Blue and White Society

Chapter 105

Chapter 105 – Containment Awareness

Chapter 105 Containment Awareness

No one has informed him of what project Mo Poor is going to cooperate with.

According to Lao Wang, if he is not notified, he is fine. Let him move freely, and he will be notified when the project is ready.

After breakfast, everyone dispersed, and Mo Poor wandered to the library alone.

He uses the bracelet, and he can borrow three books here, or he can sit here and read casually.

Mo Poor searched around, and found that this is an ordinary library for people to read and study, and there are no secret materials.

After thinking for a while, he walked into the next classroom.

In the classroom, a muscular man was sitting in front of the electronic blackboard, holding a book and reading.

When Mo Qiong saw the title of the book, he was speechless: “The Legend of Condor Heroes”.

The problem is that this is still a foreigner, but he is watching it with gusto.

Mo Poor looked around the classroom, but there was no one else, so he found a seat in the middle.

Although the foreigner kept his eyes on the book, he still knew that he had come in. Now he put down the book and stood up and said, “You are here, Mo Poor. I thought you would not come in two days.”

“You know me?” Mo Poor asked, he found that the foreigner’s Chinese was slippery.

“My name is Andreevich. You can call me Lao An. I definitely want to read your information. I remember that you came here yesterday. I thought you had to get used to it for a few days. I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to come to class now.” .” The strong man grinned.

Mo Poor said: “Idle is idle, I’ve been staying for a whole day, and there is no sign of any research projects that were agreed upon.”

Old An smiled and said, “How can it be so fast, the doctors are very busy, I guess I will have time to take care of you next month.”

Mo Poor was taken aback for a moment, he still has to queue up to cooperate with the research?

Lao An seemed to see his doubts, and said: “Restrictors will not directly participate in the test when they first come, unless your situation is very urgent. There are too many things to study here, and people like you will not affect your daily life at all. The effect of life, let’s wait for the back, too many events are more urgent, doctors have more urgent things to consider, some even concern thousands of lives, manpower is limited.”

“I see.” Mo Qiong understood.

After contacting some restricted people, Mo Poor found that he was really the only one who did not affect his daily life.

His diving ability is only useful in the water, and he still can’t drown, and there is no active, diffuse, or distorting influence.

In comparison, the only bad effect caused by wood carving is that the actress still has nightmares every day.

Being able to sleep and have nightmares is better than sleeping one year older, right?

Compared with the horrible smog, the wood carving is simply too gentle.

This is still a containment that derives from the Restrictor. In addition, there must be some particularly dangerous containment that needs to be understood.

The urgency of the Deep Diver effect is almost out of the question.

“So gentle, doesn’t this just prove that the deep diver effect is especially applicable to humans? Let people touch wood carvings, and humans are equivalent to conquering the sea.” Mo Poor said.

Old An laughed, shook his head and said: “You are wrong, if we all had such thoughts, human beings would have ended long ago.”

Mo Poor nodded and said: “I know that deep divers will be constantly entangled in nightmares, but this can be regarded as the price of conquering the sea. A small number of determined people will definitely be willing to be such deep divers.”

Old An shook his head and said: “It’s not just a nightmare, you underestimate the contents, do you know? There are D-class personnel with deep diver effects, but they were killed by water pressure.”

“What?” Mo Qiong was taken aback.

“The applicable depth of the deep diver effect is related to the depth experienced in nightmares. If you dive to a depth of 1,000 meters in a nightmare, you can dive to a depth of 1,000 meters in reality. The latent effect will disappear suddenly, and people will die immediately.” Lao An said.

Mo Poor’s eyes widened. If you don’t try this kind of thing, you won’t know it. Someone must have died like this before everyone can figure out why it died.

Lao An continued: “If we get α-531 and think that humans can use it to conquer the ocean, then I don’t know how many people will die. But now, this hazard is tested by D-class personnel with their lives, and we know it There is such a danger.”

“Indeed, if you don’t know, diving to a depth that you have never dreamed of is tantamount to death. But since you have tried it, you just need to record the depth, and the nightmare is constantly happening, and the depth is constantly changing. Increase, after exceeding the depth of the earth’s oceans, isn’t it possible to roam freely in the sea?” Mo Poor said.

Old An smiled and said, “Are you sure it doesn’t cause any other harm?”

“…” Mo Poor was speechless and suddenly woke up.

