Blue and White Society

Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005 – Unfathomable Growth

Chapter 1005 Unfathomable Growth

About absolute hit, in a word, it is ‘shooting’.

It is actually a very simple feature, that is, loosen the contact object and apply force to it as a whole, and it will definitely hit. As for the landing point, it is subjectively determined by Mo Poor.

Contact or not, the sunset bow has perfectly made up for it, allowing Mo Poor to shoot arrows with arrows, and things that are far away can also be shot in the air.

’Force’, needless to say, is not limited to physical force, any execution force is fine, which determines how big, how many, and how heavy he can shoot things, as well as their flying speed.

Many contained objects allow Mo Poor to manipulate them, such as the laws of the Xiuxian universe, which can manipulate energy in a peculiar way. For example, the sweet force field is also a strange execution force that moves the air wall.

Finally, the ‘drop point’ is linked to Mo Poor’s subjective cognition.

Access points With his cognition, the details can be enriched.

Something like ‘position’ can be described from countless angles.

The place where Mo Poor shot at the beginning was just somewhere in his vision. Because he is just an ordinary person, he actually only determines the three-dimensional coordinates of the arrow’s landing point.

After mastering the sense of time and space, he can also determine the curvature of space-time where the arrow falls, which can create space-time distortion.

It’s as if Mo Poor used to decide how much the arrow would fall on the X axis, but after he could perceive the Y axis, he could decide where the arrow fell, and what the X and Y axes were.

After gaining the sense of microcosm, Mo Poor even has a ‘Z-axis’, which means he can determine the probability position of the arrow falling on a certain microcosmic particle.

The probability position is not an exact position, but a range. In mathematics, it is not a certain value, but a wave function.

That is, the arrow hits the point on the left and the point on the right at the same time…and also hits the above point and the bottom point at the same time…

In short, the arrow can hit every point on the wave function, that is, ‘a cloud’.

There is no order, it means that 1 is hit, 2 is hit, and 3 is hit…

It is precisely because of this that Mo Poor has the current wave shooting method and cloud shooting method, which can hit a range at the same time and shoot away objects within a range at the same time.

Mo Poor doesn’t need to see all the pieces on the landing point, he only needs to see a part, and the rest can be ‘calculated’.

That is to say, he can use his mathematical ability to determine the range of his fall.

Mo was so poor that he was finally able to shoot the arrow to a place that he hadn’t “seen” exactly, so that a large area of landing points calculated by the mathematical formula was “hit by the cloud” at the same time.

The initial space-time coordinate drop point is only the foundation, and later there is the depth of space-time gravity, and now it can even determine the fluctuation coefficient.

Following this trend, Mo Poor realized that theoretically, if he could perceive the time axis, then he could shoot the arrow at the time point he decided.

The more ‘axes’ he recognizes, the more objectively the parameters of the arrow’s landing point will be.

Unfortunately, there is no time axis in the world. The Polo song back then deleted all redundant settings about time and strictly prohibited it from being designed.

Among the nine senses, there is no sense of time, only the sense of time and space. Time and space are an inseparable whole.

However, there is no possibility of information being impossible. In theory, as many ‘axes’ as Mo Poor knows, the details of the arrow’s landing point can be as much.

So objectively, how many unknown axes there are depends on how the information is determined.

And the unknown is infinite…

After Mo Poor realized this essence, he found that he could make a subjective decision, a certain axis, or several axes, and leave the other axes to the universe. Or give it all to the universe or to yourself.

“What about information depth?”

Mo Poor had a vague idea in his mind.

If even the depth of information can be determined as an axis, then its own characteristics can actually be called ‘no depth’.

No depth, theoretically possible.

Information contains countless possibilities. The possible is the impossible, the impossible is the possible, and the two are two sides of the state of things.

Sanqing said that the so-called depth of information was actually designed by the Supreme Heavenly Ghost.

Because of his logic, there is also the darkness of logic. In his logic, he believes that only this method can solve the problem of contradictions.

All life, compared with [information] itself, is an ant and the wisdom of mortals.

The information itself actually contains endless dark logic and endless unknown ontology.

It’s just that in this interface, with the logic of the highest heavenly ghost, it is determined that the information is in the current state.

