Blooming America

Chapter 1165: Leonard's crazy thoughts

The superior colliculus, on the dorsal side of the upper midbrain, is a layered structure composed of gray matter and white matter alternately arranged. (This chapter is uploaded by netizens) It can be divided into shallow structure and deep structure, collectively called the upper colliculus nucleus.

Leonard walked into the laboratory with his sons and daughters.

"Are these your children, Leonard, they are so cute!"

The people in the laboratory greeted Leonard, but did not notice how heavy the expression on Leonard's face was.

"Yes, this is my son, Leonard Testarosa, and this is my daughter, Tessa Testarosa."

The son is little Leonard, and the daughter's name is also very cute.

But the staff was surprised: because these two people did not follow Leonard's last name!

"This is to commemorate their mother." Leonard said warmly.

Mother Chapter 1165 Leonard's crazy thinking pro?

They are quite puzzled.

Later, someone learned what was going on.

——His wife, died in dystocia...

What is even more frightening is that Leonard's sons and daughters had a medical accident during delivery.

Although the two children are healthy now, their eyes are apathetic.

-Palino syndrome.

Palino syndrome is also known as the upper thalamus syndrome, midbrain roof syndrome, and upper looking up paralysis syndrome.

The vertical sympathetic dyskinesia of the eyeball caused by the lesion of the subcortical subcortical vertical eyeball in the superior colliculus of the midbrain, and the destructive lesion involving the upper colliculus can cause the eyes to be unable to move upward in the same direction.

But... there is still a chance!

Trim broken nerve connections with magnetic pulses, and this is the beginning.

"They can serve as volunteers. I hope they can be cured."

Leonard's words left the staff in the research room a bit at a loss.

But the other party believes that this can be changed.

The Hive Lab thinks. Low-intensity pulses can reverse developmental abnormalities, and Leonard believes that damage to the nervous system itself cannot be repaired. But through this model, it seems that treatment can be achieved again.

Up to Chapter 1165 of Leonard's crazy thoughts, some people reluctantly agreed...experiment with two children.

But they didn't know that this was just the beginning.

From the beginning, Leonard didn't just focus on this place.

There are two types of afferent fibers in the superior colliculus.

First, the superficial structure receives the fibers projected from the retina through the optic tract and the superior colliculus, and receives the projection fibers from the visual area of ​​the cerebral cortex and the motor center of the extraocular muscles.

Then the deep structure receives the projection fibers from the auditory center of the cerebral cortex, the inferior colliculus, the nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve, and the spinal cord.

At the same time, there are three types of efferent fibers in the upper colliculus.

The first is the projection fiber from the superior colliculus to the thalamus. The information about the speed and direction of eyeball rotation is transmitted to the cerebral cortex through the thalamus.

The second is the projection fiber from the superior colliculus to the spinal cord. It circulates forward around the gray matter around the midbrain aqueduct, and crosses the ventral midline of the gray matter around the midbrain aqueduct in the hypothalamic plane. , Pons, medulla oblongata descends, and then down to the medial part of the cervical middle zone and anterior horn of the spinal cord, called the tectorial spinal cord tract.

Finally, there are projection fibers to the brainstem. Stop at the vertical and horizontal rotation of the eyeball, the parapontine reticular structure and the cranial mediating nucleus of the medial longitudinal tract related to the motor nucleus of the extraocular muscle.

The superficial and deep structures of the superior colliculus can integrate different modes of incoming information. Through its upward projection and downward projection, it participates in the control of the cerebral cortex extraocular muscle movement center on the rapid vertical and horizontal movement of the eyeball, and participates in the coordination of the eyeball and head. Department of directional movement to sound and light stimulation.


Or in Leonard's eyes, this is a strengthening of the human body. It is not a "community" in the traditional sense.

Catherine's "synthesis" has surpassed the "synthesis" of the existing human hostages, and has entered a new state.

In Leonard's view, he can give his children such power...

Yes, they can also have this magical ability...

This is beyond doubt.

Leonard didn't know the deeper technology of Hive like Jenny, but at this level, it was enough.

Leonard has his own way.

What is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is a science and technology that uses single atoms and molecules to make substances, and studies the properties and applications of materials with a structure size in the range of 0.1 to 100 nanometers.

For current technology, it is somewhat difficult to engage in nanotechnology.

But the school district is different, and the honeycomb laboratory is also different.

In many cases, the advancement of technology is like that of a wooden barrel, and the water in it depends on the shortest piece of wood.

The school district brings together most of the elites of the United States. They may not be able to increase the longest plank much, but they can make the shortest plank higher than the original.

Carbon nanotubes, graphene, these are the latest and most cutting-edge technologies.

