Blooming America

Chapter 1166: Blow in the wind

For this quiet town, perhaps something big happened today.

A place that has been isolated from the whole world for half a century has welcomed a group of foreigners.

Residents in the small town are very curious. Why are foreigners so terrible that the secretary of the municipal party committee has to rush to greet him personally?

Later, they heard that this foreigner seemed to have made a lot of investment in China. He was a "good friend of the Chinese people" and an American.

The residents of the small town were a little surprised: they just went to the United States over there. No, the Americans have also come.

Someone began to inquire about who this foreigner was and how he came to their little place.

In China in the late 1970s, there was no Internet, no TV, even radio, it was not so easy to do.

Their communication means that after work, everyone sits down to chat and talk about the big mountain.

Some people say that this foreigner is golden-haired and white-skinned and looks like a mountain monster. Others say that this foreigner is the same as China, except that the hair on his head is colorful.

Later, they also knew that the foreigner who was coming was a woman.

How is it a woman?

The elders who sit and gag together every day are stunned.

The women are dissatisfied: why can't they be women, men and women are half the sky, why are they not women!

In this era, the people are simple. They have not yet accepted the impact of the international market. In this era, they still don't know the colorful world outside.

The town was originally small, and a shocking news spread here. Many people wanted to see what this foreigner looked like. Many people went to the sidelines, but the foreigner didn’t seem to show up very often, or it’s just driving. A car-the inside is completely invisible from the outside.

But that car is also strange. Now, seeing such a car in this place is all news.

They probably also knew about the foreigners in this car. It seems that they are really a woman, at least when they get on and off the car, they can see it.

Don't say, this foreigner...oh. It is said to be an American, and he looks very beautiful. The hair hangs down to the ankles, like a waterfall, because it is golden, and it is even more beautiful when the sun shines.

later. They also know that this car often drives around in an old street, and they don't know what it is doing. I heard that the secretary of the municipal party committee in charge of the reception is not quite clear. They are just running around behind such a foreign friend. As for the others, they are all at a loss.

In this way, it is neither like a filming finder, nor is it like a development investment. The secretary of the municipal party committee heard about it. This lady threw 5 billion US dollars of investment in one go, which is more than their total foreign exchange! The above is also a special concern for this side, but they are all advanced technologies. But you can't give up. If you want her to invest, then you have to welcome... It's like they served the Soviets back then, so that they can develop themselves.

But in the end, the foreigner also made a few investments, not big or small, but they were meaningful to the local area, and this was over.

Within a few days. The foreigner is leaving too, and the small town has been discussing for a while, and people are probably annoying, and this matter has ceased.

However, the secretary of the municipal party committee is also at a loss, but this foreigner sometimes seems like a hot potato, although there is nothing wrong with it. But in that case, it will pass.


After crossing the wilderness and across the plain, the train gradually stopped.

"Kate, here it is."

Under Elsa's shaking, Catherine woke up in a daze.


Catherine yawned, then looked outside, she put on a big windbreaker, and then went down.

After the special train came down, Catherine saw the person who greeted her, and she was too lazy to make an expression, put on a big sunglasses, covered half of her face, and passed.

Elsa didn't say much, she had never seen Catherine look like this.

This is... Feeling lost, right?

Did not see, did not get, or even knew nothing.

The past together are no longer there.

Why doesn't it exist anymore?

Is it because this world is parallel to another world? So, what is going on in another world?

Is it because of the butterfly effect? But how could it be possible for one's own influence to reach such an ancient and closed country?

Or is it because I am dreaming at all now, waiting for the dream to wake up... is it another world? But why is the feeling in yourself so clear?

Unconsciously, time has passed the midpoint line. When Catherine discovered that the balance of time began to lean towards her current world, she suddenly felt a sense of loss.

I... which world is he from?

Why is he in this place?

What is the world?

What is it?

Philosophy or something, the most annoying.

But perhaps the answers to some questions can only be explained by philosophy.

Fantasy and reality, past and present, everything is intertwined here, collides here, and changes here.

When Catherine did not find her former home in the small town, she became at a loss.

I remember when I was young, my grandfather told myself that it was a house built during the Zhengde period, and it was preserved during the turbulent period.

But now, there is indeed a biogas digester there.

But even before it became a biogas digester, there was still a vacant lot.

It has never coincided with memory.


The change has already begun before I came into this world.


It's another world at all.



Countless thoughts repeatedly knocked on her brain, making her exhausted.

For the first time, she felt so helpless.

In fact, when you came to this world, you were prepared.

Parallel universe?

Will the past change?

Can you still see..."me"?

In fact, they are all ready.

After seeing the familiar old road and the familiar old phoenix tree, she was even ready to see it.

——But, there is nothing.

The "parents" who joined in this year are gone. Kind "Grandpa". No more.

Checked into the hotel, Catherine took off her trench coat and lay on the bed with rough sheets. Make her feel uncomfortable.

"Kate...your call, it's Mr. Bruce..."

Bruce Edson?

Catherine froze for a moment.

"give me."

She answered the phone.

"Kate! What did you do! You let the umbrella go to Iran! Oh, my God, it's all messed up now! It's all messed up... Kate?"

There is no sound here.

In normal times, Catherine probably had already interrupted her father's preaching with her own self-righteousness, and then she said a lot of feasible reasons for herself-in fact, she was before. That's how it was prepared.

"No, it's nothing."

Catherine's voice was a little low.

"What's wrong, Kate? Are you sick? China is too far away, you'd better..."

Catherine was a little confused about what was said later.

Yes... China is too far away.

The past is too far away.

Everything has become the cloud on the other side of the day. Unattainable.

Everything has gone with the wind.

But what about another country?

The two ends of the sea. There is no place of belonging.

Even in that country, Catherine never regarded it as her hometown.

Catherine also understood that she could never regard that country as her hometown.

"Kate, if there is anything unhappy, please come back and stay with your mother for a while."

come back!

Come back to the family!


There is still no response.

"This situation... um... did Kate abandoned you by the boys?"

"Only this is absolutely impossible!"

The only unbearable words!

After saying this, Catherine let out a sigh of relief: "Okay, I'm fine. That's it. Regardless of whether it's China or any place, it's actually the same to me. So don't worry. I'm probably over. Go back in two days, that's it."

Catherine hung up without hesitation.

"Hey, Kate, and Iranian..."

The phone has hung up.

"So be it."

She wanted to say thank you. However, among family members, this sentence is unnecessary.

Some things seem to be changeable, but some things also exist in people's hearts.

She doesn't know what the changes will bring.

She doesn't know what the past will change.

What will be ushered in everything in the future, she...want to know.


Elsa was a little strange.

"All in all... I have passed the blunder. I am advocating about Iran. It should be my father's anger, but now there is no problem. We should... not right."

Catherine seemed to think of something, and then said a word to Elsa.

"Hair cut? Kate, why would you think of getting a haircut?"

Elsa was a little surprised when she heard Catherine's request.

"It's... a goodbye."

Catherine stroked her long hair, which has never been treated since she was born.

What happened to the past, she no longer wants to know.

Everything changed, so many things no longer exist.

Maybe... it's time to say goodbye.

For the current existence named "Catherine Edson", the past and the present, men or women, are no longer important.

What she wants to know is something else.

People always do something.

People always do something.

I can always change something.

As for the past, those who were melancholy, cried, laughed, missed, regretted, and were happy are all the falling leaves.

and so.

It's time to say goodbye. (To be continued)

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