Blue and White Society

Chapter 1006

Chapter 1006 – Feature Upgrade

Chapter 1006 Feature Upgrade

Three-eyed family is the omnipotent technology production line.

Doll self-propelled factory…

With data and knowledge, production can be secreted.

All kinds of materials, equipment, and even spaceships can be delivered.

Of course, the greater the intensity, the more complex the structure, the more nuanced the object, the more difficult it is to deliver, and the speed of human thinking is limited, and the mental strength is limited.

After absorbing the energy of millions of stars and being strengthened in all aspects, most of the three-eyed tribes can’t make ultra-complex five-level spaceships.

Or manufacturing is too slow, it takes hundreds of days.

Adams, as a god, after becoming a three-eyed clan, he continuously digested the energy under his jurisdiction, which strengthened it to the level of tens of billions of stars, and then he was able to build a fifth-level spaceship within four hours.

In general, it is simpler to directly produce materials.

With the materials, people can use the power of the group, plus the assistance of various supercomputers, to manufacture five-level spaceships, and even the flagship of the apocalypse.

This speed is actually much faster than the three-eyed family who produce top-level technological products by themselves.

So after Adams tried it, he still chose to produce materials in large quantities, and then let humans make them by themselves.

It is estimated that the three-eyed family probably reaches the level of hundreds of billions of stars, and they can build a fifth-level spaceship in an instant.

But in any case, humans have had fun.

“My God! Neutron star material, piled up!”

“Stable and specialized white dwarf matter, just like the ocean.”

“Countless exotic atomic materials can circle the sun thirty times!”

“All the materials we need are here!”

Human beings looked at the long river of stardust in shock. From the perspective of the earth, this stardust is more conspicuous than the Milky Way.

Orderers thought they were developing too slowly and gave them resources.

Although this will destroy the market economy, under today’s military control, society will not collapse.

On the contrary, the benefits of mining top-level materials from this super material vein are self-evident and self-evident.

”Human beings should become stronger as soon as possible, an enemy that cannot be defeated is about to appear.”

“We will always stay here, waiting for Him.”

The three-eyed people said, and then flew to the newly created moon, as if they planned to live forever.

They were originally human beings and members of the society, and they took this opportunity to integrate into the earth society.

Let humans get used to their existence to facilitate future operations.

Humans have no opinion on this.

The power of the Orderer gave them a sense of security.

“Mo Poor, is this okay? Human beings will depend on us.”

Back to Earth, David said.

Mo Poor smiled and said, “So what if you don’t rely on it? We don’t have time.”

“Where’s Lord Gou?”

David said: “Master Gou was married yesterday, and today he has become a three-eyed family, and he is digesting the energy governed by his identity as a god.”

Mo Qiong was taken aback, he seemed to have missed something.

“I missed Lord Gou’s wedding?”

“No, no, he said the wedding would not happen without you,” David said.

Mo Poor smiled, he couldn’t attend anyone’s wedding, but he didn’t expect that because of this, Lord Gou would not hold the wedding directly.

There are not many peaceful times. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have another chance.

Squinting his eyes, Mo Poor looked in one direction, and there was a super high-energy reaction in that direction.

There is a three-eyed family whose energy is soaring at an incredible speed.

There is no doubt that it is Lord Gou.

There is no one **** who governs as much energy as him, which is a quarter of the universe.

As long as all these energies are transformed, Lord Gou’s strength will reach an incredible level!

Of course it is physical.

“David, I feel your spiritual resistance, it’s really strong.” Mo Poor stared at David and said suddenly.

“Really? But it’s far from fearing everyone.” David shrugged.

Mo Qiong quietly felt David’s characteristics.

This is the open perception of the mother universe, which is ineffective at times and very mixed. He is also blessed to the heart, and he suddenly felt the resistance of his heart when he was around David.

It’s like when Gaia fought against Gaia at sea, Gaia suddenly felt the absolute characteristics of ‘chicken’.

In general, some useless information is sensed, such as mass, such as the number of molecules, such as coordinates, such as elemental composition, etc…

“Follow me to find all living beings are afraid.” Mo Poor said.

“Huh? Yes…” David was taken aback, but still nodded in response.

Mo Qiong, David, and Adams, the three of them soon came to the Naer universe.

