Blooming America

Chapter 1167: Swear to the death not to be a skinhead

May 1979.

After all, Vietnam did not continue to war with China.

In other words, they are busy with the civil war.

Because the leader was assassinated, differences began to arise between them, and some people wanted to seize power.

At this time, China and the Soviet Union were getting closer, and many people's thinking changed again.

Therefore, since March, the domestic situation in Vietnam has become more and more unstable. Their "revolution" mainly relied on China and the Soviet Union, and when they were victorious, they almost caused problems due to the division of the upper echelons.

At the same time, with the continuous influx of mercenaries toward Southeast Asia, turbulence finally occurred.

On May 2, the Vietnam Civil War broke out.

On May 3, "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher finally told Catherine with practical actions: the butterfly effect is not a panacea. Margaret Thatcher led the Conservative Party and won the British general election, starting with an overwhelming advantage. The last section of the "Road to ZTE" in the UK.

And Catherine, after filming a story of "Journey to the West", also returned to the United States.

——Actually, she has no thoughts to shoot anymore.

However, this year is a busy year for the Ark Group.

With the gradual increase in investment in China, the Ark Group has already stepped in as a whole.

Catherine played a big game this time.

As far as the scale of the industry is concerned, the entire industry that Catherine built in China this time far exceeds the scale of the entire industry in the United States, and China's price-performance ratio is much higher than that of the United States.

In other words, the value of these 5 billion in the United States has even reached 10 billion - and there are more.

Although Catherine is investing in China, such an investment can be said to have doubled her investment at once.

However, since my own investment is a long-term process, it may take several years for the 5 billion to be gradually put in place and constructed. This time is not short.


But Catherine herself was a bit distressed now.

"Wear a wig before the hair grows out."

Put the wig on in front of the mirror, that's it for now.

In order to cut the past, Catherine decided to cut off her hair.

But afterwards. Catherine discovered something very cheating-because her hair has a protective film on it, it is very difficult to cut it. So after returning to China, Jenny mentioned that she directly used a special hair loss agent. Because Jenny was worried that Catherine's body would recognize the hair loss agent as "harmful", in the actual process, Jenny put Catherine's head in the potion pool filled with hair loss agent to get it...

The result is very good. But the deceptive thing is that Catherine is going to be a bald for the time being.

(I would just pull it down symbolically if I knew it...)

Catherine slandered in her heart.

But if it is only symbolic, I am afraid that Catherine will not be in the same mood to express her bad mood here, right?

It is rare that Catherine, who has become a young man, has released the depression in her heart, so she can speak cold words here without pressure at this time.

As for Catherine's hair, now Jenny, whose eyes shined brightly, used it to experiment... Well, in Jenny's opinion, Catherine's hair. It also seems to have very good research value...

And Lisa seemed to want Catherine's hair very much, she thought, "If we can knit a dress with hair, it must be a very interesting thing!"

The thing of knitting clothes with hair. I'm afraid only Lisa can think of it.

Catherine looked at her wig, and it was no problem.

In fact, this was originally Catherine's hair.

——After all her hair was removed, Jenny used a chainsaw inlaid with tempered carbon nanotube fiber material to "saw" it from the original hair.

But at least on the surface, Catherine still has hair.


Lily rarely ran to Catherine's office.

"Good morning, Lily. Why are you free today?"

Lily should be busy sorting out the photos brought back from China now, right? Why are you here now?

"Kate, let's take some photos!"

Lily looked expectant.

"Photo? Me? Now?"

Catherine was puzzled.

"Yeah, Kate, let's try it! It's rare for you to change your image!"


"Listen to Jenny. Your hair may grow very fast. If you don't hurry today, maybe I won't have a chance in a few days!"


It seems so.

Catherine's resilience is amazing. Although she has lost all her hair now, she might grow out all her hair again in less than a month.

"No! Resolutely don't!"

Bald head portrait or something. The most annoying!

From the fact that Catherine is still wearing a pair of big sunglasses, it can be seen how regretful Catherine is now...

"Kate, come on, this is also very beautiful~ Besides, you haven't dressed up with a bald head, I thought it was beautiful at the time! Why can't you try it now?"