“I understand…the nature of the contained objects is good or bad. No one knows how many hidden dangers they have. Under their seemingly beneficial effects on human beings, there may be hidden dangers that are unknown?” Mo Poor Said.

Old An smiled and said, “I didn’t expect you to figure it out by yourself. That’s right, the greatest understanding of human beings about contained objects is our ignorance of them.”

“All peripheral personnel, including official members, must have a sense of containment. When I give lessons to those of you who are willing to become peripheral personnel, I often correct a thought: to discover power beyond common sense, and always think about what is good for yourself. “

Mo Poor was taken aback for a moment, indeed, who wouldn’t think so?

Although the effects of the contained objects are weird, they are also very powerful. Except for those that are particularly tricky, many of them can be directly understood as superpowers.

Lao An smiled and said: “Many people have this kind of thinking. Throughout the ages, I don’t know how much impact and trauma it has brought to the world.”

“Why are containment objects called containment objects? They are unnatural products of the world. We cannot use common sense to understand them. They have too many unknowns and contain many hidden dangers. Without them, human beings can still move forward, because We can also summarize the laws of nature. But with them, we have to identify its characteristics, suppress its hazards, and use a lot of energy, manpower, and material resources to prepare corresponding containment measures.”

“When you discover a containment object, you must first consider what harm the containment object has, whether it will bring disaster to human beings, and whether it has any hidden dangers? Can its power really benefit mankind? Instead of thinking about how to use the containment object to seem Favorable properties.”

”If this thought is not corrected, one cannot become a peripheral employee. To become an official employee, one must have a firmer sense of containment.”

“Contain abnormalities, control hazards, and protect human beings. Even if it is used, it will not be popularized to all human beings, but only used in special cases, and the contained objects are restricted by the contained objects.”

Mo Poor took a deep breath and thought a lot for a while.

This is indeed an ideological problem. The containment is not the imaginary Taoism magic, nor the imaginary superpower. They are fundamentally different.

Only by insisting on such an attitude can we guarantee that the use of containment objects that are beneficial to human beings will not bring catastrophic consequences.

Contain first, find hazards first, and can’t stop even if you find one, there are too many unknown factors.

Exploring it is just to avoid disasters, it cannot become a sustainable development path for human beings.

“Is there no containment that is completely beneficial to human beings?” Mo Poor asked.

“Yes, but too few, and it takes time to test everything, and it takes a long time to explore to confirm. We can’t treat other contained objects lightly just because a few contained objects are more friendly. Such a lesson, after our founding society In the beginning, I suffered a lot. Control, the key is control, if we can’t guarantee controllability, we would rather not use it.” Lao An said.

Mo Poor looked at him, thinking to himself, his absolute hit appeared out of nowhere, and in terms of nature, he himself was a containment object.

All along, he has tried his best to control his abilities, only known can he be controllable. He studied the ability of exploration, but he was also afraid that he would cause some big trouble by shooting randomly.

It’s just that he only takes care of himself, while the Blue and White Society takes care of all the contained items.

“Before you said that the containment has existed since ancient times, and it has brought great impact and trauma to the world? Do you have the kind of containment that can overturn the entire world?” Mo Poor asked, he wanted to know, Yi Lan Based on Baishe’s experience, how strong the containment can be.

Lao An was taken aback for a moment, no limiter has ever asked this question.

He smiled wryly: “There are more than 50 contained objects that can destroy all human beings. You must know that the contained objects subvert the laws. With human wisdom, even nuclear bombs can destroy themselves, let alone the contained objects.”

“There are ten of them, and they can destroy the entire human race by themselves. Some of them don’t even have good containment measures. We can only say that until now, human beings are still safe.”

“What…” Mo Poor suddenly stood up, he could hear what Lao An was saying, that the human world may be destroyed at any time due to an out-of-control containment.

“You don’t have to ask so many questions. The more people know about some containment objects, the more terrifying they become. Even I only know a little bit, but I don’t know the details. For containment objects of the world-destroying level, I have seen the processed materials. , just two.” Lao An said.

Obviously, he couldn’t tell Mo Poor everything, and he only knew two things.

“I tell you this because I hope you can become a peripheral personnel and join the containment business. Of course, you can refuse. If you don’t want to, you can go home after you lift the restrictions. You will be our work monitor. One of the objects.”

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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