All living beings are afraid, and was placed in this early universe, under the care of Adams’ clone Nar.

Now both of them are three-eyed people. Facing the violent cosmic environment, David can be protected by consuming some energy at most.

“Mo Poor, what are you going to do?” Adams asked.

As for David, he closed his eyes and didn’t look at it. In the eyes of people who have been infected, the fear of all beings is not a black ball, but the most terrifying thing in his heart.

Mo Poor stared at all beings in front of him in fear, and with a wave of his hand, shot them back to the mother universe.

Root perception is only valid in the mother universe. Unless you eat golden apples, but Mo Poor doesn’t plan to eat golden apples yet.

Eating golden apples now, if you can’t solve the problem of death in seven days, then it is tantamount to dying, and you will not be able to participate in future disasters.

So even if he knows that eating golden apples can turn him into a tamperer of information, Mo Poor is now thinking about how to deal with various omega-containing objects such as entropy beasts without eating golden apples.

If you don’t eat golden apples, you can only rely on the information opening of the mother universe to perceive information.

The sense of information is sometimes ineffective, but fortunately, after concentrating for a period of time, there is still a high chance of feeling the information of the contained object.

As for obtaining characteristics, that is truly purely random, there is no law at all.

Mo Poor feared all living beings and sent them back to the mother universe, then began to sit cross-legged outside its range, focusing on perceiving its information.

“Mass 4.5kg…not this.”

“Range inflated? Not this…”

Mo Poor silently feels the infinite number of information points, looking for the most critical information that belongs to absolute characteristics.

Adams and David guarded silently while communicating secretly.

“Is he sensing information?” David said.

“Definitely,” Adams said.

“However, all living beings are afraid. Kelong has already perceived it before, and the perception of the Golden Apple is more direct. Its characteristics have been read, so why do you want to perceive it?” David said.

“I don’t know, but Mo Poor must have a purpose for doing this.” Adams said.

The two waited for more than a day. After nearly thirty hours, Mo Poor suddenly moved and slapped David.

David swayed, and was directly shot into the range of the black ball by Mo Poor! In the shroud of a characteristic that everyone fears!

“What!” Adams was shocked. David is known as the strongest spiritual resister. He is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid of all beings.

His only spiritual flaw was implanted in him by the fear of all beings.

At this moment, Mo Poor actually shot David into the range of the black ball with his palm. Although this would not allow David to be implanted again, the black ball itself would become the most terrifying object in David’s eyes.

David is afraid at the moment…

“Ahhh!” David yelled in horror, while looking at Mo Poor in puzzlement, “What are you doing?”

Mo Poor smiled, very happily.

David felt that he deserved a beating!

At the same time, Adams was shocked: “David!”

David replied: “Hey, Adams, what kind of president is he! Knowing that I am afraid of everyone, he threw me in! Look at him still laughing!”

Mo Poor smiled even happier at this.

David took a deep breath and said, “Forget it, what’s the intention, can you tell me?”

As he spoke, he himself seemed to feel something was wrong.

Seeing Adams looking at him in surprise, David was shocked, and suddenly turned his head to stare at the extremely hideous black ball in front of his eyes.

Yes, the black ball turned into the scariest thing in his heart, but…but he was not scared away!

“David! You have resisted and everyone is afraid!” Adams said in a daze.

David also realized naturally that he did resist that kind of fear. In the past, he would scare away like crazy.

Now, he can look directly at the greatest horror, and even think and speak normally.

The reason why he yelled in horror before was not because of his characteristics, but because he was suddenly thrown under the black ball, and then David himself gave himself a big jump.

“I’m not afraid of it anymore!”

David punched the black ball and said ventingly.

Then he looked back at the laughing Mo Poor, puzzled and said, “Mo Poor! What are you doing, I won’t be afraid of him anymore!”

Adams stared at Mo Poor in disbelief, and Mo Poor actually cracked the truth that all beings are afraid!

I saw Mo Qiong smiled and said: “David, I have shot the depth of your information to the level that all living beings are afraid of.”

“What!” David and Adams were dumbfounded.

The two looked at Mo Poor in disbelief, their six eyeballs almost popping out.

p.s: Sorry. Four chapters today.

(end of this chapter)

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