"That's a movie, OK!"

In "Soul Reaction", there is indeed such a plot, but at that time Catherine used makeup to achieve the effect. This is completely different from what it is now...

Although it may only be a few days away, it turns out that Catherine will definitely have a hard time in these few days...

As it is now.

Wenqing has a price, and you need to be cautious...

Catherine told everyone with blood and tears that the so-called Wenqing Fan could not afford to hurt...

"Just once, I will never haunt you!"

Lily promised.


"Once! Really once! Kate!"

"No! Yes!"

"Just once, and I promise, I will only leave a photo for yourself, and I will burn all the other negatives!"

"Isn't it an example?"

"Not an example!"

With Lily's assurance, Catherine breathed a sigh of relief.


After getting the guarantee, Catherine had no choice but to do so.

Afterwards, Catherine and Lily went to Jenny's laboratory. Lily is going to use Jenny's laboratory to get some patterns on Catherine, so that it will be more "artistic."

Because what you think is what you get, Jenny wants to make some patterns. You can make any pattern on Catherine-even without makeup.

"It would be great if there is a portable one..."

Lily sighed on the machine.

"There are no portable ones, but temporary... yes."

Jenny had no interest in Catherine's bald image.

"But Kate, the bald head is really good for experimentation. Did you really not consider keeping it clean? If you keep it like this, your senses should be better when you control the cyber body, right?"

"No, absolutely not. I now find that when I don't have hair, I feel different when I sleep, and my scalp is chilly."

Catherine expressed dissatisfaction with this.

"Give you this."

Jenny took out a latex headgear and handed it to Catherine: "This is made according to your current size. It should be better when you sleep."

"...Is there no hole in the nose?"

Catherine looked left and right, and found the problem.

Jenny blushed, and then put her headgear back back: "Forgot..."

Catherine shrugged.

The bald head is the enemy of women.

Even if Catherine felt that she was not a pure woman. In Catherine's view, baldness is also an intolerable sin. Do you think you are Tony Oki, with a bald head, you can perfect Jay Chou's stick?

This is impossible……

Catherine lost her hair. Surprisingly, there is a unique sense of beauty, but because of this, it makes Catherine hate this image even more.

It is totally ugly and there are reasons for rejection. If this is the case, you will encounter nasty guys like Lily and Jenny who are instigating behind...

"Without the interference of hair, brain waves should be better for detection. If we can, we can even simplify the current controller. Well...Speaking of which, we can control the cyber body, so. Is there any way to control anything else? What about the human body?"

Catherine seemed to be thinking something.

"Control someone else's body?"

This one is slightly... powerful.


Jenny nodded.

"The EEG broadcast that Leonard studied. I heard that a middle-aged scientist has been locked in. This person seems to be able to hear EEG broadcasts. In my opinion, if such EEG broadcasts are really possible, why do we Is it not possible to directly control the human body through brain waves? It stands to reason that this is not impossible..."

Catherine's eyes immediately lit up: "Is this really possible?"

In Catherine's mind, the "Yuri" who had the ability to control the mind appeared in the red alert. If you really did what Jenny said, did you get the same ability as the Yuri in there?

"Yes, it's not wrong. Although it may be troublesome to control others, the body receives signals from brain waves. Theoretically... this is not a problem..."

In other words, if you have Yuri's ability, will you become a "female Yuri"?

But Catherine didn't want to be bombarded by the whole world... Catherine shuddered, and then Catherine discovered a very important thing.

"Does this have anything to do with my shaved head?"

Jenny didn’t say but took out the latest "Red Alert: Yuri’s Revenge" released by Catherine’s Blizzard: "I played your new game, and I have such a mind control ability. Yes, aren’t they all bald?"


Uh... maybe you can think about s Yuri?

Catherine looked at the only conscience in the bald world.

But then Catherine gritted her teeth.

"If I run into someone named Yuri Marin in the future, I must turn such a guy into a fake mother! Real mother! Damn it!"

Well, this is Catherine's grievance...


The second one today.

There are four more! (To be continued)

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