Because he is the original observer of this interface.

Besides the interface, what kind of information is like is dark logic, and the highest ghost can’t describe it.

So of course there can be an absolute property that has no depth of information.

It can be expanded endlessly, applied endlessly, and grown endlessly.

It all depends on how much Mo Poor turns the unknown into the known.

“The information that I absolutely hit, so far there is no existence that can be observed, as if I don’t have this feature at all.”

“Maybe it’s not because I have information shielding, but this feature is determined by [information] as a whole. It is not recorded anywhere on this interface, let alone recorded on me. Naturally, it cannot be observed.”

“It doesn’t exist in the information logic of this interface at all…I’m just a surface point in the endless unknown information, just right in this interface.”

Thinking about it, Mo Poor shook his head and smiled. Even though it was possible, he thought it was ridiculous.

At this moment, even the Zergs don’t know how to deal with him.

He even narcissistically believes that his own characteristics have no depth.

“Now that I have root perception, I can try to see if I can determine the information depth of the contained object.”

Mo Poor thought, the launch of the star has ended.

At this moment, the one hundred thousand three-eyed people have already eaten a lot, and each has millions of stellar energy, and this is only the basic disk.

This kind of quantitative growth can continue forever, but Mo Poor still has too much to do. When technology develops the time-space leap engine, the three-eyed people can go to improve themselves in the vast universe.

At the end of the day, although the people on Earth were eye-opening, they didn’t understand why the orderers came here to pretend to be coercive?

But soon, they understood.

I saw that the three-eyed people began to create materials one by one.

Their bodies are mass-energy converters, which can turn matter into light and convert energy into any material.

As long as they have rich knowledge and cooperate with their sense of microcosm, they can make any material.

For a while, all kinds of picometer-level, Fermi-level, and even Ami-level supermaterials were manufactured by the three-eyed family.

These people have been carefully selected, each with rich knowledge, and they will write down the knowledge of the Apocalypse.

Apocalypse spacecraft know the principle, but can’t make all kinds of super materials, because they know their structure and data, and then secrete them directly from the body!

Liquid white dwarf matter, stable neutron star armor plate, super-electromagnetic force-resistant building materials…

Just like you don’t want money, spray crazy from all three-eyed people!

Like a fountain, countless precious, rare, difficult-to-manufacture, and extremely high-cost top materials will soon spread all over space, floating in front of human beings like dust.

People didn’t react at first, and then turned pale with fright, and after the horror, ecstasy followed.

Human beings now have technology, talent, rapid technological development, and explosive transformation of society, but it still takes a long time to chase the peak of Apocalypse’s technology.

The main reason is that materials cannot be created overnight.

It is impossible to directly turn technology into real objects!

When China was lagging behind, even though countless foreign students learned technology, they couldn’t immediately improve their technological strength because the industrial base was too poor.

Even if you have aircraft technology, what’s the use if you can’t even make high-precision screws.

This is also the case for people on Earth now. Even if they are changing with each passing day, it is absolutely impossible for them to soar from human technology to the level of apocalypse within a few months.

“But the existence of the three-eyed family makes up for this, and greatly shortens the time for our industrial upgrading.” Adams said.

With the materials, some high-level equipment can be built directly, just process it against the design drawing.

And higher-level equipment can be made to make more complex and compact objects.

Repeatedly, now from the picometer level to the apocalypse level, all materials of different levels on the halfway road can be directly delivered by the three-eyed family.

This greatly saves time, and it is possible to reach the apocalypse-level technology in a month.

Mo Poor smiled and said, “You should be able to directly secrete adult weapons and equipment, right?”

Adams nodded, and after a moment of silence, his body became darker, and a giant starship was slowly expelled from his stomach!

The equipment and weapons above, as well as the energy engine, are all products of Level 5 technology.

Of course, the discharge was very slow. It took more than four hours from the point of emergence to the overall production.

In the past four hours, the other three-eyed people have created a stardust track in space made of countless precious materials!

More than 1.3 billion kilometers in length and width…The combined mass is larger than the sun…

It is simply a vein of super material, just waiting for humans to pick it up in spaceships…

(end of this chapter)

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