ve taught you most of the technical aspects of being a Kaido user. The rest will come with practice… and Kazuya, what magic do you use to resist the heat?”

Isane, despite wielding an Ice-Element Zanpakutō, was visibly struggling with the heat. Kazuya, a Fire-Element Zanpakutō user, seemed completely at ease. It should be completely the opposite.

“Isane, I have too many fans keeping me cool. Get it?”

{Partner, I should kill Tsubasa if this is the level of your dad’s jokes.}

Isane stared at him, dumbfounded. “Fans… I can’t believe you made that joke.”

He chuckled before placing a hand on his chest. “Isane, it’s been a week. Looking back, I can’t help but reflect on our time here. I’ll treasure every lesson you gave me.”

“Don’t be dramatic.” Isane rose from her seat and dusted her Shihakushō. “You’ll be seeing me everyday once you graduate. In two days.”

“I won’t be a student by then. There is… a certain satisfaction in learning from a beautiful teacher.”

{Teacher? You hardly know her.}


Isane blushed, despite hearing his compliments for the hundredth time. “Stop that… I don’t want Momo to give me cold stares.”

Quickly exiting the room, Isane closed the door behind her, as if worried Momo would find her.

Kazuya chuckled and lied down, gazing at the ceiling. This week was the busiest he had been in the Soul Society. Most of his time went to learning Kaido from Isane. When he wasn’t busy teasing Isane or messing around with Yoruichi, he’d train Momo and Toshiro in combat. Coming from the most peaceful Rukongai District, the two had zero experience in real fighting. They could slaughter Hollows without issues but even the lowest Seated Officer would floor them in a duel.

{You have a couple of hours. Quite possibly your last in the Shin’o Academy. Feeling emotional, Daddy of my child?}

To attract less attention, the Class 1 field trip was planned for the night. They had to gather in the evening then go to the Living World.

‘No, and don’t call me that. It feels weird. My first child will be with Tier.’

{Oho. Do you not remember where her Hollow hole is located?}

‘I’ll plug her hole with my love and cum.’


After resting, Kazuya joined Momo, who had finished her Kido training with Nanao. She was in the company of Renji, Rukia, and Toshiro, all lively and engaged in conversation.

Renji waved at him with a wide smile. “Get your ass here. Let’s grab something at the cafeteria.”

Toshiro crossed his arms with a serious frown. “Glutton.”

“Dumbass. You don’t know what they’ll feed us during the test.”

Momo giggled. “Stop fighting, you two. Rukia, don’t make that face.”

“What face?” Rukia asked, feigning ignorance. “Stop reading too much into things.”

Renji pinched Rukia’s cheek. “Stop being jealous of us Class 1 talents. You’ll get your field trip… in two years. Hahahaha.”

Rukia slapped his hand away and stomped on his foot. “Shut it, Monkey-face. I can become a Shinigami anytime I want. Byakuya Nii-sama offered me a seat in the 6th Squad.”

She had been visiting Hisana throughout the week. After having a second chance at life, Hisana didn’t spare any opportunity to make things easier for Rukia.

Renji, who was rubbing his foot, paused. His expression grew serious. “Noble privileges… did you accept?”

Rukia crossed her arms and revealed a smile full of tomboyish charm. “I turned him down. I made it out of Rukon on my own. I’m not taking any shortcuts now.”

Renji let out a sigh of relief. “Idiot.”

Rukia kicked his butt, knocking him down on the grass. “Dumb buffoon. Go get your ass kicked by dummy Hollows.”

Amid the animated chatter and playful banter of his friends, Kazuya remained unusually pensive. A sense of unease hung over him. The imminent field trip stirred in him a sense of foreboding.

‘Just what is Aizen scheming?’

{We shall see soon.}

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