Blue and White Society

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 – Global Partner

Chapter 106 Global Partners

For the next day, Mo Poor spent his time learning about the situation of the Lanbai Society.

Lao An is an official employee, and now he is here to guide the limiters, which is his ‘vacation’ job.

He is responsible for teaching the code of conduct that the peripheral staff need to remember. These are not complicated, and basically Mo Poor knows the same from Zhang Wei and the others.

However, Lao An explained in more detail, explaining all the details of the rules and why they did so clearly.

For example, he told Mo Poor that when peripheral personnel encounter trouble, they should not try to solve it by themselves, but seek legal channels first. If not, they can contact the nearby office for help.

All over the world, Lanbai Society has industries, forming a huge economic chain.

Ninety percent of the world’s top charitable funds are managed by the Blue and White Society, which is to facilitate the handling of the damage caused by the containment in various places, and to deal with the aftermath of those places that suffered the impact of the containment incident.

Of course, when there is no need for containment, these funds can operate as they should, and they can do what they want to be charitable.

It is just to facilitate them to have a convenient name and procedures when they rescue the affected people.

In addition, Lanbaishe also has a large number of industries, investment companies, media and lawyers.

Firms all over the place, involving all walks of life, are a major source of income for the Blue and White Society, and they are also their eyes and ears to find the contained objects as soon as possible.

Of course, no peripheral personnel will know all of these institutions, and they will even know a very small part, because they don’t know each other, and sometimes one will report the abnormality of another peripheral personnel.

“If you are also a peripheral person, you can seek assistance from these organizations, right?” Mo Poor said.

“Yes, I will ask for help when reporting, and the superiors will arrange it. But the reward is essential.” Lao An said.

“What? Want more money?” Mo Poor was taken aback.

Old An laughed and said, “If we don’t need money, our capital chain would have collapsed long ago…”

“Don’t worry, if there are discounts, it’s okay to book first, and some things that can’t be discussed with ordinary offices, you can safely tell the outside staff. In addition, there are some minor tasks that don’t cost money.”

He gave an example and Mo Poor understood.

For example, a smoker, if he becomes a peripheral member from a restrictor. Because of some things in life, he angered a rich second generation, was beaten up, humiliated in public, or suffered a large financial loss.

Then what should he do?

If he hadn’t been incorporated into the Blue and White Society, then as a superman who can **** people to death, he is likely to retaliate on his own, an eye for an eye for an eye.

But this is not allowed, but since the Blue and White Society does not allow him to do this, he has to give him another way, otherwise life may still force him to do that.

Lanbaishe has the best team of lawyers to help deal with it, and there will be no powerful people who can put pressure on them.

In the end, their compensation will come from the compensation they want to win the lawsuit.

“What if it fails?” Mo Poor said sharply.

Lao An smiled and said: “Impossible, unless it is the problem of the peripheral personnel themselves, then we will not care about it. Otherwise, we will definitely get the most fair result, otherwise the legal way will not work, isn’t it just forcing those who have abnormalities Are people messing around?”

Mo Poor nodded, the Blue and White Society does not interfere with the judiciary, and they can get the most fair result by following the normal path.

Those who have the ability to break the rules, obeying the rules is a good thing. If it is unfair, it means that the order has abandoned them and forced them to leave the order.

The Lanbai Club, which cooperates with the global shelter, restrains the anomalous. It is impossible to be played by any tricks, because stability and order are what everyone wants to see.

“What if it’s something that the law can’t control? For example, the other party targets peripheral personnel everywhere, but it doesn’t violate the law.” Mo Poor said.

Lao An laughed and said: “That’s even easier. We just need to talk to the father of the rich second generation. If he is not sensible, just talk to his father’s backer. Whoever is at fault will be responsible. One phone call There is no need to spend any money.”

“Don’t worry, there are no such stupid people. Generally, you just need to find someone with a corresponding social status to come forward and say something.”

“Don’t you understand? The key is order. When people play business wars with you, you play business wars with them. If they play with you, you play with them. If they reason with you, you reason with them.” , People don’t make sense…you just talk to people’s father…understand? Everything must not get out of control.”

Mo Qiong understands that the Lanbai Society cannot bully others, and at the same time, it is impossible to be bullied. No one is stupid. If there are fools, there will be people who are not stupid.

The work of the Blue and White Society cannot be lost. It is the Blue and White Society and all countries that guarantee the orderly operation of everything. Lao An said it cryptically, but the word “father” in his mouth should be extended to the highest level if necessary, but it is definitely not necessary.

Usually, a favor from outside personnel like Che Yun can basically relieve the pressure in the lives of many abnormal people.

“Why do countries allow things like storage to be managed by you? Why don’t they keep them?” Mo Poor was still puzzled.

Lao An said: “It used to be like that, but after experiencing many tragic out-of-control incidents, everyone understands that the containment objects cannot be held by countries, because I have you, everyone has it, and in the end there are containment battles again and again. “

”The storage must be managed in a unified manner, and it cannot be scattered among countries that are already in a complex competitive relationship, otherwise it will only drag mankind into the abyss.”

“It’s no more than a nuclear bomb. Sometimes the contents will get out of control by themselves. It’s not just an agreement that everyone doesn’t use it.”

“And even if it is managed in a unified manner, it cannot be centralized in the hands of any one country. None of them will be recognized, but everyone does not have it. Therefore, it must be handed over to a special handling incident, only responsible for all supernatural things, and for their information. An organization that is open, does not involve any politics, and has firm beliefs.”

Mo Poor asked in surprise: “This organization is the Lanbai Club?”

“Rather than trusting any country, including myself, it is better to believe in the Blue and White Society. This is the trust that the Blue and White Society has earned through more than a century of hard work and persistence.” Lao An said proudly.

“It turned out to be… trusting this kind of thing.” Mo Poor thought.

Old An smiled and said: “Well, trust is one aspect, and another aspect is that countries really have no other way. If the containment area was not unified as soon as possible at that time, the result now is the extinction of mankind.”

“I said before that I can destroy the ten contained objects of human beings. Now we are a force that unites the world to suppress it. But at that time, it was in the hands of ten countries, and even those ten countries had high national power. Low…can you imagine the situation?”

“Unity is the only choice. With more and more storage items, everyone must treat human survival rationally. Therefore, after careful discussions, one day at the end of the last century, the Blue and White Society was officially recognized and became a global partner.”

“Countries provide assistance, but do not hold containment items. The Blue and White Society contains anomalies, but at a certain level, the information is disclosed. The Blue and White Society itself cannot be easily exposed to the public, in order to maintain a superficially normal and rational world without abnormalities. There are many Agreement, I won’t tell you, in short, the whole world is secretly united in a kind of order to jointly fight against the disordered and unreasonable containment power.”

Mo Poor nodded, and didn’t question anything. Judging from the results, time will tell everything.

He is more concerned about another thing: “I just want to know, can it be guaranteed that human beings will not be destroyed by contained objects?”

“Can you guarantee that the earth will not be hit by a meteorite in a year?” Lao An said.

Mo Poor frowned, suddenly depressed: “You said before that some containment measures have not been well contained, that is to say, everyone is actually standing on the edge of a cliff, and may fall into the abyss at any time?”

“Can you bear it?”

Old An twisted his neck and said: “If you do it, there will be hope. If you don’t do it, you will definitely die. We can only do our best. So far, everything is still under control.”

“Maybe one day in the future, the worst result will happen, but before that, the Blue and White Society will not stop working hard.”

(end of this chapter)

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