In other places, it may take a long time from discovery to research on these technologies.

But in the school district, it's not the same.

It has the best and most cutting-edge technology.

So in this place, technology is advancing by leaps and bounds.

When letting his children undergo the experiment, Leonard also started his own research.

Reynard has been conducting his own research since a few years ago—to be precise, from the brain broadcasting system.

——Since only people with specific brain waves can receive their own signals, why can't they start from a more basic place?

Since ordinary people cannot accept specific signals, just create tools that allow people to receive signals!

At this time, carbon nanotubes, which belong to the field of nanotechnology, came into his eyes.

Renard used carbon nanotubes to build a carbon nanotube nerve bond circuit.

In the experiment, this circuit showed the function of the basic unit neuron of the brain.

Leonard at that time felt very surprised, afterwards. It has been conducting such research.

The computer system gave Leonard a lot of inspiration. He used interdisciplinary research methods to combine circuit design with nanotechnology. To solve the complex problem of having brain functions.

Carbon nanotubes are extremely small carbon molecular structures with a diameter of one millionth of the tip of a pencil. These nanotubes can be used in circuits, acting as metal conductors or semiconductors.

--of course. If it becomes a compound tempered carbon nanotube fiber, the conductivity will disappear.

At that time, Leonard was ambitious, and the sudden achievement made Leonard no longer satisfied with creating a "brain receiver". At this time, he was thinking: whether to build a circuit to make it play the role of a neuron. ?

The next step is more complicated. How to use these circuits to build some structures to mimic the function of a brain with 100 billion neurons and 10,000 nerve keys on each neuron?

It can be said that from that time on. Leonard is studying the possibility of developing an artificial brain.

Perhaps for others, it will take decades to truly develop an artificial brain or even a functional area of ​​the brain.

But for Leonard and for the Hive Lab, it is completely different.

The existence of repair proteins allows them to maintain the vitality of organisms while conducting brain research.

This also means that they can observe the results they want anytime, anywhere.

How do different artificial nerves behave in different positions, and what do different nerves mean to the human body...

These ones. It can be said that all are research fields and research scopes.

However, in a person's life, the human brain continuously creates new neurons, establishes new connections, and adjusts to adaptations. Using similar circuits to replicate this process will be a huge project.

Leonard thought so at the time.

However, after the accident happened to his child. Leonard abandoned his past thoughts and knowledge: Perhaps, there is a better way.

It does not need to be completely removed and replaced.

As long as a part of the function can be extended, it is fine.

It can replace the functions of parts of the human body and make the human body more powerful.

That's right, Leonard's crazy thoughts wanted to do just that.

-Artificial nerve.

Yes, artificial nervous system.

For this reason, Leonard even found subsidiaries of Intel, Microsoft, Apple and Orange...

Because they are developing a system that uses supercomputers to simulate the human brain.

In Leonard's view, this seems to be of reference significance.

This plan was proposed by Catherine.

As far as Catherine knew, in the 21st century, IBM had done such research, and it was successful.

——IBM invented the world’s largest human brain simulation project...They used the world’s second-ranked supercomputer at the time...and a new low-power computer architecture, and finally simulated 530 billion brains equivalent to the human brain. Neurons and 137 trillion nerve synapses have taken an important step towards a true "artificial brain."

The human brain may be the most complicated existence in the universe, but at the same time it is very energy-efficient. The human brain can collect thousands of sensory signals at the same time, judge and analyze them, transform specific perceptions into abstract concepts, and at the same time learn, plan and create in this process.

Even with the 21st century's technological level, building a computer with the same complexity as the human brain requires nearly 100 megawatts of energy supply.

The human brain needs only 20 watts of power to perform all these activities.

Such a huge energy consumption is obviously unrealistic.

To solve this problem, the Ark Group needs a new set of ideas.

Catherine was very unscrupulous and "used to doctrine".

"Cognitive Computing". This new field condenses research results from the fields of neuroscience, nanotechnology, and supercomputers. In the 21st century, IBM used such a computing model, but Catherine was very straightforward and "learned" from it.

Neuroscientists have discovered that the reason why the human brain is so energy-efficient is because it is "event-driven."

Simply put, neurons, synapses, and axons are only activated when they receive sensory signals or signals from other neurons, and they do not consume energy at other times. Compared with them. Computers nowadays waste a lot of energy

Inspired by this principle, the engineers of the Ark Group have developed a new set of computing architecture and theory, and used it to simulate the number of neurons and synapses equivalent to the human brain.

In terms of biological significance or functionality. This result is not an accurate simulation of the brain. Although this system is still unable to carry out any traditional perception, thinking and concept formation activities, it is a crucial step towards this goal.

It is used to expand the brain structure of the human body itself, which is not very demanding.

Maybe... a small chip. That's it.

And Leonard knew that in the laboratory, there happened to be such a chip.

——Experimental processing system made of carbon nanotubes.

This system has countless times more power than current supercomputers, but the energy consumption is extremely low. This is also the product they get after having the repair protein.

If such a system is combined with a protruding network similar to the human body, why not?

But... the problem arises at this time: the research started with monkeys.

Although the hive laboratory is very good. And finally got a set of usable data, and established the "artificial brain" theory on this basis, but... after all, it is similar to the structure of a monkey brain.

If this kind of thing is to be installed in your child's body, this is absolutely unacceptable!

At this time, Leonard could only contact the Hive Laboratory himself-he wanted a few executed prisoners or other people to use it for human experiments.

Of course, the Hive Lab can't decide this matter, so. The whole thing was known by Catherine.

"It looks so funny!!"

This was the first reaction of Catherine, who was far away in China, after hearing the news.

"Is he crazy?"

This is Catherine's second reaction...well, this should be a normal reaction.

Catherine also knew about the artificial brain project.

This artificial brain system consists of two main components: neurons and synapses.

Neurons are the computing center. Each neuron can receive signals from up to ten thousand neighboring neurons, and then it will process the data and output another signal. About 80% of neurons are excitatory. When they send out signals, surrounding neurons are also activated. The remaining 20% ​​of neurons are inhibitory. When they send a signal, the neighboring neurons that receive the signal are inhibited.

The function of nerve synapses is to connect different neurons, and memory and learning also occur with the formation of nerve synapses. Each synapse has a "weight value". This weight value is determined by the number of signals passing through a certain synapse. When a large number of signals pass through a synapse, the weight value of this synapse will rise, and this virtual brain performs "associative learning" in this way.

The algorithm of this system regularly checks whether a neuron is sending a signal. If it does send a signal, the weights of the synapses around this neuron will be adjusted, and then they will communicate with other neurons according to this new state. The key advantage of this algorithm is that it does not waste time and energy on a large number of synapses, and only spends limited computing power on a small part of the synapses that need to be activated.

——Like a real brain, this computing architecture is distributed, event-driven, and very energy-efficient. At the same time, it can also bypass many limitations inherent in traditional computing architectures.

But the original intention of Catherine's development was not to create an artificial brain.

This is for the cyber body.

From the beginning of the research on neural computers, Catherine considered the use of the cyber body.

But... Leonard's request gave Catherine a new inspiration.

Maybe... can this system have other uses?

Perhaps neural computers can also produce some wonderful effects?

"Electronic brain", the concept derived from "Ghost in the Shell", once again appeared in Catherine's mind.

Therefore, Catherine's reply to Leonard was only one sentence "work hard."

As for human testing...

This is slightly problematic, but it is definitely not a big problem.

Catherine directly took out two courses of "Code A" drugs and directly reached an agreement with the California government. They agreed to Catherine's use of executed prisoners for experimentation...

And Leonard, who got the reply, was shocked!

He certainly did not say that he was going to install this system for his children, but this did not affect Catherine's interest in the whole plan.

After that, Leonard began to cooperate with Intel and developed a new "neuronal synaptic core."

This is a special chip that can fully stimulate the potential of the new computing architecture. Similarly, this chip can also be implanted in the human brain and interact with the human brain.

In the "synaptic core", each core is composed of "neurons", "synapses" and "axons". Although named as such, these elements are not designed to imitate the structure of a biological brain, but the mutual composition of these cores constitutes a computing network similar to the human brain.

This design makes the chip extremely parallel, which makes it very suitable for processing calculations that require a large amount of data input. This is not much different from the standard neural computing network, but the processing performance and energy efficiency of the new system have been greatly improved.

At the same time, it can also be very "compatible" with the human brain. In other words, if Leonard’s children have installed this kind of system, they are as if they have installed a super miniature in their brains. Like computers, this kind of microcomputer can help them do a lot of things that ordinary people can't do-for example, let them have more powerful computing and learning abilities.

In Leonard's view,, if such research can really be tested, synesthesia will not be a problem.

It's like "synthesis"

Three points determine a line, meaning that three points can determine a straight line.

The same is true for synesthesia.

People have the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

In Leonard's view, if you have synesthesia, you can understand the world with the help of other senses.

This is similar to what Jenny told Catherine.

However, Leonard's thoughts are even more crazy...


Two-in-one chapter, the recent ones are all set to decline...

Tomorrow crazy more 2W words! One last outbreak, please subscribe! (To be continued) RQ! ! !

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